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10-12 May Exploring modality in the context of blended and hybrid education Sue Beckingham @suebecks Simon Thomson @digisim

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Part One: Towards conscious modality in the context of hybrid learning. Simon Thomson Director of Flexible Learning, University of Manchester.

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A quick note on terminology………………. 3 ……………and more on that later.

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From technology to modality. 4 Reproduced by permission of the publisher, © 2012 by SPaM Framework © 2022 by Simon Thomson is licensed under CC BY 4.0

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5 • Three core knowledge domains • Interlinked – influence each other • A point of reference for: • Curriculum Design • Expertise and Knowledge • Guidance and Support • Policy and Processes • Evaluation and Review • Digital Infrastructure Needs

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6 Subject • What is it that we will teach and that students will learn? Pedagogy • How will we teach this subject and how will we assess the learners? Modality • How will learners access this learning and what modes work best for different activities?

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Teaching Modes In Person On Campus In Person Off Campus Online Synchronous Online Asynchronous

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Which mode is the most prevalent teaching mode in use in your institution? POLL

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Which mode do colleagues in your institution find most challenging to implement effectively? POLL

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Understanding the value of modality 10 Getting the ’blend’ right! • What can/can’t be taught through certain modes? • How accessible are particular modes of learning (to which students)? • To what extent can modes support student participation, engagement and active learning? • To what extent can certain modes support cohort cohesion and student well-being? • Which modes work best for certain pedagogies?

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Understanding the value of modality • What (in-person on-campus) teaching activities are critical to student success (achieving their learning)? • What in person teaching activities are beneficial to students (achieving their learning)? 11 What is the value of in-person on-campus teaching? Ideas in the discussion forum: Start your message with C: (critical) or B: (beneficial)

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12 Mixed-modal curriculum design.

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Part Two: Untangling the Jargon: Re-defining Modes of Learning in Higher Education Sue Beckingham NTF Teaching and Learning Portfolio Lead, Sheffield Hallam University

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Rationale There are two versions: • Educator choice – the tutor selects one mode that will be used for a class • Student choice – the tutor offers both modes simultaneously and students have the flexibility to choose which mode to attend The confusion Multiple names are being used interchangeably along with alternatives • Blended is being used for Hybrid • Hybrid is being used for HyFlex • Other terms include Converged, Blendflex, Comodal, Mutil-mode 14 The concept of hybrid learning is there are two modes: IN-PERSON + ONLINE Hybrid Bricks and Clicks (Bleed, 2001) Hybrid Flexible Learning (Beatty, 2006)

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Version 1 (2021) 15

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Version 2 (2023) 18

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Adding blended learning to a collection of learning approaches 19

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10-12 May