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Selfish reasons to carry out reproducible research Dave Lunt @davelunt https:/ /

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What is reproducibility?

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first Why, then How

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It's required Why be reproducible?

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McNutt M. Journals unite for reproducibility. Science. 2014;346: 679. doi:10.1126/science.aaa1724

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RCUK – Statement of Expectations for Postgraduate Training Students should receive training in experimental design and statistics appropriate to their disciplines, and in the importance of ensuring research results are robust and reproducible

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It's the right thing to do It's science

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Ask not what you can do for reproducibility, but what reproducibility can do for you Florian Markowetz

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It will save you time and effort It will advance your career Selfish Reproducible Research

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Who here has tried to reproduce a published analysis? Who is most likely to reproduce your work?

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Do experiments work first time for you?

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“Future You” will be most likely person to reproduce your work

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Future You Previous You Previous You does not respond to emails

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It will greatly help “future you” Selfish reasons to carry out reproducible research

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How can we save time, effort? eg: make figures from scripts this is reproducible analysis

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Your research will be faster and easier (and better)

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The old way

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Automated reproducible Manual Cumulative total effort Number of repeats Yes you will cross this point

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Reproducibility makes it easier to write papers and respond to reviewers

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Reproducible research will save you time and effort Reuse and recycle data generation and analysis

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Errors are ubiquitous Retractions will hurt you Reproducibility helps your career

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Reproducibility will help your career Reputation Rigour New collaborators Rapid Agile Future-proof

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Choose a collaborator Rigorous, modern, open, with future-proof methods. Leading the way. Prepared and shared many of the methods you need already.

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Projects are not unique. How will you build your career?

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Required Helps “Future You” Easier & faster, agile Easier papers Helps your next project Builds your career Avoid major screw-ups Makes you a cool collaborator Selfish reasons to be reproducible

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Pause But what about ...?

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I’d rather do real science than tidy my data It's the way I’ve always done things, and I’ve got this far Excel is just fine My data and code are spread across many computers, I couldn’t do this I’ll sort this out at the end My field is too competitive, I can’t slow down to do this

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I’m not a computational biologist

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1. relax, most problems are solved

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2. think of it as training

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3. celebrate the quick wins

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Quick win: Be part of a support community

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Make 1 figure from a script Quick win

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Butterfly_project - DATA -raw_data -fig1_data - FIGURES -fig1.pdf -fig2.pdf - RESULTS -PCA -lin_regr - SCRIPTS - README.txt Informative names Structured Text description of what is where Spend 1 morning to organise your data Quick win => Provenance and persistence

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2. think of it as training

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Wilkinson et al. The FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship. Sci Data. 2016;3: 160018. doi:10.1038/sdata.2016.18 Records, Coding, Workflows, & Research Objects

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Make data open with a doi Findable Accessible Interoperable Reusable Quick win For you (and for others) Yes, data can be private until you’re ready

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It's free

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File storage Integration of GDrive, Box, Dropbox, Git etc OSF cloud storage Everything in one place

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Activity All changes recorded with version control Roll back to previous versions Comments and collaborations

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Components are folders Structure and backup Robust sharing and privacy Can be published with doi

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try Easy to organise project Easy to store & publish data Easy to collaborate Easy reproducibility

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Making labwork reproducible

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It's free

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Quick win METHODS SECTION Experimental procedures are briefly described here for context, and exact protocols and reagents are detailed in doi:1234567 and doi:987654

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It will save you time & effort Selfish reasons to be reproducible Write once and iterate, faster, helps with ms, helps with reviewers, don’t start projects from scratch- build on prior reproducibility

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It will advance your career Selfish reasons to be reproducible Fast, cutting edge, future-proof, you’ll look good, more collaborators, extra citations, avoid career-ending disasters, builds a group etc etc

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Do not try to be completely reproducible! Shocking finale PTO...

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Do not decide to be reproducible. Decide to be a bit more reproducible, celebrate the small wins. Spread the word. Take home message

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