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Browser developer tools were a
mix of bookmarklets, debuggers,
extensions & duct-tape.
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We’re building increasingly ambitious
web-apps with a focus on mobile,
performance and better UX.
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Chrome 48 & 49+
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72% of mobile users say it’s
important that websites are
mobile-friendly. 96% have
visited a site that isn’t
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Device Mode 1.0
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Device Mode 2.0
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Navigation bar
above viewport
Device Pixel
Switch between
Responsive mode
and Devices
Toggle between
Mobile & Desktop
Show CSS Media
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Device chrome for
some devices
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Shift + Hover to trigger
Green is the parent
Red is the child
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Custom Object Formatters
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Control how the value
of a JavaScript object
appears in Chrome's
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Enable via DevTools Settings
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First, we realised the Console panel is
used pretty frequently. So, it’s now the
2nd tab, right after Elements.
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Next, we wanted to give you the flexibility
to rearrange tabs (using drag-and-drop)
to suit your workflow. Now supported!
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A new main menu greatly simplifies the
toolbar. Access docking, remote
debugging, rendering settings & more.
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A new overflow menu provides access to
panels you don’t always need in the
drawer. Close and re-open them as
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Earlier this year, we enabled syntax
highlighting in Console too. ES2015
code looks so much better there now.
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We need a better way to frame the
performance conversation.
Something that quantifies each stage
of the user experience.
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< 100ms
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< 16.67ms
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< 50ms
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< 1000ms
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Let’s first look at new ways to help
with Load profiling in the Network
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Network: Filmstrip
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Visualise the progression
of content being loaded
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Good for optimising first
meaningful paint & priority
content being loaded
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Network: Throttling
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Simulate slow network
connections your users are
likely to experience on mobile.
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Before you marry a person
you should first make them
use a computer with slow
Internet to see who they
really are.
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Network: Custom network throttling
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Settings > Throttling
Add your own custom profiles for
simulating slow connections
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Network: Block requests
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1. about:flags -> Enable DevTools Experiments
2. Relaunch Chrome
3. Open DevTools > Settings > Experiments
4. Hit Shift 6 times
Enable Hidden Experiments
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Unsure if requests from a URL
or domain are slowing you
down? You can block them.
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Case Study:
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3G: First meaningful paint
occurs ~ 9s in
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3G: Web fonts start getting
applied ~ 22s in
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There are a ton of Web fonts
in this page. All needed?
* used the WhatFont extension to inspect
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~340 network requests.
Majority = 3rd party widgets & ads.
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What’s the performance
impact of these on the page?
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What’s the performance
impact of these on the page?
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3G: First meaningful paint
now ~ 5.6s in
* this was a quick test and may not be indicative of the
real possible gains. They’re likely nuanced :)
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Timeline: long frame times
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Long frame times indicate the
presence of jank in your page.
Watch out for the red triangles.
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Timeline: Filmstrip
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Screenshots for visualising
content being rendered are
also now available.
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Timeline: Aggregated Details
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Focus on costly features by
domain, sub-domain or URL.
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Super useful for attributing
slow-down to third party
scripts & embeds
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Case Study: HackerNews app
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Record a new Timeline profile
and scroll through the app.
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We’re seeing lots of red-
triangle indications of jank as
we scroll. Hmm.
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On scroll, new stories are
loaded in and a colorisation
effect is applied depending on
load ‘state’
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Here’s a piece of work blowing our
frame budget.
We can attribute part of it to this
colorizeAndScaleStories() function.
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Digging into the source, we’re
querying the DOM and making style
changes to *all* our story tiles
every time we scroll. Oops.
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Is this really necessary? Wouldn’t a
jank-free scrolling experience be
better? Let’s comment it out.
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A little more work to do, but the
overall experience is way smoother
than it was before.
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In the real-world, if you really
wanted to keep the effect schedule
this work more appropriately.
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Timeline: Paint Profiler
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Check 'Paint' for detailed paint
records. Selecting a paint record
gets you access to the Paint
Profiler for that frame.
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Rotate, zoom or drag layers to
explore their content. Hovering over
a layer reveals the current position
on the page. Right-click to jump to
the node in 'Elements'.
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Click the 'paint profiler' link to see
what got painted, how long it took
and see the individual paint calls.
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Animation Inspection
* Note this feature is behind an experiment atm.
Enable DevTools experiments in about:flags, relaunch & then turn this on via Settings > Experiments.
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Toggle animation controls from
Elements > Styles
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Visualise animations by DOM node
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Control playback speed
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Modify the duration of individual
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Play back the modified animation.
Awesome for testing tweaks before
updating your source.
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Cubic Bezier Editor
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DOM Animation Changes
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DOM & Styles ¬
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Elements: Colors & Palettes
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Eye Dropper tool
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Color palettes for the page, Material
Design palette & custom palette
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Elements: Search selectors
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Elements: Event Listeners
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Elements > Event Listeners allows
you to browse events registered on
any DOM node
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Elements: Framework Event Listeners
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View event listeners registered on
DOM nodes even if they’re using a
JavaScript framework.
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Elements: Edit HTML in Console
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console.timeStamp(‘Please be super fast, k?’);
Pro-tips have come a long way since..
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Sources: Inline variables
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Sources: Proactive Compilation
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Blackboxing JS libraries
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ES2015 Promises Inspector
* Note this feature is behind an experiment atm.
Enable DevTools experiments in about:flags, relaunch & then turn this on via Settings > Experiments.