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Develocity Reporting and Visualization Nelson Osacky, Lead Solutions Engineer

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Nelson • Lead Solu ti ons Engineer, Develocity • Previously Android Engineer (SoundCloud, Square) • Gradle Plugin Maintainer • Fladle — Easily Scale Instrumenta ti on Tests on Firebase • Gradle Doctor — Ac ti onable Insights for your build

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• Helping software teams of all sizes • Optimizing builds • Improving reliability • Get the most out of their build Gradle Solutions team

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• Improving the Gradle ecosystem • Fixing issues in OSS plugins • Aligning with Google and JetBrains Gradle Solutions team

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High Friction in Developer Productivity

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Costs of Inefficiency 60s waste * 50 builds / day * 50 devs = 42 hours lost / day h tt ps:/ /

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formerly known as Gradle Enterprise

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Developer Productivity Engineering (DPE)

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DPE is a new software development practice used by leading software development organizations to maximize developer productivity and happiness.

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• Capture toolchain data • Accelerate and stabilize toolchain • Measure impact of improvements

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Develocity OSS Partners h tt ps:/ /

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Micronaut h tt ps:/ /

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Develocity API h tt ps:/ /

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Develocity API • Rest-style API • JSON • OpenAPI based standard h tt ps:/ /

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Develocity API • Builds API • Build a tt ribute API • Build caching API • Networking API • Test API • Build depreca ti ons API • Transform API h tt ps:/ /

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Develocity API - Transforms Develocity 2024.1+

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June 2022 Develocity

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Develocity Reporting and Visualization Develocity 2024.1+

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Develocity Reporting and Visualization • Extensible pla tf orm for data explora ti on and analysis • Custom visualiza ti ons and repor ti ng • Cross project repor ti ng

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Develocity Reporting and Visualization • Out-of-the-box set of Grafana dashboards • Exports all the data available via the Develocity API • Custom queries via Trino/Athena SQL

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Develocity Reporting and Visualization Develocity 2024.1+

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Who is it for? • Applica ti on developers • Build maintainers • Pla tf orm Engineers • Developer Produc ti vity Engineers • Engineering organiza ti on leaders

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Develocity Reporting and Visualization • Reach out to us to get started!

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Thank you Develocity Trial h tt ps:/ / https:/ / Gradle is hiring DPE University h tt ps:/ /