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Full-stack IoT Development 以 BLE 閘道器帶來的全新開發模式為例 Hedy Wang System Application Engineer [email protected]

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About Me • 王雅慧 (Hedy, hedywings@github) • 學歷 ▪ 台北科技大學電子工程系 • 經歷 ▪ 系統應用工程師 愛文西門科技 2 沒了? WTF?

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3 圖片來源

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Internet of Things (IoTs) • 智慧家庭 • 智慧電網 • 智慧建築 • 農工業與醫療設備 • 市鎮級感測網路 • … 4 Internet Of Things

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So Many Protocols… • 物聯網標準眾多 ▪ WiFi, Bluetooth, ZigBee, 6LoWPAN, Thread, Z-Wave… ▪ MQTT, CoAP, XMPP, LWM2M • 協定多又雜,卻沒有統一的標準 5

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How Machines are Connected 6 橋接 多對多 一對多 圖片來源: 1, 2, 3, 4 閘道器 雲端伺服器 一對一

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Bluetooth/BLE 7 Classic Dual Mode Single Mode

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Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) • 低功耗、低成本 • BLE Protocol Stack 8 Application Host Controller

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Connection Roles • Central (master) ▪ 週期性地掃描可連線的廣告封包 ▪ 掃到合適封包後初始化 connection,向周邊裝置發起連線 • Peripheral (slave) ▪ 週期性地發出可連線的廣告封包,並接受接入連線 ▪ 連線後遵循 central 的 timing ,並與其交換資料 9

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Data Model • 基於 ATT/GATT ▪ ATT Client/Server Model ▫ 資料如何在兩個裝置間流動 ▪ GATT ▫ 屬性的組織方式 - 階層式的資料結構 ▫ Attribute 是最小資料元素 ▫ Characteristic 由Attributes 組成 ▫ Service 由 Characteristics 組成 ▫ 整套 attributes 的集合就是一張 table 10 GATT Table

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BLE Applications • 普遍的應用裝置 ▪ 穿戴式裝置 ▪ 手機/平板 11 圖片來源: 1, 2, 3

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BLE? IoT? 12 ?

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Development Models • 準備跟 Smart Phone 說分手?淺談 BLE 開發模式 • 從 BLE 開發模式切入,探討進入物聯網需跨越的門檻 • 開發模式 ▪ 純嵌入式 ▪ 手機 App ▪ BLE Gateway 應用 13

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Develop with Embedded SoCs • 適用於周邊節點開發 • 點對點應用 (如 gecko switch) • 開發工具 ▪ IC vendor 提供 SDK 與 HDK 開發板 TI CC2540 Development Kit Bluetooth Smart Starter Development Kit 14 圖片來源: 1, 2, 3, 4 一對一控制

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Develop with Smart Phones/Pads • 適用於個人型網路應用 ▪ 智慧手環、手錶、運動配件 ▪ 智慧插座、電燈 • 開發工具 ▪ 手機作業系統提供與底層藍芽晶片溝通的 Library 或 APIs ▪ Android - Bluetooth network stack ▪ iOS - Bluetooth for Developers 15 圖片來源: 1, 2, 3

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• 適用於小型區域網路 ▪ 智慧家庭 ▪ 工廠自動化 • 開發工具 ▪ TI - Bluetooth Smart-to-Wi-Fi Gateway solution ▪ RedBear Duo - A small and powerful Wi-Fi+BLEIoT board Develop with Gateways 16 圖片來源: 1, 2

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Compatibility 17 ? 圖片來源: 1, 2, 3

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SIG’s Positive Response 18 “We heard the demand for gateway functionality, not just from our members, but from consumers, who want a connected home but are not satisfied with current capabilities.” - Steve Hegenderfer Director Developer programs, Bluetooth SIG

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Bluetooth Secure Gateway • SIG 今年 2 月初發布了 BLE Gateway 解決方案 19 圖片來源: 1 Node.js 15 RESTful APIs

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Node.js • 為 Real-time Web 應用開發而生的平台 • 非同步 I/O、事件驅動模型 ▪ 單執行緒 (userland) ▪ 非同步、非阻塞 I/O、以事件迴圈為基礎 (libuv) • Node.js 有強大靈活的套件管理員 ▪ node package manager, npm ▪ 目前已經有上萬個協力廠商模組 20

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Node.js Web Frameworks • 前/後端皆使用 JavaScript ▪ Google V8 Engine (Client: Chrome, Server: Node.js) • 框架 – 在別人搭好的舞台上表演 ▪ 框架為開發者定義好整體架構並實作部分功能,減輕開發 者的負擔,加快開發流程 • Back-end Web Frameworks ▪ 建立大規模、real-time、可擴展 Web 應用程式 (webapps) 21

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Web Front-end Frameworks • Web Application (網路版應用程式) • Front-end Web Frameworks / CSS / DOM / Tools ▪ 因前端技術繁多,以下只是列出其中一部分 22

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We are Family • 仍有困難需克服 ▪ 手機開發不利於物聯網應用 ▪ 進入 BLE Gateway 開發有門檻 ▪ 傳統 BLE Gateway 無法實作應用 ▪ BLE 裝置間沒有相容性 23 是 BLE 刷存在感的時候了 BLE 裝置要能上網! 也可以漫步在雲端! 黏踢踢的手機也需要被解放!

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BLE Shepherd Can Help • BLE 開發應用框架 • 它是驅動程式 (HCI Host) • 它是 BLE 應用程式環境,也是 BLE 網路管理器 • 可以接上 http 伺服器,很容易跟其他前端框架整合 • 也可以讓 BLE 裝置們通通上雲端 • 你能設計 RESTful 介面,從網外存取網內 BLE 裝置 24

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No Smart Phone? Kidding Me? 25 那用什麼開發? JavaScript & HTML5 + BLE Shepherd 真的!不蓋你! 而且,複雜的底層封包處理,它全包辦了! 還免費贈送 BLE 網管功能!

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26 BLE Shepherd 有很重要的使命 成為將 BLE 內嵌於多協定物聯網閘道器的先驅 解放阿公、阿嬤健康照護周邊小玩意兒!

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BLE Shepherd (BShep) • BLE central device 之擴充 • 基於 Node.js • 無痛建立 BLE 機器網路 27 BShep BLE App TI CC254X BLE Network Processor BLE4.0 USB Adapter cc-bnp noble Hardware & PHY HCI Controller Driver @Node.js HCI Host Network Control and Management Layer Application Layer

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Bluetooth Machine Network 28 Read / Write BLE Peripheral Bluetooth device User Cloud Ind / Notif App server BLE Gateway ble-shepherd Manage Control Local area Monitor BLE Central 小型/區域網路 系統化 智慧物件模型 管理介面

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BLE Shepherd Provides… 29 自動掃描周邊裝置 自動發起連線 自由組態連線參數 裝置連線狀態通知 協助管理網路裝置 內建輕量型資料庫 自動儲存裝置資訊 輕鬆操作連線裝置 它的心願就是 幫助開發者專注於應用的業務邏輯!

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SIG Gateway v.s. BLE Shepherd 30 BLE Secure Gateway ble-shepherd Security RESTful APIs GATT GAP noble HTTP Server peripheral central Web Application Security Management APIs peripheral Application Server (BLE Apps) GATT BIPSO GAP central cc-bnp noble Web Application

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GATT Table on BLE Device • 如何規劃 GATT Table ▪ SIG-defined GATT Services ▪ SIG-defined GATT Characteristics ▪ User-defined Services & Characteristics • Mix Them Up ▪ 組成描述裝置所需的資料體 31 但是,這樣的彈性卻是一把雙面刃! 各家廠商定義自己的私有規範 裝置之間沒有任何相容性

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IPSO – IP-based Smart Object • IPSO Alliance & IPSO Model ▪ 對真實世界的物件資料模型進行標準化 ▪ 已定義 51 種 Smart Objects,增加中 ▪ 採用階層化資料模型 (Object, Object Instance, Resource) 32

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Unified Data Model for BLE • BLE 的資料模型混亂 ▪ SIG 定義的 Characteristic 不易套用至實際 IoT 裝置 ▪ 自由度高,廠商大多自訂且彼此不能相容,僅能自家使用 • BIPSO 借鏡 IPSO 模型,試圖解決相容性問題 ▪ 定義 Characteristics-SmartObject 映射,共 51 種 ▪ 曾與 IPSO 聯盟與 OCF 進行討論,BIPSO 是國際標準 組織的資料模型制定參考之一 33 BLE Shepherd 原生支援!無縫接軌!

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IPSO Official Website 34

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Quick Demo 35 BShep Node.js JavaScript HTTP Websocket React.js

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Open Source IoT Gateways 36 In its early stage

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Thank You! Hedy Wang [email protected]