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Introduction MontageJS to

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Ryan Paul MontageJS Dev Relations @segphault

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The Web Evolving is

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Hypertext Document Medium from

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to Interactive Application Platform

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• Framework for frontend web development • Ideal for building single-page applications • Best suited for projects that target modern browsers • Open source, under BSD license What is MontageJS?

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• Component System • Deferred Drawing • Functional Reactive Bindings Key Features

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• Component System • Deferred Drawing • Functional Reactive Bindings Key Features FRB

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• Component System • Deferred Drawing • Functional Reactive Bindings Key Features FRB

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Components HTML Content CSS Styling FRB Bindings JS Code component.reel

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Install MontageJS $ sudo npm install -gq minit@latest

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Create Project $ minit create:app -n app-name Create Component $ minit create:component -n compname

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Filesystem assets images style node_modules digit montage ui main.reel welcome.reel index.html package.json

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Filesystem assets images style node_modules digit montage ui main.reel welcome.reel index.html package.json ! main.reel main.html main.css main.js

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Serialization • Instantiate components • Attach components to the page DOM • Populate component properties — static values or bindings

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FRB Bindings • Propagate changes between object properties • Can be 1-way or 2-way • Bind to other components or regular JS objects

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Serialization "number": { "prototype": "digit/ui/number-field.reel", "properties": { "element": {"#": "number"} } } HTML MJS

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Serialization "number": { "prototype": "digit/ui/number-field.reel", "properties": { "element": {"#": "number"} } } HTML MJS Prototype: path to the desired component

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Serialization "number": { "prototype": "digit/ui/number-field.reel", "properties": { "element": {"#": "number"} } } HTML MJS Element: Montage ID of DOM element

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"number": { "prototype": "digit/ui/number-field.reel", "properties": { "element": {"#": "number"} } }, "slider": { "prototype": "digit/ui/slider.reel", "properties": { "element": {"#": "slider"} }, "bindings": { "value": {"<->": "@number.value"} } } Adding a 2nd component HTML MJS

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"number": { "prototype": "digit/ui/number-field.reel", "properties": { "element": {"#": "number"} } }, "slider": { "prototype": "digit/ui/slider.reel", "properties": { "element": {"#": "slider"} }, "bindings": { "value": {"<->": "@number.value"} } } HTML MJS <-> signifies a 2-way binding

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"number": { "prototype": "digit/ui/number-field.reel", "properties": { "element": {"#": "number"} } }, "slider": { "prototype": "digit/ui/slider.reel", "properties": { "element": {"#": "slider"} }, "bindings": { "value": {"<->": "@number.value"} } } HTML MJS @ references an existing component

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"celsiusNumber": { "prototype": "digit/ui/number-field.reel", "properties": { "element": {"#": "celsius"} }, "bindings": { "value": {"<->": "([email protected] - 32) / 1.8"} } } MJS Complex FRB Expressions

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! "sorted": {"<-": “numbers.sorted{}”} ! "evens": {"<-": “numbers.filter{!(%2)}”} ! "low": {"<-": “numbers.filter{this <= ^maxNumber}”} ! "allChecked": {"<-": “options.every{checked}”} ! "payroll": {"<-": “{employees.sum{salary}}.sum()”} ! "index": {"<-": “{id}.sorted{.0}.map{.1.last()}”} MJS Fun with FRB

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• Command line tool that optimizes apps for production deployment • Consolidates code into bundles to reduce number of requests • Minifies code to reduce total download size MontageJS Optimizer

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MontageJS Optimizer $ sudo npm install -g mop $ mop

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Thank You! @MontageJS