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如何建立自己的開源專案 LINE Developer Rela/ons Evan Lin 2022.11

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Evan Lin • LINE Taiwan Developer Rela2ons Events Organizer • LINE Taiwan Engineering Culture • GDE in Go LINE Technology Evangelist

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Open Source projects in LINE … and so on

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Who Am I? (Github) h"ps://

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How to create a popular open source project •Find a great idea. •Well documenta2on •Well workflow •Find your first contributor •Promote it !! Promote it !! Promote it !!

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How to create a popular open source project

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Well Documenta-on h"ps:// Don’t copy and paste from the best prac;ces

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Well Workflow (CI/CD) h"ps://

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Find your first contributor h"ps://

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Find your first contributor h"ps://

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Promote on HN

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Find A Great Idea

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How to find your idea?

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Find A Great Idea (cont.)

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Wri$ng everything, everything in Go h"ps://

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Prac%ce an algorithm or data structure h"ps://

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Write A SDK h"ps://

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10 週年

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例子:字串比對演算法 (KMP) h"ps://

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例子:寫一篇介紹 KMP 的文章 h"ps://

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另外一個例子:流浪動物 Bot h"ps://

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小工商: LINE Bot 原理

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五分鐘打造你的 LINE Bot •Request channel for LINE Bot •Deploy LINE Bot server on Heroku •Change related se>ng on Channel •Go ! Online (video) •How to modify it? (video)

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Open your code! Open your eye! Open your mind!

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Thank you! h"ps://

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There are few more ques.ons! h"ps://

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!‍‍:Leetcode 到底重不重要? YES! YES! YES! • Understanding • Data Structure • Algorithm

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!‍‍:開源專案 (side project) 對找⼯作有沒有⽤?

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Open Source Project <-> Work Skills Readme à Documenta-on Skill

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Open Source Project <-> Work Skills Commit & PR Descrip0on à Git opera0on skill • Pull Request • Rebase • Cherry-pick • Squash

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Open Source Project <-> Work Skills Code à Code Style • Naming conven2on • Design pa6ern • Clean and Simple

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Open Source Project <-> Work Skills Github Ac)ons && Release à CICD • Github Ac)ons • Goreleaser

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!‍‍: 聊天室的功能很多樣,像是爬梯⼦等等的,當初 是如何發想及開發的?

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LINE TAIWAN Internal Hackathon 38 h$ps://

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!‍‍: 如果想實習,下次實習的投遞⽇期、入職⽇期是~?

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LINE TECH FRESH h"ps:// 40

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LINE TECH FRESH – 2023 Spring • No6ce • Job Opening Period: 2022.11.07-2022.12.02 • Interview Period: 2022.12.16-2022.12.17 (Fri. - Sat.) • Working Period: 2023.03.01-2024.02.29 (In order to allow TECH FRESH to parJcipate more deeply in the engineering team, please ensure that you can parJcipate in more than 3 days of working Jme for at least half a year.) 41 hSps://

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Q&A h"ps://