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Brianna Marshall University of Wisconsin @notsosternlib midwest data librarian symposium (MDLS) Image used courtesy of Amanda Rinehart (@Rinehart64)

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Kristin Briney UW-Milwaukee Brianna Marshall U W - M a d i s o n

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MDLS organizers •  Kristin Briney, UW-Milwaukee •  Jamene Brooks-Kieffer, University of Kansas •  Heather Coates, IUPUI •  Elise Dunham, University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign •  Margaret Henderson, Virginia Commonwealth U •  Cynthia Hudson-Vitale, Washington University in St. Louis •  Brianna Marshall, UW-Madison •  Amanda Rinehart, Ohio State University •  Dorothea Salo, UW-Madison

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October 15-16, 2015 Sponsors •  UW-Milwaukee Libraries •  UW-Madison Libraries Registration: $30 ~50 participants Intended for practitioners and focused on Midwestern librarians, though open to anyone. Midwest Data Librarian Symposium

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symposium schedule Workshop on teaching RDM (Lisa Johnston) Group discussions: •  Curating data (Margaret Henderson) •  Forming partnerships on campus (Brianna Marshall) •  Teaching data management (Heather Coates) •  Consulting on data (Cynthia Hudson-Vitale) Lots of time for networking!

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encouraging new librarians

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#MDLS16 __________________________ Ann Arbor MICHIGAN

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thoughts on the existing research data community of practice

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Meme used courtesy of Megan O’Donnell (@Mega_NO)

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+1 practical strategies + takeaways

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thanks! Brianna Marshall [email protected]