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@BastianHofmann Deploying your first Micro-Service Application to Kubernetes Bastian Hofmann

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Agenda for today

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Kubernetes Basics

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Deploying an application

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Load Balancing

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Persistent Storage

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Configuration Management

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Environment Management

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Service Discovery

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Service Meshes

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(Auto) Scaling

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Container orchestration platform

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Deploy, run and scale your services in isolated containers

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Why containers?

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Services run in isolation

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Everything needed to run a service in one image

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Make things …

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Easier to deploy

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Easier to upgrade system dependencies

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Easier to develop

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Easier to scale

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Better resource usage

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No vendor lock in

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Standardized APIs

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Runs on

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Your laptop

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Bare metal

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Cloud Providers

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And if you don't want to install and maintain Kubernetes yourself

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Managed Kubernetes

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Benefits of Managed Solutions

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Easy upgrades

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Easy scaling

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Load Balancing

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Distributed Persistent Storage

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Some do offer

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Premium support

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Carefree Usage & pro-active monitoring

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You can focus on what's important

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Let’s define some core concepts and terminology first

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Kubernetes Cluster

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• A docker image built from a Dockerfile that contains everything a service needs to run Image

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• A container runs a docker image. • Only 1 process can run inside of a container Container

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• A group of 1 or more containers • Same port space • Ports are not accessible from outside of the pod Pod

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• Defines and manages how many instances of a pod should run Replica Set

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• Manages updates and rollbacks of replica sets Deployment

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• Makes a port of a pod accessible to other pods Service

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• Makes a service accessible to the outside of Kubernetes Ingress

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• A physical server • Containers get distributed automatically Node

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• Configuration that can be mounted inside of a container ConfigMap

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• Volumes can be mounted into a container to access a ConfigMap, Secret or a folder on the host Volumes

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• Dedicated environment to deploy services in Namespaces

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DaemonSets, CronJobs, StatefulSets, ...

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Everything is a resource

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You interact with Kubernetes by creating, receiving, updating and deleting resources

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Kubernetes has controllers to listen on these interactions and get the cluster in the desired state

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kind: Deployment apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 metadata: name: symfony-demo spec: template: spec: containers: - name: symfony-demo image: symfony-demo:1.1.0 ports: - containerPort: 80

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$ kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml

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$ kubectl get deployments NAME DESIRED CURRENT UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE symfony-demo 1 1 1 1 21h

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$ kubectl get deployment symfony-demo -o yaml apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata: annotations: ... spec: ... template: ... spec: containers: - name: symfony-demo image: symfony-demo:1.1.0

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$ kubectl delete deployment symfony-demo

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The Kubernetes API can be extended with additional Resources and Controllers

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Certificate, Backup, Restore, MySQLCluster, Function, ...

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To interact with Kubernetes

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$ kubectl get pods

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NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE kubernetes-dashboard-5b5bf59977-t9xb9 1/1 Running 2 9d nginx-ingress-controller-5549f5597c-97kcw 0/1 Running 2 9d nginx-ingress-default-backend-564d9d9477-tmnnr 1/1 Running 4 9d mysql-556c9b5bcb-5jdrt 1/1 Running 1 8d symfony-demo-5b75f5fc6-c7wr9 1/1 Running 0 8d symfony-demo-5b75f5fc6-jg8n4 1/1 Running 23 8d

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$ kubectl proxy --port=8080 $ curl http://localhost:8080/api/v1/namespaces/default/ pods { "kind": "PodList", "apiVersion": "v1", "metadata": { "selfLink": "/api/v1/namespaces/default/pods", "resourceVersion": "336834" }, "items": [ { "metadata": { "name": "kubernetes-dashboard-5b5bf59977-t9xb9",

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Helm The package manager for Kubernetes

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$ helm install stable/wordpress

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Let's start deploying

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We will use:

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SysEleven MetaKube

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We will all use the same cluster

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Please create and then do everything in your own Namespace

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Please create and then do everything in your own Namespace

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Demo code and instructions: https:/ / phpuk19-k8s-workshop

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# 01 Deploying a simple Web Application

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What did just happen?

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Deployment created

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Sees new Deployment And creates new ReplicaSet with 0 replicas

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Scales new ReplicaSet up

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Sees new ReplicaSet and Creates Pod for ReplicaSet

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Sees new unscheduled Pod and Schedules it to Node

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Sees it is supposed to start a Pod And starts its Containers

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Service created

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Sees the new Service And configures IP Table Rules and DNS entries

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Sees the new Service has the Type LoadBalancer and creates An External LB at the Cloud Provider

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How is traffic routed to the Pod

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The Service loadbalances incoming traffic to all available Pods

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Every Service has a virtual IP

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Round Robin with IP Tables rules

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OpenStack LoadBalancer

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# 02 Using an Ingress with TLS

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The ingress controller (nginx) listens on Ingress Resources and configures itself to route incoming traffic to the correct running pods

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Cert-manager listens on Ingresses and if they want TLS, requests a certificate from LetsEncrypt

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$ helm install stable/nginx-ingress $ kubectl apply -f jetstack/cert-manager/release-0.6/deploy/manifests/00- crds.yaml $ helm install stable/cert-manager

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How is traffic routed to the Pod

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OpenStack LoadBalancer

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# 03 Application Configuration

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Configuration should not be part of a Docker Image

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So that you can use the same Docker Image in multiple environments

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Kubernetes comes with Key-Value Store Resources

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Can be mounted inside of containers

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Environment Variables

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# 04 Helm Package Manager

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Allows to install applications

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So called "charts"

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Writing your own charts if fairly easy

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Charts can depend on other charts

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Multiple deployments of one chart possible

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Different namespaces

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Different release names

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Configuration over values

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$ helm install stable/wordpress --namespace bastian --name my-wordpress --values dev.yaml --values bastian.yaml

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# 05 Service Discovery

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Kubernetes has an internal DNS for service discovery

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Every Service has a DNS entry

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# 06 Databases and Persistent Storage

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You define a Persistent Volume or Storage Class, e.g. NFS, …

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Depends on your Kubernetes Setup

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Each pod can specify a Persistent Volume Claim

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apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim metadata: name: postgresql-pv-claim labels: name: postgresql spec: storageClassName: generic accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 10Gi

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And then mount the Claim into a Volume in a container

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apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: postgresql spec: template: spec: containers: … volumes: - name: postgresql-data persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: postgresql-pv-claim

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https:/ / storage/persistent-volumes/

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# 07 Service Meshes

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What are Service Meshes?

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They provide

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Metrics and Traces

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Transparent End-To-End Encryption

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Advanced Routing

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$ linkerd install | kubectl apply -f -

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# 08 Monitoring

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$ helm install stable/prometheus

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Automatically scrapes all Services/Pods with a Prometheus Scraping Annotation

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# 09 Logging

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Applications just log to stdout & stderr

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Kubernetes writes logs of containers to the Node's Filesystem

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Fluentd runs as a DaemonSet on every Node

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Mounts the local Host Path of the Logs

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Tails on Logs and enriches it with Meta Information

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Sends it to ElasticSearch

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Kibana as a nice Dashboard

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$ helm install stable/elasticsearch $ helm install stable/fluentd-elasticsearch --set client,elasticsearch.port=9200 $ helm install stable/kibana # with some configuration

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# 10 Debugging

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Not all services have an ingress

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Accessing Kubernetes from the outside

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web quote-svc hello-svc

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Getting a shell in a running container

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$ kubectl exec $POD_NAME -i -t -- /bin/bash

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Port forwarding through kubectl

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$ kubectl port-forward pod/$POD_NAME 8080:80

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$ kubectl port-forward service/$SERVICE_NAME 8080:80

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Still, if you make a code change you have to commit, push, build, deploy

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Takes some time

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What about step debugging?

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Of course you can run everything locally

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But you develop only on one service

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There may be lots of services

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You don't want to expose all services publicly

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Port-forwarding all services is also work

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Creates a two-way proxy between the Kubernetes cluster and you

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$ telepresence T: Starting proxy with method 'vpn-tcp'... @fhgbvx65xg|bash-3.2$ curl http://quote-svc/quote | jq '.' [ { "ID": 503, "title": "stefan sagmeister", "content": "


\n", "link": " sagmeister-2/" } ]

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Swap a running deployment in the cluster with a local process

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... or a locally running docker container

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$ telepresence --swap-deployment quote-svc --namespace dev-flow-demo --expose 3000 --run npm run debug T: Starting proxy with method 'vpn-tcp',... T: Forwarding remote port 3000 to local port 3000.... > quote-svc@1.0.0 debug /Users/bhofmann/forge_test/quote- svc > nodemon --inspect quote-svc.js [nodemon] watching: *.* [nodemon] starting `node --inspect quote-svc.js` Debugger listening on ws:// d879-4b50-a228-440354cca791 quote svc listening on port 3000!

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# 11 (Auto) Scaling

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Manual Scaling

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kubectl scale --replicas=3 deployment/my-app

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Better resource usage

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Great tools because of standardized APIs

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Fast paced development

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Keep up to date

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https:/ /

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https:/ / UCvqbFHwN-nwalWPjPUKpvTA

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http:/ / u/bastianhofmann

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Please provide feedback

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