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What ? An event where group of UX expert share their inspirations and skills.

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Afterhours Keynote Workshop

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Image Courtesy: MidwayVille

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Image Courtesy: MidwayVille Image Courtesy: Personal Documentation

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Image Courtesy: MidwayVille Image Courtesy: Personal Documentation

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Image Courtesy: MidwayVille Image Courtesy: Personal Documentation

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Calm Technology How non-intrusive design will shape our future Amber Case

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50 billion devices will be online by 2020. -Cisco

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An era of interruptive Technology, we need a Calm Technology

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The world is not a desktop You can’t have the same attention on a piece of technology (on software, hardware) that somebody have when he/she sitting in front of the desktop. Very much attention on screen, fully focus. Desktop is no longer enough. Future tech will be Mobile, VR, IoT, etc.

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“A good tool is an invisible tool. By invisible, we mean that the tool does not intrude on your consciousness; you focus on the task, not the tool.” Mark Weiser -- 1993

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Principles of Calm Technology

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I. Technology shouldn’t require all of our attention, just some of it, and only when it necessary Calm Technology

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II. Technology should empower the periphery ● A calm technology will move easily from the periphery of our attention, to the center, and back. ● The periphery is informing without overburdening. Calm Technology

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III. Technology should inform and create calm ● A person's primary task should not be computing, but being human. Human is not good at what.. Then technology should solve the problem. ● Give people what they need to solve their problem, and nothing more. Calm Technology

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IV. Technology should amplify the best of technology and the best of humanity ● Design for people first ● Machines shouldn’t act like humans ● Humans shouldn’t act like machines ● Amplify the best part of each Calm Technology

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V. Technology can communicate, but it doesn’t need to speak ● Does your product need to rely on voice, or can it use a different communication method? ● Consider how your technology communicates status. Calm Technology

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VI. Technology should respect social norms ● Technology takes time to introduce to humanity. ● What social norms exist that your technology might violate or cause stress on? ● Slowly introduce features so that people have time to get accustomed to the product. Calm Technology

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Google Glass

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VII. The right amount of technology is the minimum amount to solve the problem ● What is the minimum amount of technology needed to solve the problem? ● Slim the feature set down so that the product does what it needs to do and no more. Calm Technology

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VIII. Technology should make use of the near and the far Calm Technology

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Good design allows people to accomplish their goals in the least amount of moves

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Calm technology allows people to accomplish the same goals with the least amount of mental cost

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A person’s primary task should not be computing, but being human - Mark Weiser We should computing to get to our goal, but it is not ended up with computing itself as the goal, to not become an interruptive technology. We have to perceive as a human, in order to be accepted and ended up with good result of technology.

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People first, then technology

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Design and the SELF Irene Au Design Partner at Khosla Ventures; former head of design at Google, Yahoo, Udacity.

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● A well designed product should be ● Useful: Useful to the user ● Usable: easy to use ● Desirable: the product make the user desire to have the products ● The product should help to improve user’s productivity

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Design = Form

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Image Courtesy: Irene Au Golden Ratio

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Image Courtesy: Irene Au Rule of Thirds

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Image Courtesy: Irene Au Principle of Proximity

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Image Courtesy: Irene Au Alignment

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Image Courtesy: Irene Au Golden Ratio

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● Is using the same element in the whole of your design. ● Repetition will bring a clear sense of unity, consistency, and cohesiveness. Repetition

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● From the basic principle, we can imagine that form of an object is whether the car looks sporty, elegance, or classic.

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● In this sense, good design is equal as a good working refrigerator ● It is not only look beautiful on the outer design but also it has work well in order to be useable

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● In the late 90, good design means creating a good events to the customer. The memorable events becomes products called the experience. ● American Girl dolls. ○ Customization product as user wants. ● Design goes beyond the product and brand ● Enhance the entire customer experience

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● Design thinking process: ○ Building empathy for users ○ Defining the problem ○ Generating many ideas ○ Prototyping possible solutions ○ Test: ■ Gathering feedback ■ Iterating

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● Designer will be represented with the product that he make. ● The characteristic and personality will be reflected by the product he produces.

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● Every product is a designer’s reflection ● Example: ○ Apple products is reflection of Steve Jobs. ○ Steve known for his simplicity and perfectionist ○ He simplified 350 to 10 products in order to focus on quality which is simple and perfectionist

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Designer value, intention and principles will be reflected to the person who wears it.

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Example: The person who Wore Braun watch Will be different to the person who wore G-Shock watch

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● Poor design object show the bad side of human nature such as greed and insensitivity. ● Quoted from Irene Au: What we become, so we make. What we make and consume, is what we become ● In order to make well designed products, we need to overcome that which holds us back from making things great, like fear, greed, attachment, ego.

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THE VISUAL DISPLAY OF INFORMATION Stephen P Anderson Designer, Speaker & CXO at Bloomboard.Inc

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Image Courtesy: Stephen P Anderson

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External Visual Representations are critical tools for making sense of complex information.

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Image Courtesy: Stephen P Anderson

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Image Courtesy: Stephen P Anderson

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Image Courtesy: Stephen P Anderson

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The Visual Display of Information: OBJECTS!

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Visual Encodings There are many kind of visual encodings, and represent different meanings.

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Image Courtesy: Stephen P Anderson

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Visual Attribute An attribute to visual encodings, works to specify a function. They’re work in different ways.

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Image Courtesy: Stephen P Anderson

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Image Courtesy: Stephen P Anderson

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Image Courtesy: Stephen P Anderson

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Image Courtesy: Stephen P Anderson

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Image Courtesy: Stephen P Anderson

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Image Courtesy: Stephen P Anderson

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Image Courtesy: Stephen P Anderson

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Image Courtesy: Stephen P Anderson

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1. External Representation extend our limited thinking space 2. Our sense of vision is the most sophisticated, able to very quickly pick out patterns and very subtle differences 3. Not all visual encodings function in the same way GOOD TO KNOW

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The Visual Display of Information: SUBSTRATES!

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Image Courtesy: Stephen P Anderson

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Image Courtesy: Stephen P Anderson

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Image Courtesy: Stephen P Anderson

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Image Courtesy: Stephen P Anderson

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Image Courtesy: Stephen P Anderson

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Image Courtesy: Stephen P Anderson

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Image Courtesy: Stephen P Anderson

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Image Courtesy: Stephen P Anderson

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Image Courtesy: Stephen P Anderson

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Image Courtesy: Stephen P Anderson

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Image Courtesy: Stephen P Anderson

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1. We naturally arrange and rearrange the spaces we inhabit to serve a variety of ends 2. This spatial arrangement surfaces relationship between things 3. Literal mappings (such as geographical maps), tend to come more naturally than conceptual maps (Venn diagrams) 4. There is an underlying “grammar” behind spatial arrangements GOOD TO KNOW

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What the hell is UX Strategy? How to Devise Innovative Digital Products that People Want Jaime Levy UX Strategist, Author, College Professor

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UX Strategy...

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User experience (UX) strategy lies at the intersection of UX design and business strategy. What is UX Strategy?

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It’s a plan-of-action on how to ascertain that the user experience of a product is aligned with the business’s objectives. What is the business is trying to do? Get more customers? Or trying to make more money, or scale up, build more products, etc. UX designer has to know about the goals of the product. What is UX Strategy?

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It’s the method by which you validate that your solution solves a problem for real customers in a dynamic marketplace. Product market fit. Keep changing, dynamic, keep evolving. What is UX Strategy?

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It’s a practice that when done empirically is a better guarantee of a successful digital product than just crossing your finger and writing a bunch of code. What is UX Strategy?

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Four tenets of UX Strategy Image Courtesy: Jaime Levy

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BUSINESS STRATEGY Business Strategy is the plans, choices, and decisions used to guide a company to greater profitability and success.

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In this book, Michael E Porter tell two common ways to achieve Competitive Advantages

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Cost Leadership Differentiation

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What is a Value Proposition? A promise of value to be delivered and a belief from the customer that value will be experienced.

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Digital value proposition offer new MENTAL MODEL Mental models are the steps we think we need to take to accomplish a task. Innovation can happen when we reimagine an offline experience with a digital interface. HITCHHIKING UBER APPS UBER-ING

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VALUE INNOVATION Value innovation can be accomplished by focusing on the primary utility of a product and making the experience of it an indispensable aspect of how we live our life.

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VALUE INNOVATION = Offering a LEAP in value for customers It will be a lot better value, worth taking a risk, shifting our mental model

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It offers a new mash up of features from both competitors and relevant existing alternatives. It transcends a value proposition from existing larger platforms. VALUE INNOVATION for Digital Products + transactional system = + crowdsourcing =

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VALUE INNOVATION Value innovation can be accomplished by focusing on the primary utility of a product and making the experience of it an indispensable aspect of how we live our life.

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Traditional user research AKA “Etnography”

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This two Books had a BIG Influence on Validated User Research USER RESEARCH CUSTOMER DISCOVERY

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KILLER UX DESIGN Killer UX Design is accomplished when the product interface allows its users/customers to easily accomplish their goals with little resistance. In a word, Killer UX design enables an experience that is FRICTIONLESS!

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KILLER UX DESIGN for Better Conversion

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Use GROWTH HACKING techniques to get users down the product funnel

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Why UX Strategy is Crucial (The takeaways)

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● When the company scale up, usually they abandon their core values and what customer truly needs. Destroying company resources (Human, financial, physical, and knowledge) and forgetting about the user needs. ● Treating their customer like their extractable resources. ● Example: Twitter shut down open stream API in the end giving less flexibility to the users

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● Don’t treat software like a factory. ● They spent less money designing, coding it, hope it will increase their profit, and it doesn’t work. ● It takes time and money to create a delightful product that makes a lot of money.

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Create a collaborative team for a better work environment.

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● Alan Cooper said that He could easily sell 200 lambs per year but it will destroy his core foundation of the ranch such as forcing the plant to grow faster. ● Instead, he sells 50 lambs per year only to keep the foundation strong and to maintain quality ● In a software company, you can also be a good ancestor by maintaining your core value as a foundation and maintaining the quality of your product.

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● Responsible Craftsmanship such as UX, being lean, being agile, continuous deployment, and balanced team are actually based on serving people rather than serving the bottom line. ● So we as a UX designer has a big impact and responsibility to create a great software.

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How To Design a Government Website For Kids Emiliegh Barnes Content Lead, 18F

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WHAT WE LEARNED AND THE TAKE AWAYS ● Build the right product for the right users. Therefore, understand your users first. ● Write a content that is friendly, understandable, brief, concise, clear and interesting enough for the right target audience. ● Simplicity. Less is more. ● Be creative. Think outside the box. Don’t use only one single UX method/strategy to gather datas. ● Design not only creating pretty visuals but also a delightful user experience. ● Design is the tangible expression of the people who design the products and the people who wear the products.

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WHAT WE LEARNED AND THE TAKE AWAYS ● To build technology, don’t make people to be left behind. Keep in mind: People first, then technology ● Good technology serve the human needs at its best ● Data is more meaningful if it added with context and visualize properly in visual encodings ● Understand your users is the key ● People loves product because it express themselves, solve their problem, and make themselves valuable

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