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Predicting The Future In Search of The Unknown Source:

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Business Value Increases As It Gets Harder Source:

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Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies Source:

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Trends, Customers, Business Source: The Data Warehousing Institute, TDWI Best Practices Report: Predictive Analytics for Business Advantage, 2014 First Quarter

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Data-Rush Source: The Data Warehousing Institute, TDWI Best Practices Report: Predictive Analytics for Business Advantage, 2014 First Quarter

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Talent, Adoption, Integration Source: The Data Warehousing Institute, TDWI Best Practices Report: Predictive Analytics for Business Advantage, 2014 First Quarter

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Simple is Popular Source: The Data Warehousing Institute, TDWI Best Practices Report: Predictive Analytics for Business Advantage, 2014 First Quarter

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They just need a start Source: The Data Warehousing Institute, TDWI Best Practices Report: Predictive Analytics for Business Advantage, 2014 First Quarter

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Funding = Expectations Source:

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Analytics Value Chain: Customer Purchase Decision for Ecommerce Source:

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Segmentation & Personalization Segmentation is Product Centric “Customers who viewed/bought this also viewed/bought those” Better than a “lucky guess”, but not enough for Ecommerce True Personalization goes way beyond Segmentation Taking note of everything about the customer  Every search query, every click, every add to cart, and every purchase, along with all the attributes associated with each Continuously learning about the customer and delivering an experience that responds directly to his or her intrinsic interests and immediate needs with each returned visit. Over time, this experience becomes smarter and more intuitive. The customer feels like their online engagement with a brand is natural, pain free, and even special. By combining individualized historical data with real time relevancy, we can better anticipate immediate needs Source:

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If You are BIG, You can Predict HUGE Source: Amazon’s Patent on Anticipatory Package Shipping