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Front-end Technology Selection

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Agenda 02 03 01 Self Introduction Frontend Team Frontend Stack 04 From Zero to Release 05 Future Plans

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自己紹介 Self introduction

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RODRIGO RAMIREZ / ロドリゴ ラミレス @xpromx Argentinian Spanish: Native | English: Business | 日本語: 勉強中! Career ● 2006~2008: Freelance Developer ● 2008~2015: CEO/CTO - PowerSite (SaaS: NewsMaker, SocialHint) ● 2015-2021: CTO - Travelience (GoWithGuide: Tour Guide Marketplace) ● 2021~: Full-Stack Developer at ReiwaTravel (NEWT: Abroad Tour Package) ( + 10 years ) Self introduction Full-Stack Developer

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Engineer Team

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Engineer Team Frontend Backend iOS Android PM QA Designer

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Engineer Team Engineer Team

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Engineer Team

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Engineer Team

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Frontend Team Frontend Backend iOS Android PM QA Designer

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Frontend Team FULL TIME Full Time Position Open! You? Rodrigo Ramirez プロパートナー Yuito Kawashima Shunsuke Mano Yasuyuki Matsumoto

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Frontend Stack

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Frontend Stack (Web) was release on June 6th 🎉🎉

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Choosing the right technology stack Current team knowledge + Scope of the project your are trying to build Developers available using that technology + Future proof Development speed + Scalability & Maintainability

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Monorepo TurboRepo Turborepo is a high-performance build system for JavaScript and TypeScript codebases

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Framework: Next.JS Why ISR ( Incremental Static Regeneration ) ? ● It fits well with our services since our tours content doesn’t change once created ● If the traffic increase, there is no impact on the API server. ● Best of both worlds: SSR & SSG Data Fetching SSR CSR SSG ISR

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GraphQL What is GraphQL? GraphQL is a query language for your API, used by companies like Facebook, Airbnb,, etc.

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GraphQL Packages ● graphql-codegen to generate TypeScript types from the GraphQL schema ● graphql-request instead of Apollo Client ● react-query for Client Side Fetching Why not Apollo Client? ● We don’t need Apollo advance cache ● We fetch almost all our data from server side (ISR) ● We use react-query when client side fetching is required React-Query vs Apollo Client

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GraphQL Tours query Server Side(ISR) ● graphql-request Client Side ● graphql-request ● react-query

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Styling Steps: 1. Chose popular CSS libraries 2. Try a real use case by creating a button component that supports different sizes & variants 3. Compare the DX and other important points and select one of them

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Styling CSS Modules Tailwind CSS CSS Modules + TW Styled-Components Chakra-UI Vanilla-Extract DX ◯ △ △ △ △ ◯ Development Speed ◉ ◉ ◯ △ △ ◯ Future Proof ◉ ◯ ◯ △ △ △ Bundle size = SEO ◯ ◉ ◯ △ △ ◯ Why CSS Modules? ● It’s just CSS, anyone can write it and read it ● Work by default in Next.JS ● It’s not perfect, but you can find an easy solution for the problems

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Infrastructure Why Vercel? ● Easy to start with, by just linking your Github Repository ● Generate Testing Env. from each branch (perfect for Code Review & QA) ● Vercel Infra: ○ Super Fast Deployments ○ CDN ○ Edge Functions, ○ …

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From Zero to Release

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Initial State ● Members: ○ No Full-time Frontend engineer ○ Rodrigo (half time) + 2 Side Jobs (副業) ● Web Design: ○ We decided to keep the Web design similar to the App to provide the same UX to our users. ■ SP = App ■ Tablet, PC = responsive version of SP with some differences ○ Before starting by organized & designed the basic components ● Web Development: ○ Before we start coding, We started by deciding the Stack & some coding rules ○ Then we created the initial project and CI/CD setup

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Release Timeline 12月2021年 1月2022年 2月2022 3月2022 4月2022 5月2022 6月2022 Stack決める UI Components Web版開発 QA Design Components 6月6日にリリース Design Web版 ● Decide Stack + Setup the project to start coding = 1 month ● Components + Web版開発 + QA feedback = 5 months ● QA before release = 1.5 months

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UI Components Development ● Started by building the basic components (Buttons, Forms, Modals, Grid, etc) ○ We separated UI components from the Application Layer in a monorepo ○ Each member were building different components in parallel ● Components were made by scratch to maximize extensibility and maintainability ○ Using libraries can lead to restrictions, loss of design scalability, and unexpected maintenance costs ○ Exception: Calendar component ● Implemented Storybook to easily check our components

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Website Development ● Divided the work by page type & assigned them to different members. ○ e.g: ■ Member 1: Top, Search, Tour Details, … ■ Member 2: Sign In, Booking Process, … ● While building each page, our UI components also evolved to support real use cases. ● Each page was tested on a separate Testing Environment before merge it.

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Code Review ● Situation ○ No full-time frontend engineer, Code-reviews were concentrated on me (Rodrigo) ○ It affected the development speed ● Temporal Solution ○ Focus on the final output (UI/UX) ○ We did some sacrifices in quality at the beginning

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QA ● Situation ○ We started the QA process one month before the release ○ We had many small bugs, that we needed to fix until the last minute. ● Solution: ○ やり切る

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App new features ● Situation: ○ During those 4~5 months of the web version development the App version was also including new features ● Temporal Solution: ○ Try to minimize the Impact of new features, and decided which ones could be added after release.

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Future Plans

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Future Plans ● GraphQL Colocation ● SEO optimizations ● Accessibility ● Production move to GCP when traffic increase? ● Testing: e2e using cypress ● Next.JS nested layouts ❤ ● New Features ● … Just released… many things pending to do

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Frontend Team FULL TIME Full Time Position Open! You? Rodrigo Ramirez プロパートナー Yuito Kawashima Shunsuke Mano Yasuyuki Matsumoto

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Thank You! @xpromx We are hiring! All positions open! ありがとうございます! Muchas Gracias!