Mentoring, Coaching,
and Sponsoring Workshop
by Lara Hogan
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Management is a blend of
mentoring, coaching,
and sponsoring
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Giving advice, based on
your experience
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Advice is just one thing a mentor
gives. There are residual benefits
from visible proximity and
tangential relationships to be
— Kristy Tillman
Director of Product Design
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Being a responsible
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Qualities of a successful mentor
Hilary Sanfey, M.B.B.Ch., M.H.P.E., Celeste Hollands, M.D., Nancy L. Gantt, M.D.
Active listening
Mutual respect
Personal connection
Shared values
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The spirit of coaching is
helping a person dump out
their box of legos to help them
find the two pieces they’ve
been looking for together”
—Paloma Medina, coach and trainer
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The power of
open questions
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The best open questions
start with “what”
● What’s important about this?
● What’s hard about this?
● What does success look like?
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● Can I reflect back what I’m
hearing you say?
● Here’s what I know to be
true about you.
● Let’s reflect on where you
were this time last year.
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You don’t need prior
experience, or even any idea
about someone’s universe
to coach them.
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Getting curious and
actively listening
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Level 1:
Internal Listening
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Level 2:
Focused on the
other person
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Level 3:
Whole environment
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The #1 “recent trick” I hear
during icebreakers is the
power of silence during 1:1s
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Illustration by Catt Small
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Mentors give perspective,
sponsors give opportunity.”
— Cate Huston, Engineering Director
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The dashboards are slow today. Is there
someone who knows how to fix that?
Oh, Max fixed our dashboards before.
Maybe ask them?
Sara’s also been doing a lot of perf work
recently. Ask her too?
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A sponsor confers a statistical
career benefit from 22%–30%
(e.g. getting a stretch assignment,
negotiating a pay raise)
Center for Talent Innovation
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Being a sponsor
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Marginalized people are
over-mentored, and
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With a sponsor, women are
● 70% more likely to have their ideas endorsed
● 119% more likely to see them developed
● 200% more likely to see them implemented
Center for Talent Innovation
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It’s risky for URMs
to help others like them
Study by David R. Hekman, Stefanie K. Johnson, Maw-Der Foo, and Wei Yang
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Examples of sponsorship as
a manager or leader:
● Give promotions and raises
● Give visible/public recognition
● Assign tasks and projects
● Open the door for them to do blog posts,
company talks, open source work
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Adapting to support
different people
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Wearing those three hats
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What’s the purpose
of a 1:1 with your
direct reports?
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Manager Direct Report
Hear rumors, news,
Develop a
Does my manager
care about me?
Identify goals/
career trajectory
I want to keep
growing my skills
Unblock them
Get status updates
I might need help
getting unblocked
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Problem Solving
First 5-10%
Last 5-10%
Middle 80-90%
How to
each 1:1
Be on the lookout for people who:
● will push you out of your comfort zone
● have different levels of experience than you (both
more experience, and less experience)
● have experience in a different industry
● are good at the things that you’re terrible at
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1. Do great work
2. Find someone who knows your work
3. Know how you want to grow
4. Keep them updated
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1. Do great work
2. Find someone who knows your work
3. Know how you want to grow
4. Keep them updated
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1. Do great work
2. Find someone who knows your work
3. Know how you want to grow
4. Keep them updated
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1. Do great work
2. Find someone who knows your work
3. Know how you want to grow
4. Keep them updated
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5. Give back!
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Lean on your Manager Voltron
for goal-setting, goal-measuring,
and feedback.
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Debrief and Open Q&A:
Mentoring, coaching,
and sponsoring