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How to improve frontend performance ⚑ ta1m1kam 🐯

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Why is performance important? πŸ€”

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Slide 3 text β€œPerformance has directly impacted the company's bottom line.” by Pinterest > Pinterest reduced perceived wait times by 40% and this increased search engine traffic and sign-ups by 15%. Performance is about improving conversions Performance is about user experience Performance is about people

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In Shippioβ›΄ ? β­• Good experience makes customers pay for Shippio app ❌ Bad experience makes customers leave

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Performance = πŸ’°

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What is the most important thing to improve performance? πŸ€”

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Measurement⏱ γ€œ Measure, Don’t guess γ€œ

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Lighthouse is an open-source, automated tool for improving the performance Lighthouse

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Trying to measure shipment list page 󰝊

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FCP First Contentful Paint (FCP) metric measures the time from when the page starts loading to when any part of the page's content is rendered on the screen. SI Speed Index (SI) is a page load performance metric that shows you how quickly the contents of a page are visibly populated. LCP Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) metric reports the render time of the largest image or text block visible within the viewport, relative to when the page first started loading.

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TTI TTI metric measures the time from when the page starts loading to when its main sub-resources have loaded and it is capable of reliably responding to user input quickly. TBT Total Blocking Time (TBT) metric measures the total amount of time between First Contentful Paint (FCP) and Time to Interactive (TTI) where the main thread was blocked for long enough to prevent input responsiveness. CLS CLS is a measure of the largest burst of layout shift scores for every unexpected layout shift that occurs during the entire lifespan of a page.

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Performance tab more details about each process σ°‘·

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Bottom-up shows which scripts are slow 🐒

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Slide 14 text Focus on the specific process const t0 =; doSomething(); ← Target const t1 =; console.log(`Call to doSomething took ${t1 - t0} milliseconds.`); Call to doSomething took 11088.40000000596 milliseconds. Code Output (console.log)

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Other Tools

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Regular measurement with CI Lighthouse CLI : Measurement Workflow Datadog could also do this?

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Critical Rendering Path πŸ—Ί

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Request Web page GET HTML Build DOM GET CSS GET JavaScript Build CSSOM Run JavaScript Render Page Idle Block Critical Rendering Path Network Process Rendering Process Start Goal Load HTML Documents Load Subresources Rendering

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β‘  To transfer as little data as possible β‘‘ To transfer data as few times as possible β‘’ To keep the data transfer distance as short as possible Principles of optimisation of network part β‘  request β‘‘ request β‘’ data data far close

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Improvement πŸ”§

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Lighthouse tells us what to improve ● Enable text compresion ● Reduce unused JavaScript ● Reduce unused CSS

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Resources πŸ“¦

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Bundle Analyzer Webpack Bundle Analyzer Rollup Plugin Visualizer You can find which package is big.

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βœ… Using other packages βœ… Not Using packages Remove too big packages eg.) Lodash β†’ Rewriting to Vanilla JavaScript icons package β†’ Rewriting to SVG (Import only you need) css-ui package β†’ Rewriting to Pure CSS eg.) moment.js β†’ change to other package (day.js, date-fns) react-router β†’ wouter

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Compression of the image Converting images to WebP or AVIF etc… Converting font to WOFF2 Assets Optimization πŸ–Ό Images ✏ Fonts β€»Some browsers are still not supported. Our clients may be using even older browsers 😩

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Assets are delivered via CDN. Assets Optimization

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Network 🌐

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HTTP3 is even faster with QUIC and UDP instead of TCP protocol. HTTP1 βœ• / HTTP2 β—― / HTTP3 β—Ž (depending on the browser)

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Apps should be compressed by Brotil algorithm. Content encoding Firebase hosting does everything automatically. πŸ‘πŸ‘

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Server-Side Rendering Client Server Client Server Initial request

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Parallel Request async function notUsePromiseAll() { console.log('Start!!'); const response1 = await fetch(""); const response2 = await fetch(""); console.log('End!!'); } async function usePromiseAll() { console.log('Start!!'); const [response1, response2] = await Promise.all([ fetch(""), fetch(""), ]); console.log('End!!'); } Good πŸ‘ Bad πŸ‘Ž fetch 1 fetch 2 fetch 1 fetch 2 Use Promise.all() time time

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Using Skeleton Improve the score for CLS You can create the frame for the data after loading in advance Make for great user experiences To make the page loading speed feel faster for users

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React Tips

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Reduce Chunk Size Per Page React.lazy + Suspence import React, { Suspense, lazy } from 'react'; import { BrowserRouter as Router, Routes, Route } from 'react-router-dom'; const Home = lazy(() => import('./routes/Home')); const About = lazy(() => import('./routes/About')); const App = () => ( Loading...}> } /> } /> ); File sizes after gzip: 322.74 KB (+180.2 KB) build/static/js/18.aa12ce15.chunk.js 235.25 KB (+231.59 KB) build/static/js/28.a0c7e83f.chunk.js Home Component About Component Can download the required JS for each page. 😎 FYI: Similar solution

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Reduce Chunk Size Per Page import { lazy } from 'react'; ... { path: '/dashboard', component: lazy(() => import('../pages/dashboard/Dashboard')), }, { path: '/shipment', component: lazy(() => import('../pages/shipments/ShipmentsContainer')), }, { path: '/shipments', component: lazy(() => import('../pages/shipments/ShipmentsContainer')), }, { path: '/quote', component: lazy(() => import('../../pages/quote/RoutesContainer/RoutesContainer')), }, ... File sizes after gzip: 322.74 KB (+180.2 KB) build/static/js/18.aa12ce15.chunk.js 235.25 KB (+231.59 KB) build/static/js/28.a0c7e83f.chunk.js 229.81 KB (-107 B) build/static/css/11.c8964559.chunk.css 154.53 KB (-14.75 KB) build/static/js/11.183c1d8c.chunk.js 132.47 KB (-211.45 KB) build/static/js/16.828d24e0.chunk.js 132.47 KB (-10.07 KB) build/static/js/17.96b0ee45.chunk.js 119.37 KB (-10.42 KB) build/static/js/12.59c03137.chunk.js Router file Build Output SplitChunksPlugin Improve bit moreβ€¦πŸ€”?

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Why-did-you-render React Memorization Avoid unnecessary re-rendering ● React.memo() ● useCallback() ● useMemo() How to find the components to be adapted.β€¦πŸ€”

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(to get backend response faster.) ● Scaling Sever ● SQL optimisation ● Thread handling ● Giving more detail properties to html tags ● Tuning Contents Cache-Policy ● Tuning Graphql Client Cache-Policy (Apollo-Client) ● Prefetch resources: preconnect, dns-prefetch, preload ● Using ServiceWorker ● WebAssembly Other Tips Improve Backend