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By providing a knob for users to set memory consumption limits and then respecting those limits, resource consumption will be stable. Queries that might be faster were memory to be unlimited might be slower, but the memory consumption will be predictable. Users can decide to change their workload based on this in order to get the performance they are looking for [ ]

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bigger_t smaller_t bigger_t smaller_t SELECT * FROM bigger_t JOIN smaller_t USING (i); 34

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bigger_t smaller_t bigger_t smaller_t i INT bucketno = hash(i) & (*nbuckets - 1) hash(i) -> 5 5 & (4 - 1) -> 1 35

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bigger_t smaller_t bigger_t smaller_t i INT hash(i) -> 10 10 & (4 - 1) -> 2 bucketno = hash(i) & (nbuckets - 1) 36

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bigger_t smaller_t bigger_t smaller_t i INT hash(i) -> 13 13 & (4 - 1) -> 1 37 bucketno = hash(i) & (nbuckets - 1)

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bigger_t smaller_t bigger_t smaller_t 38

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bigger_t smaller_t bigger_t smaller_t batchno = (hash(i) >> (nbuckets - 1)) & (*nbatches - 1) i INT hash(i) -> 2 (2 >> 3) & 2 -> 0 2 & 3 -> 2 39 hash(i) = 00000010 1 2 3 smaller_t batch 0

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bigger_t smaller_t bigger_t smaller_t batchno = (hash(i) >> (nbuckets - 1)) & (*nbatches - 1) i INT hash(i) -> 10 (10 >> 3) & 3 -> 1 10 & 3 -> 2 40 smaller_t batch 0 2 3 1

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bigger_t smaller_t batchno = (hash(i) >> (nbuckets - 1)) & (nbatches - 1) i INT 41 hash(i) -> 10 (10 >> 3) & 3 -> 1 10 & 3 -> 2 smaller_t batch 1 bigger_t 2 3 1 2 3 1

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bigger_t smaller_t batchno = (hash(i) >> (nbuckets - 1)) & (nbatches - 1) i INT 42 hash(i) -> 56 (56 >> 3) & 3 -> 3 56 & 3 -> 0 smaller_t batch 3

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bigger_t smaller_t bigger_t smaller_t 43

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bigger_t smaller_t bigger_t smaller_t 44

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bigger_t bigger_t smaller_t smaller_t batch 1 smaller_t batch 0 smaller_t 46

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bigger_t smaller_t smaller_t batch 1 smaller_t smaller_t batch 5 smaller_t batch 1 2 3 2 3 bigger_t batch 1 47

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batch 0 smaller_t batch 1 1 48 batchno = (hash(i) >> (nbuckets - 1)) & (nbatches - 1)

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batch 0 smaller_t batch 1 batch 3 1 11 49

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batch 0 smaller_t batch 1 batch 3 01 11 batch 7 111 50

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batch 3 01 11 51 batch 7 111 batch 1 batch 0 smaller_t

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batch 3 01 11 batch 7 111 52 batch 1 batch 0 smaller_t

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batch 3 11 batch 7 111 53 1011 batch 11 01 batch 1 batch 0 smaller_t

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bigger_t smaller_t bigger_t smaller_t smaller_t batch 0 smaller_t batch 1 PHJ_BUILD_HASHING_INNER 54

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bigger_t bigger_t smaller_t smaller_t batch 0 smaller_t batch 1 smaller_t batch 0 smaller_t batch 1 smaller_t batch 2 smaller_t batch 3 PHJ_BUILD_HASHING_INNER 55

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bigger_t smaller_t smaller_t batch 0 smaller_t batch 1 smaller_t batch 2 smaller_t batch 3 PHJ_BUILD_HASHING_INNER PHJ_BUILD_HASHING_OUTER bigger_t batch 0 bigger_t batch 1 bigger_t batch 2 bigger_t batch 3 56

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bigger_t bigger_t smaller_t smaller_t batch 0 smaller_t batch 1 smaller_t batch 0 smaller_t batch 1 smaller_t batch 2 smaller_t batch 3 PHJ_BUILD_HASHING_INNER 57

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● ● work_mem batch 3 11 batch 7 111 1011 batch 3 batch 3 batch 11 011 0011 58

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● ● ● BufFile batch 3 11 batch 7 111 1011 batch 11 011 0011 batch 3 batch 3 00011 10011 batch 19 batch 3 59

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batch 3 11 batch 7 111 1011 batch 11 011 0011 batch 3 00011 10011 batch 19 batch 3 batch 3 11 batch 7 111 1011 batch 11 011 0011 batch 3 batch 3 ● ● ● 64 batch 3

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bigger_t batch 5 bigger_t smaller_t bigger_t smaller_t stripe 0 stripe 1 smaller_t 2 3 2 3 bigger_t batch 1 smaller_t batch 1 65

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bigger_t smaller_t bigger_t smaller_t smaller_t 2 3 2 3 bigger_t batch 1 smaller_t batch 1 stripe 0 stripe 0 stripe 1 stripe 0 66 bigger_t batch 5

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bigger_t smaller_t bigger_t smaller_t smaller_t 2 3 2 3 bigger_t batch 1 smaller_t batch 1 stripe 1 stripe 0 stripe 1 67

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bigger_t smaller_t PHJ_BUILD_HASHING_INNER bigger_t smaller_t batch 1 smaller_t batch 0 smaller_t batch 1 smaller_t batch 2 smaller_t batch 3 smaller_t batch 0 68

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bigger_t smaller_t smaller_t batch 1 bigger_t batch 1 stripe 0 stripe 1 69

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bigger_t smaller_t bigger_t batch 1 smaller_t batch 1 stripe 0 stripe 0 stripe 1 stripe 0 smaller_t batch 2 smaller_t batch 3 bigger_t batch 0 bigger_t batch 2 bigger_t batch 3 smaller_t batch 0 70

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bigger_t smaller_t bigger_t batch 1 smaller_t batch 1 stripe 1 smaller_t batch 2 smaller_t batch 3 bigger_t batch 0 bigger_t batch 2 bigger_t batch 3 smaller_t batch 0 stripe 0 stripe 1 71

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● ● bigger_t smaller_t bigger_t batch 1 smaller_t batch 1 stripe 0 72 stripe 1 smaller_t batch 1 stripe 0

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bigger_t smaller_t bigger_t batch 1 smaller_t batch 1 stripe 0 outer match statuses 0001 bigger_t.batch_1.tuple_1 matches a tuple in smaller_t.batch_1.stripe_0 bigger_t tuples 2 - 4 have no matches in smaller_t.batch_1.stripe_0 73 stripe 1 smaller_t batch 1 stripe 0

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bigger_t smaller_t bigger_t batch 1 smaller_t batch 1 stripe 1 outer match statuses 1001 bigger_t.batch_1.tuple_4 matches a tuple in smaller_t.batch_1.stripe_1 74 stripe 1 smaller_t batch 1 stripe 0

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bigger_t smaller_t bigger_t batch 1 outer match statuses 1001 75

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SharedTupleStore MinimalTuple TupleIds MinimalTuple - SharedBitStore EXPLAIN 76

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write_file ParallelHashJoinState ParallelHashJoinBatch 0 ParallelHashJoinBatch 1 Outer SharedTuplestore batch 1 Inner SharedTuplestore batch 1 STS Participant 1 STS Participant n STS Participant 2 STS Participant 1 STS Participant n STS Participant 2 P1 Inner STS accessor P2 Inner STS accessor write_file hashtable 77

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SharedTupleStore Inner STS P2 Write file P1 Write file STS Chunk STS Chunk 78

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SharedTupleStore P2 Write file P1 Write file STS Chunk STS Chunk Stripe 1 Stripe 1 Stripe 2 Stripe 2 79 Inner STS

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● ○ ■ ■ ● ○ work_mem** ■ ■ 84 *Tomas Vondra’s patch ** mentioned in the same thread