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Refresh Savannah @ErikReagan Measuring Time & Effort How and How Much

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@ErikReagan Refresh Savannah

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@ErikReagan Refresh Savannah

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@ErikReagan Refresh Savannah

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@ErikReagan Refresh Savannah How Long Is the Coast of Britain? Statistical Self-Similarity and Fractional Dimension

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@ErikReagan Refresh Savannah “Geographical curves are so involved in their detail that their lengths are often infinite or, rather, undefinable. However, many are statistically "self- similar," meaning that each portion can be considered a reduced-scale image of the whole. In that case, the degree of complication can be described by a quantity D that has many properties of a "dimension," though it is fractional; that is, it exceeds the value unity associated with the ordinary, rectifiable, curves.”

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@ErikReagan Refresh Savannah

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@ErikReagan Refresh Savannah

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@ErikReagan Refresh Savannah How Long Is the Coast of Britain? Statistical Self-Similarity and Fractional Dimension

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The Coastline Paradox

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@ErikReagan Refresh Savannah How do we measure?

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@ErikReagan Refresh Savannah How do we measure?

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@ErikReagan Refresh Savannah How do we estimate?

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@ErikReagan Refresh Savannah 1. Bottom-Up 2. Top-Down 3. Comparative 4. Parametric 5. Three-point

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@ErikReagan Refresh Savannah Estimating ➞ Measuring

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@ErikReagan Refresh Savannah Fudge Ratio

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@ErikReagan Refresh Savannah 1. Start guestimating things 2. Write down your guestimate 3. Do 4. Write down the actual time spent 5. Calculate your "fudge ratio"

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@ErikReagan Refresh Savannah Estimate and perform a task

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@ErikReagan Refresh Savannah 20 15hrs estimated hrs actual 1.33 fudge ratio

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@ErikReagan Refresh Savannah Estimate a task

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@ErikReagan Refresh Savannah 20 hrs estimated new hrs estimated 26.6 1.33 fudge ratio

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@ErikReagan Refresh Savannah How much do we estimate?

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@ErikReagan Refresh Savannah

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@ErikReagan Refresh Savannah The One-Sitting Rule

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@ErikReagan Refresh Savannah Compensate for Experience

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@ErikReagan Refresh Savannah The 40-70 Rule

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@ErikReagan Refresh Savannah an accurate Fudge Ratio an appropriate unit of measurement the optimal estimate

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Refresh Savannah @ErikReagan Thanks! @ErikReagan @FocusLabLLC