Slide 7
Slide 7 text
example personas: marina
Marina is a trans fashion blogger with a large Youtube, Twitter, Instagram following.
She also works at a Big Name Corp where she is not out. Recently, trolls have begun
harassing her online, making all kinds of horrible threats that she is not sure are
What risks does Marina face?
bank account info linked to google account, threat of transphobia generally, shitty
dynamics at work, linking pseudonym (?) to real life, trolls finding where she
works,getting doxxed, accounts getting hacked, physical risk after being doxxed,
doxxing leading to toxic work situations, ads if using work computer, culture of
putting all your info into the world, and not being able to revoke it later, real name
policies, how social media companies deal with harrassment
google yourself! (identity management), wayback machine, ad blocker, good
passwords, exif removal from photos (gps), separate your identity chains (e.g. which
email is your backup for your twitter), if she owns a domain, whois protection