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Զίϯ 2018 Summer muukii eureka, Inc. Q. Texture͸෦෼తʹಋೖͰ͖·͔͢ʁ

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☕ ⌚ About Me • Muukii • iOS Engineer at eureka, Inc. • Pairs Global Team • GitHub : @muukii

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1BJSTʹ͍ͭͯ !4

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4PVUI,PSFB Japan Taiwan No.1 2017 release No.1 !5 1BJSTʹ͍ͭͯ ల։ࠃ ̐ͭͷϓϥοτϑΥʔϜ CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: Not for Public Distribution - Do Not Copy

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Contents • Textureʹ͍ͭͯ • TextureΛ࢖͏ཧ༝ • Textureʹগ͠৮ΕΔ • TextureΛ෦෼తʹಋೖ͢Δ • TextureΛ࢖͍ͬͯ͘ʹ͋ͨͬͯ

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⚠ ࠓճ͸Textureͷ঺հ͕ςʔϚͰ͢ɻ ొ৔͢Δαϯϓϧίʔυ͸ਖ਼͘͠ಈ࡞͠·͕͢ɺଟগ؆ུԽ͍ͯ͠ΔͨΊέʔεʹ ΑͬͯϓϥΫςΟε͸ҟͳΔ৔߹͕͋Γ·͢ɻ

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• AsyncDisplayKitͱ͍͏໊લͰFacebookͰ։ൃ • PinterestʹҠಈ͠Textureʹվ໊ • PinterestͷiOSΞϓϦͰશ໘తʹ࢖༻͞Ε͍ͯΔɻ • Pinterestͷૉ੖Β͍͠ಈ͖͸TextureʹΑΔ΋ͷ Textureʹ͍ͭͯ

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iPhone5s iPhone X

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What is the Texture? Textureʹ͍ͭͯ • UIॲཧΛߴ଎ԽɾඇಉظԽ͢Δ͜ͱʹΑͬͯಈ͖Λ׈Β͔ʹ͢ΔϥΠϒϥϦ • ݹ͍୺຤Ͱ΋60fpsग़͢͜ͱ͕໨త • ⚠ ϨΠΞ΢τ͚ͩͷϥΠϒϥϦͰ͸ͳ͍ • UIKitΛશମతʹϥοϓͯ͠໨తΛ࣮ݱ͢ΔΞϓϩʔν • ެ։͞Εͨ࣌ͷهࣄ •

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Before UIKit Developer Textureʹ͍ͭͯ

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After UIKit Developer Textureʹ͍ͭͯ Texture

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NodeΛ௨ͯ͠UIΛૢ࡞͢Δ • ϥΠϒϥϦར༻ऀ͸UIKitΦϒδΣΫτΛૢ࡞͢ΔͷͰ͸ͳ͘ɺ
 ASDisplayNodeͱ͍͏ΦϒδΣΫτΛ௨ͯ͠UIΛૢ࡞͢Δɻ • ASDisplayNode͸όοΫάϥ΢ϯυεϨου͔Β΋ΞΫηεՄೳ • ASDisplayNode -> UIView΁ͷల։͸Texture͕ඇಉظͰߦ͏ • ల։͸MainThread͕UIૢ࡞Ͱ๩͚͠Ε͹ߋ৽ΛݟૹΔ • UIͷߋ৽Λࢭ·Βͳ͍Α͏ʹ͢ΔɾήʔϜΤϯδϯͬΆ͍ߟ͑ํ Textureʹ͍ͭͯ

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༷ʑͳߴ଎ԽॲཧΛ࣋ͭ • ՄೳͳݶΓόοΫάϥ΢ϯυεϨουͰॲཧΛߦ͏ • UIͷϨεϙϯε଎౓͕࠷େԽ • UILabel΍UIImageView͸࢖ΘΕͣʹView or Layer ʹ Render • λοϓ൑ఆͷඞཁͷͳ͍΋ͷ͸CALayerͱͯ͠දࣔͰ͖Δ (isLayerBacked) • όοΫάϥ΢ϯυͰϝϞϦղ์Λߦ͏Ωϡʔ (releaseʹ΋ίετ͕͔͔ΔͨΊ) • ϨΠΞ΢τͷαΠζܭࢉ͸όοΫάϥ΢ϯυͰฒߦͰ࣮ߦՄೳ • CPUίΞͷଟ͍୺຤΄Ͳ༗ར Textureʹ͍ͭͯ

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ASDisplayNode UIView Asynchronously

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Α͘࢖༻͢ΔΦϒδΣΫτ Core Objects

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UIViewʹ૬౰ ASDisplayNode : NSObject

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UIControlʹ૬౰ ASControlNode : ASDisplayNode

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UIButtonʹ૬౰ ASButtonNode : ASControlNode

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UILabelʹ૬౰ ASTextNode : ASDisplayNode

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UIImageViewʹ૬౰ ը૾ͷURLΛड͚෇͚ΔASNetworkImageNode΋͋Δ ASImageNode : ASDisplayNode

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UICollectionViewʹ૬౰ ASCollectionNode : ASDisplayNode

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UICollectionViewCellʹ૬౰ ASCollectionNodeͰ࢖༻͢ΔCell ASCellNode : ASDisplayNode

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UIKitͱTextureͷ࿈ܞ͸ൺֱత؆୯ • TextureΛ࢖͏͜ͱͰ׬શʹϩοΫΠϯ͞Εͯ͠·͏Θ͚Ͱ͸ͳ͍ • ؆୯ʹTexture͕ૢ࡞Λߦ͏UIView΁ΞΫηεՄೳ • ͦΕʹରͯ͠ΞχϝʔγϣϯΛߦ͏͜ͱ΋Մೳ • ߴ଎Խ͍ͨ͠෦෼ΛબΜͰTextureʹஔ͖׵͑Δ͜ͱ͕Մೳ Texture Overview

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UIKitͱTextureͷ࿈ܞ͸ൺֱత؆୯ • ͲͪΒ΋Մೳ (ৄࡉ͸ࠓճ͸ׂѪ) • TextureͷίϯϙʔωϯτΛAutoLayoutϫʔϧυͰར༻͢Δ • AutoLayoutϫʔϧυͷίϯϙʔωϯτΛTextureͰར༻͢Δ Texture Overview

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• ׈Β͔ʹಈ͘UIΛఏڙ͍͔ͨ͠Β • Ͱ͖Δ͚ͩυϩοϓϑϨʔϜΛىͨ͘͜͠ͳ͍ TextureΛ࢖͏ཧ༝

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AutoLayout͸࣌ʹϘτϧωοΫͱͳΔ AutoLayout ManualLayout TextureΛ࢖͏ཧ༝

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ͻͱ·ͣɺϘτϧωοΫ͕ϨΠΞ΢τͱ෼͔ͬͨͱ͖ͷରࡦ • AutoLayout ConstraintsΛνϡʔχϯά͢Δ • AutoLayoutΛ΍ΊΔ (෦෼తʹͰ΋) TextureΛ࢖͏ཧ༝

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• ׈Β͔ʹಈ͘UIΛఏڙ͍͔ͨ͠Β • ՄೳͳݶΓυϩοϓϑϨʔϜΛى͜͞ͳ͍ • UIύϑΥʔϚϯενϡʔχϯά͸َ໳ • ϝΠϯεϨουͷ੍໿͕͋ΔͷͰ͙͢ʹݶքʹ౸ୡ͢Δ • ߴ଎ & ϚϧνεϨουରԠͷΞϓϩʔν͕Ұ൪ڧྗ • Texture! TextureΛ࢖͏ཧ༝

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CellͷαΠζܭࢉΛ׬શʹࣗಈԽͭͭ͠ɺߴ଎ͳ·· • จࣈͷίϯςϯπ͸ΞΫηγϏϦςΟͳͲͷ؍఺ͰϢʔβʔʹΑΓจࣈαΠζ͕ม ߋͰ͖Δͷ͕๬·͍͠ UIFont.preferred~ • ࣮ݱํ๏ • AutoLayoutͰ࣮ݱ͢ΔͳΒ UIView.systemLayoutSizeFitting~ • ManualLayoutͳΒؤுΔ NSString.bounding~ • TextureͳΒ଎౓Λམͱ͢͜ͱͳ͘AutoLayoutͷΑ͏ʹαΠζܭࢉ͕Մೳ TextureΛ࢖͏ཧ༝

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TextureΛ࢖͏͜ͱͷݒ೦ • Textureͷίϯϙʔωϯτ͸InterfaceBuilder͔Β͸࢖͑ͳ͍ • ϥΠϒϥϦ΁ͷґଘ͕ൃੜ͢Δ͜ͱ • ϥΠηϯεؔ࿈ (FacebookͷϥΠηϯε͕·ͩ࢒ͬͯΔ) • ߴ଎ԽͷͨΊʹϝϞϦ͸ଟ͘࢖༻͢Δ

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Image Card

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Image Card Title

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Image Card Title Detail

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Define Component Class

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In UIKit Create Card View final class CardView : UIView { private let imageView: UIImageView = .init() private let titleLabel: UILabel = .init() private let detailLabel: UILabel = .init() }

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In Texture Create Card View final class CardNode : ASDisplayNode { }

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In Texture Create Card View final class CardNode : ASDisplayNode { private let imageNode: ASImageNode = .init() private let titleNode: ASTextNode = .init() private let detailNode: ASTextNode = .init() }

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Define init class CardNode init(image: UIImage, title: String, detail: String) { super.init() }

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Set initial values init(image: UIImage, title: String, detail: String) { super.init() automaticallyManagesSubnodes = true titleNode.attributedText = ... detailNode.attributedText = ... imageNode.image = ... } class CardNode

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Define Layout

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Define layout class CardNode override func layoutSpecThatFits(_ constrainedSize: ASSizeRange) -> ASLayoutSpec { }

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͜ΕΒΛ૊Έ߹ΘͤͯϨΠΞ΢τΛ࡞Γ্͛Δ ASLayoutSpec • ASWrapperLayoutSpec • ASStackLayoutSpec • ASInsetLayoutSpec • ASOverlayLayoutSpec • ASBackgroundLayoutSpec • ASCenterLayoutSpec • ASRatioLayoutSpec • ASRelativeLayoutSpec • ASAbsoluteLayoutSpec

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let imageSpec = ASRatioLayoutSpec(ratio: 1, child: imageNode) let body = ASStackLayoutSpec( direction: .vertical, spacing: 8, justifyContent: .end, alignItems: .start, children: [ imageSpec, titleNode, detailNode ] ) return ASInsetLayoutSpec( insets: .init(top: 8, left: 8, bottom: 8, right: 8), child: body )

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Image 1 : 1 Card let imageSpec = ASRatioLayoutSpec( ratio: 1, child: imageNode )

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Card Title Detail let body = ASStackLayoutSpec( direction: .vertical, spacing: 8, justifyContent: .end, alignItems: .start, children: [ imageSpec, titleNode, detailNode ] ) child: imageNode ) Image 1 : 1

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Image Card Title Detail return ASInsetLayoutSpec( insets: .init( top: 8, left: 8, bottom: 8, right: 8 ), child: body ) detailNode ] )

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Use Component

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Create Node Object Use Component let node = CardNode( image: UIImage(named: "sample")!, title: "Lorem Ipsum...", detail: "Lorem Ipsum..." ) addSubview(node.view)

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Calculate size that fits range ( Available in background thread ) node.frame.size = layout.size Use Component let layout = node.layoutThatFits( ASSizeRange( min: .init(width: 0.0, height: 250), max: .init(width: 240.0, height: .infinity) ) )

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ߴ଎Խ͍ͨ͠ͱ͜ΖʹTextureΛ࢖͏ TextureΛ෦෼తʹಋೖ͢Δ

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Ͳ͜ʹ࢖͏͔ TextureΛ෦෼తʹಋೖ͢Δ • ΋ͬͱ΋ޮՌతͳ෦෼͸
 ʮCellͷߴ͕͞มಈ͢ΔUITableView, UICollectionViewʯΛ࢖༻͍ͯ͠Δͱ͜Ζ

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UIViewController UIView UIView UICollectionView Cell Cell Cell ViewTree

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UIViewController CollectionNode CellNode ViewTree CellNode CellNode UIView UIView

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• ݱࡏUICollectionViewΛஔ͍͍ͯΔ৔ॴΛASCollectionNodeʹஔ͖׵͑Δ TextureΛ෦෼తʹಋೖ͢Δ

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Before UICollectionView -> ASCollectionNode class MyListViewController : UIViewController { let collectionView: UICollectionView = ... }

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After UICollectionView -> ASCollectionNode class MyListViewController : UIViewController { let collectionNode: ASCollectionNode = ... }

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Initialize ASCollectionNode UICollectionView -> ASCollectionNode let collectionNode: ASCollectionNode = { let layout = UICollectionViewFlowLayout() let node = ASCollectionNode(collectionViewLayout: layout) return node }()

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Add ASCollectionView of ASCollectionNode to view UICollectionView -> ASCollectionNode override func viewDidLoad() { let collectionView = collectionNode.view view.addSubview(collectionView) // Setup AutoLayout to CollectionView }

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DataSource, Delegate UICollectionView -> ASCollectionNode extension MyListViewController : ASCollectionDataSource, ASCollectionDelegateFlowLayout { }

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Return number of sections UICollectionView -> ASCollectionNode func numberOfSections(in collectionNode: ASCollectionNode) -> Int { return 1 }

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Reuse CardNode Create ASCellNode class CardNode : ASDisplayNode

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Change superclass - ASDisplayNode -> ASCellNode Create ASCellNode class CardNode : ASCellNode class CardNode : ASDisplayNode

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Return CellNode factory closure func collectionNode(_ collectionNode: ASCollectionNode, nodeBlockForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> ASCellNodeBlock { return { // Call on Background Thread CardNode.init(...) } } UICollectionView -> ASCollectionNode

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Return constrained size for CellNode func collectionNode(_ collectionNode: ASCollectionNode, constrainedSizeForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> ASSizeRange { return ASSizeRange( min: CGSize(width: collectionNode.bounds.width, height: 0), max: CGSize(width: collectionNode.bounds.width, height: .infinity) ) } UICollectionView -> ASCollectionNode

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Return constrained size for CellNode func collectionNode(_ collectionNode: ASCollectionNode, constrainedSizeForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> ASSizeRange { return ASSizeRange( min: CGSize(width: collectionNode.bounds.width, height: 0), max: CGSize(width: collectionNode.bounds.width, height: .infinity) ) } UICollectionView -> ASCollectionNode Width = CollectionNode.width
 Height = 0 ... infinity

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ASViewControllerͷ࢖༻͸ඞਢͰ͸ͳ͍ • ASViewController : UIViewController ͕ఏڙ͞Ε͍ͯΔ • ը໘ͷදࣔঢ়ଶʹΑͬͯϝϞϦ؅ཧΛߦ͏ͳͲͷػೳΛఏڙ • ͨͩɺ࢖༻͸ඞਢͰ͸ͳ͍ͨΊɺطଘΞϓϦʹ͓͍ͯUIViewControllerͷܧঝઌ ͕มߋͮ͠Β͍έʔεͰ͸ແཧͯ͠࢖͏ඞཁ͸ͳ͍

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ΞΠςϜ͕େྔʹଘࡏ͢ΔϦετ (1ສ~ Λ௒͑ΔΞΠςϜ) Texture͕޲͔ͳ͍έʔε • ΧϝϥϩʔϧͷදࣔͳͲ • શͯͷCellNode͕ੜ੒͞ΕΔͷͰϝϞϦΛѹഭ͢Δ • ASCollectionGalleryLayoutDelegateͱ͍͏΋ͷ͕͋Δ͕ɺஈ֊తʹCellNode Λ࡞Δͱ͍͏ΞϓϩʔνͰ͋Γɺ࠷ऴతͳϝϞϦ࢖༻ྔʹมΘΓ͸ͳ͍ • ͜ͷ৔߹͸UICollectionViewΛ࢖༻ͯ͠ϝϞϦ࢖༻Λ཈͑Δ޻෉Λߦ͍ͳ͕Βର ࡦͨ͠ํ͕ྑ͍

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Texture࢖͏΂͖ͳͷʁ • Textureಋೖͷݕ౼Λߦ͏લʹ·ͣύϑΥʔϚϯεͷϘτϧωοΫΛ͔ͬ͠Γௐࠪ ͠·͠ΐ͏ɻ • ϥΠϒϥϦґଘͱֶशίετͱϋϚΓίετ͕ൃੜ͢ΔͷͰ֮ޛ͸ඞཁ • ҆ఆతʹ55fps ~ 60fps͕ཉ͍͠ͳΒࢼ͢Ձ஋͋Γ

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Textureͷ಺෦࣮૷͸͔ͳΓษڧʹͳΔ • Texture͸ߴ଎͕ͩɺ಺෦Ͱ͸Apple͕ఏڙ͍ͯ͠Δ΋ͷΛ্खʹ࢖͍ͬͯΔ • UIKit, CoreGraphics, CoreText, CoreAnimation (C++΋) ͷѻ͍ํ͸ࢀߟʹͳΔ͜ ͱ͕ଟ͍ɻ • ಺෦࣮૷Λগ͠஌Δ͚ͩͰ΋TextureΛ࢖͑ͳ͍؀ڥͰ΋ߴ଎Խ͢ΔͨΊͷखஈ͕ ૿͑ͨ

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ΞϓϦͷߴ଎Խͷ૬ஊ͸͍ͭͰ΋! • ʮTexture࢖͍͍ͨͱࢥͬͯΔ͚ͲɺϢʔεέʔεʹ͋ͬͯΔʁʯ • ʮTexture࢖ͬͯΔ͚Ͳɺ͜͏͍͏࣌Ͳ͏ͯ͠Δʁʯ • ʮଞͷϨΠΞ΢τΤϯδϯ͸Ͳ͏ͳΜͰ͠ΐʁʯ • ͳͲͷ͓࿩͸͍ͭͰ΋ʂ • Τ΢ϨΧͰiOS Android΋͘΋͘ձ΍ͬͯΔͷͰੋඇ༡ͼʹ͖͍ͯͩ͘͞ʂ •

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The sample codes using Texture. Thank you