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The Integration of Laravel with Swoole @ L a r a v e l C o n f Ta i w a n 2 0 1 8 B y A l b e r t C h e n

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About Me { "data": { "human": { "name": "Albert Chen", "occupation": "Software Engineer", "company": "Unisharp Techonology", "website": "", "interests": [ "traveling", "programming", "cooking" ], "age": 26 } } }

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No content

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What is Swoole?

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Swoole is… a C extension for Open Source Based on Apache2.0 License

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Naming of Swoole + =

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Features • Written in C, extremely high performance • Event driven, non-blocking I/O • Supports TCP / UDP / UnixSock • Supports Async / Sync / Coroutine • Supports IPv4 / IPv6 Network • Multi-process, multi-thread structure • Supports daemon

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Laravel is awesome But can it be even faster?

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PHP’s Lifecycle Request PHP File PHP File PHP File PHP File PHP File Check Parse Compile Execute (Zend Engine)

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How many files are required for one request in Laravel? 218

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Laravel’s Lifecycle Autoload Load App Bootstrap Register Service Providers Boot Service Providers Http Kernel Middleware Dispatch by Router Routes Match Controller Response Terminate
 Middleware Request public/ index.php

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What Makes Laravel Slow? • A large amount of files are required. • Each file needs its parsing and compiling. • Compiled results will be destroyed after the request. • The default session driver of Laravel is file. • Laravel is a full-stack framework. • All the resource can not be reused.

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Why try to integrate with ?

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Swoole Frameworks Swoole Framework Swoole Distributed Easy Swoole Blink FastD TSF zhttp MixPHP GroupCo

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Swoole’s Model

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Integrating Solutions ① Only use Swoole like PHP-FPM. ② Preload and share single Laravel application. ③ Reset necessary classes/variables based on ②. ④ Build sandbox app for request process based on ③. Running on Package

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Integrating Solutions ① Only use Swoole like PHP-FPM.

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Integrating Solutions ② Preload and share one Laravel application.

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Integrating Solutions Autoload Load App Bootstrap Register Service Providers Boot Service Providers Http Kernel Middleware Dispatch by Router Routes Match Controller Response Terminate
 Middleware Request public/ Laravel will be only booted at the first time. ② Preload and share one Laravel application.

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Integrating Solutions ② Preload and share one Laravel application. Login Access Protected Resource Authenticate User A ? ? Protected Resource ? User B

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Integrating Solutions

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Integrating Issues ① Laravel application will be booted only at the first time. ② All the singleton classes, global or static properties will be preserved in the memory. ③ Developers need to reset these polluted variables manually.

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Integrating Issues ③ Reset necessary variables based on ②.

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Integrating Issues From dingo package

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Integrating Issues ① There are too many unpredictable singleton instances. ② Some code will make app become dirty. ③ Some dependency properties are not easy to reset. ④ Damned static variables…

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Laravel’s Service Container Illuminate Container $resolved = []; $aliases = []; $bindings = []; $instances = []; $serviceProviders = []; $loadedProviders = [];

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Laravel’s Facades protected static $app; protected static $resolvedInstance; Facades Service Container • $app->singleton(‘event’, …) • $app->singleton(‘db’, …) • $app->singleton(‘auth’, …) Service Provider event db auth

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Sandbox App Container Illuminate Container $resolved = []; $aliases = []; $bindings = []; $instances = []; $serviceProviders = []; $loadedProviders = []; Sandbox Container Clone

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Instances Outside of Sandbox Shared Instances view db session routes cache config cookie encrypt hash router url log event

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Sandbox App Container Request Sandbox Reset Config Clear Instances Bind Request Rebind Router’s Container Reset Service Providers Redirect Container and Facades Dispatch

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Integrating Issues Http Kernel App Router Container Routes Collection Route Container Route Container

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Integrating Issues From pagination service provider

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Integrating Issues

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Integrating Issues

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Laravel’s New Lifecycle Autoload Load App Bootstrap Sandbox
 Reset Reset Service Providers Http Kernel Middleware Dispatch by Router Routes Match Controller Response Terminate
 Middleware Request public/ index.php • Save I/O for requiring files. • Make app container isolated.

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Laravel Swoole 940+ Stars on Github

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Laravel Swoole • Run Laravel/Lumen application on top of Swoole. • Outstanding performance boosting up to 5x faster. • Sandbox mode to isolate app container. • Support running websocket server in Laravel. • Support protocol. • Support Swoole table for cross-process data sharing. • Support Coroutine (in develop).

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Connection Pool Database Worker Worker Worker Worker • Persistent Connections • Auto Reconnect

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Websocket in Laravel Broadcast Event Pub / Sub Publish Data Emit Broadcasted Data

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Websocket in Laravel Swoole Emit Data Parser Layer 2probe 42["add user","test"]

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Websocket Server

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Websocket Server

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Benchmark • Provider: AWS EC2 • Instance Type: General t2.2xlarge • Hardware Specs: 8 CPUs / 32 G Memory • OS: Ubuntu 16.04.4 x64 • PHP Version: 7.2 • Laravel Version: 5.6.3 • Benchmark Tool: wrk

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Benchmark wrk -t4 -c10 Running 10s test @ 4 threads and 10 connections Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev Latency 5.49ms 5.62ms 110.36ms 97.98% Req/Sec 396.43 71.29 444.00 86.87% 15671 requests in 10.01s, 38.05MB read Requests/sec: 1565.63 Transfer/sec: 3.80MB

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Benchmark wrk -t4 -c10 Running 10s test @ 4 threads and 10 connections Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev Latency 0.87ms 1.59ms 40.76ms 98.57% Req/Sec 2.71k 140.31 2.89k 88.09% 108606 requests in 10.10s, 261.53MB read Requests/sec: 10753.42 Transfer/sec: 25.89MB

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Coroutine Swoole Swoole 2.0 Swoole 4.0 • async clients • PHP yield + generator • coroutine clients • setjmp/longjmp • limited use cases • call_user_func • array_map • _destruct • coroutine clients • boost.context 1.60 • support all use cases

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Coroutine hello go1 hello man hello go2

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Coroutine Clients in Swoole • TCP / UDP Client • Http Client • Http2 Client • Redis Client • MySQL Client • PostgreSQL Client

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Connection Pool for Coroutine • Each pool maintains several connections. Connection Connection Connection Connection Connection Connection Connection Pool Worker Database

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Connection Pool for Coroutine Database Worker Worker Worker Worker Pool Pool Pool Pool • Each worker has its own connection pool.

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MySQL Coroutine Swoole Mysql Connector Eloquent ORM Swoole PDO Swoole PDO Statement

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MySQL Coroutine

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Benchmark wrk -t4 -c10 Running 10s test @ 4 threads and 10 connections Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev Latency 1.08s 0.00us 1.08s 100.00% Req/Sec 0.11 0.33 1.00 88.89% 9 requests in 10.10s, 8.14KB read Socket errors: connect 0, read 0, write 0, timeout 8 Requests/sec: 0.89 Transfer/sec: 825.20B

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Benchmark wrk -t4 -c10 Running 10s test @ 4 threads and 10 connections Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev Latency 1.03s 7.91ms 1.05s 72.22% Req/Sec 2.17 2.84 9.00 85.71% 72 requests in 10.10s, 65.00KB read Requests/sec: 7.13 Transfer/sec: 6.43KB

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