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Vinicius Stock Code indexing How language servers understand our code

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Vinicius Stock Senior dev @ Ruby DX team Shopify Twitter: @vinistock GitHub: @vinistock

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What is a language server?

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Editor (Client) Language server STDIN STDOUT User Go to def Definition Location Jumps to def

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Language servers can connect to any editor

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We can collaborate in improving the experience

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Improving the development experience with language servers RubyConf 2022

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Shopify/vscode-ruby-lsp Shopify/ruby-lsp Ruby LSP

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Semantic highlighting Document symbol Document link Hover Folding range Selection range Formatting On type formatting Diagnostic Code actions Document highlight Inlay hints Path completion Code Lens

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Document symbol

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Semantic highlighting Document symbol Document link Hover Folding range Selection range Formatting On type formatting Diagnostic Code actions Document highlight Inlay hints Path completion Code Lens

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Diagnostic Code actions

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Code actions

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Semantic highlighting Document symbol Document link Hover Folding range Selection range Formatting On type formatting Diagnostic Code actions Document highlight Inlay hints Path completion Code Lens

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Code Lens

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To explore code indexing, we’ll think about go to definition

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class Foo def process Bar.baz end end

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{ "params": { "textDocument": { "uri": "file: / / / foo.rb" }, "position": { "line": 2, "character": 5 } } }

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{ "uri": "file: / / / bar.rb" "range": { "start": { "line": 0, "character": 0 } "end": { "line": 5, "character": 2 } } }

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The request and response are just file locations

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What’s happening in between?

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class Foo def process Bar.baz end end How do we determine what’s under the cursor? How do we find the definition?

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Locating targets Part 1

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We want to search an AST to find the node at the requested position

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We must parse the file and then search the AST

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0 class Foo 1 def process 2 Bar.baz 3 end 4 end CLASS CONST (Foo) BODY DEF IDENT (process) BODY CALL CONST (Bar) IDENT (baz)

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More than one node covers the requested position

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We’re looking for the most specific one

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Converting position into string index Step 1

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"position": { "line": 2,"character": 5 }

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"position": { "line": 2,"character": 5 } source = "class Foo\n def process\n Bar.baz…"

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"position": { "line": 2,"character": 5 } source = "class Foo\n def process\n Bar.baz…" line + character = > string index

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"position": { "line": 2,"character": 5 } source = "class Foo\n def process\n Bar.baz…" line + character = > string index { "line": 2,"character": 5 } = > 28

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Locating the AST node Step 2

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1. Go through AST 2. Use target and candidate pointers 3. Compare proximity to requested index

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0 class Foo 1 def process 2 Bar.baz 3 end 4 end CLASS CONST (Foo) BODY DEF IDENT (process) BODY CALL CONST (Bar) IDENT (baz)

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def locate(node, index) end

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def locate(node, index) queue = node.child_nodes target = node end

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def locate(node, index) queue = node.child_nodes target = node until queue.empty? end target end

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until queue.empty? candidate = queue.shift end

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until queue.empty? candidate = queue.shift queue.concat(candidate.child_nodes) end

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until queue.empty? candidate = queue.shift queue.concat(candidate.child_nodes) loc = candidate.location next unless loc.cover?(index) end

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until queue.empty? candidate = queue.shift queue.concat(candidate.child_nodes) loc = candidate.location next unless loc.cover?(index) break if index < loc.start_char end

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until queue.empty? # … break if index < loc.start_char tloc = target.location if loc.end_char - loc.start_char < = tloc.end_char - tloc.start_char target = candidate end end

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We discovered the target 🎉

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But where’s the definition?

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Code indexing Part 2

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We have to know what’s available in the codebase

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Index Classes Modules Methods Constants Does this thing exist? Where is it?

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We can’t populate the index on every definition request

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We need to initialize the index on boot

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And we have to keep it synchronized if files are modified

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Let’s start by the initial indexing

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We’ll focus implementing classes in 4 steps

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Ruby code Parser AST Visitor Index AST Classes For all Ruby files

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Collecting class declarations in an AST Step 1

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class IndexVisitor < SyntaxTree : : Visitor end

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class IndexVisitor < SyntaxTree : : Visitor attr_reader :constants def initialize @constants = [] end end

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class IndexVisitor < SyntaxTree : : Visitor attr_reader :constants def initialize @constants = [] end def visit_class(node) @constants < < node super end end

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visitor = visitor.visit(ast) visitor.constants # = > [ # #, # # # ]

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Creating the Index class Step 2

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class Index include Singleton def initialize @knowledge = {} end def add(path, constants) constants.each do |const| end end end

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class Index include Singleton def initialize @knowledge = {} end def add(path, constants) constants.each do |const| @knowledge[] = { } end end end

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class Index include Singleton def initialize @knowledge = {} end def add(path, constants) constants.each do |const| @knowledge[] = { file: path, location: const.location } end end end

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{ "Foo" = > { path: "/foo.rb", location: # } }

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Populating the Index Step 3

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index = Index.instance all_files_in_load_path.each |path| index.process("file : / / # { path}") end

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class Index def process(uri) path = URI(uri).path end end

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class Index def process(uri) path = URI(uri).path content = end end

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class Index def process(uri) path = URI(uri).path content = ast = SyntaxTree.parse(content) end end

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class Index def process(uri) path = URI(uri).path content = ast = SyntaxTree.parse(content) visitor = visitor.visit(ast) end end

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class Index def process(uri) path = URI(uri).path content = ast = SyntaxTree.parse(content) visitor = visitor.visit(ast) add(path, visitor.constants) end end

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The initial indexing is done

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Synchronizing file modifications Step 4

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If a file is modified, the existing classes might change

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LSPs can request file watching

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Remove related entries Index the new file Ruby file modified Deleted Added Remove and index Changed

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def execute(req) case req[:method] when "workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles" changes = req.dig(:params, :changes) Index.instance.synchronize(changes) end end

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class Index def synchronize(changes) changes.each do |change| case change[:type] end end end end

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class Index def synchronize(changes) changes.each do |change| case change[:type] when "deleted" remove_entries_for(change[:uri]) end end end end

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class Index def synchronize(changes) changes.each do |change| case change[:type] when "deleted" remove_entries_for(change[:uri]) when "created" process(change[:uri]) end end end end

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class Index def synchronize(changes) changes.each do |change| case change[:type] when "deleted" remove_entries_for(change[:uri]) when "created" process(change[:uri]) when "changed" remove_entries_for(change[:uri]) process(change[:uri]) end end end end

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class Index def remove_entries_for(uri) path = URI(uri).path @knowledge.each do |const, loc| if loc[:file] = = path @knowledge.delete(const) end end end end

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We can now perform initial indexing and synchronization 🎉

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We’re ready to implement go to definition

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Implementing go to definition Part 3

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1. Locate the target 2. Find target in index 3. Return declaration location

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class Definition < BaseRequest def initialize(document, position) @document = document @position = position end end

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class Definition < BaseRequest def run target = @document.locate_node(@position) file, location = case target end # … end end

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class Definition < BaseRequest def run target = @document.locate_node(@position) file, location = case target when SyntaxTree : : Const Index.instance.fetch(target.value) end # … end end

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class Definition < BaseRequest def run # … { uri: "file : / / # { file}" range: { start: { line: location.start_line, character: location.start_column }, end: { line: location.end_line, character: location.end_column } } } end end

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Go to definition for classes is done 🎉

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This is not yet released in the Ruby LSP

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But I have a demo!

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No content

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Other features also depend on an index

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Signature help Workspace symbols Hover Autocomplete

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Signature help

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Signature help Workspace symbols Hover Autocomplete

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Workspace symbols

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Signature help Workspace symbols Hover Autocomplete

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Signature help Workspace symbols Hover Autocomplete

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This approach is similar to what a typechecker does

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And there are still many improvements we can make

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• Use parallelism to build index • Cache the index • Include the missing parts (modules, constants, methods…) • Add the option to control what is indexed

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> lib > my_gem foo.rb > .ruby-lsp > lib > my_gem foo.indexed Last modified: 3 days ago Last modified: 1 minute ago

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# Gemfile gem "ruby_index"

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Multiple gems could reuse the index

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"ruby-lsp" "steep" "typeprof" "rdoc" "irb"

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Shopify/vscode-ruby-lsp Shopify/ruby-lsp Ruby LSP

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Developer experience is a part of making developers happy

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Let’s collaborate on improving it

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Thank you

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• • • protocol/specification • Code font: Cascadia Code • Screenshots made with VS Code References