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New Opportunities for Optimizing Structural Elements in Metal by Using Additive Manufacturing // Salomé Galjaard

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© Studio i2

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/ / additive manufacturing Additive Manufacturing © DMRC A process of joining materials to make objects from 3D model data, usually layer upon layer, as opposed to subtractive manufacturing methodologies, such as traditional machining (ASTM). SLS / / DMLS / / SLM

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/ / other sectors Additive Manufacturing aviation (fuel nozzle) aerospace (venturi nozzle) automotive (race car knuckle) © GE © Morris Technologies, Inc. © EOS

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/ / optimization for function 109kN Additive Manufacturing

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/ / optimization for function Additive Manufacturing

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/ / optimization for function Additive Manufacturing

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/ / optimization for production Additive Manufacturing

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/ / optimization for production Additive Manufacturing

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/ / optimization for production Additive Manufacturing

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/ / production Additive Manufacturing

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/ / product before & after Additive Manufacturing

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/ / the second iteration Additive Manufacturing Pin & fork connections and spanner eliminated

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/ / influence on the structure Additive Manufacturing struts cables nodes 50% lighter compression & tension 20% less

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/ / optimization for function Additive Manufacturing

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/ / optimization for function Additive Manufacturing

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/ / optimization for function Additive Manufacturing

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/ / optimization for production Additive Manufacturing

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/ / structural comparison Additive Manufacturing Stainless steel 316L Galvanised S355 steel Maraging steel 1.2709 Von Mises stresses (MPa)

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/ / material test Additive Manufacturing From the tests performed, the mechanical properties achieved were largely in accordance with normal wrought product forms, such as bars, plates, sheets and tubes in the solution annealed and mildly cold worked conditions. All of the test results conformed to the requirements of relevant international product standards for comparative products, with subtle variations in typical composition and mechanical properties. The results were very encouraging in the context of the project and demonstrate that current selective laser melting techniques, applied to suitable materials present a valid technology for the production of components of satisfactory quality and integrity. As Printed 100x Annealed 1050°C 100x

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/ / thank you