Waiting For Life - Once on this Island
Schantelle Alonzo
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Dialog A stranger in white...
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Dialog ...in a car...
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Dialog ...going somewhere!
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Dialog ...going somewhere!
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Dialog Going far!
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Dialog Going far!
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Dialog Going far!
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Dialog How it must feel to go racing wherever you please,
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Dialog How it must feel to go racing wherever you please,
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Dialog How it must feel to go racing wherever you please,
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Dialog How it must feel to go racing wherever you please,
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Dialog How it must feel to go racing wherever you please,
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Dialog How it must feel to go racing wherever you please,
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Dialog How it must feel to go racing wherever you please,
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Dialog How it must feel to go racing wherever you please,
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Dialog How it must feel to go racing wherever you please,
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Dialog How it must feel to go racing wherever you please,
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Dialog How it must feel to go racing wherever you please,
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Dialog How it must feel to go racing wherever you please,
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Dialog How it must feel to go racing wherever you please,
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Dialog Flying as free as a bird with its tail in the breeze
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Dialog Flying as free as a bird with its tail in the breeze
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Dialog Even the fish in the sea must be longing to fly
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Dialog Even the fish in the sea must be longing to fly
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Dialog Catching a glimpse of the stranger in white racing by!
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Dialog Catching a glimpse of the stranger in white racing by!
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Dialog Oh gods, oh gods
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Dialog Oh gods, oh gods
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Dialog Are you there?
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Dialog Are you there?
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Dialog What can I do to get you to look down and give in?
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Dialog What can I do to get you to look down and give in?
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Dialog Oh gods, oh gods, hear my prayer!
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Dialog I'm here in the field
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Dialog I'm here in the field
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Dialog I'm here in the field
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Dialog With my feet on the ground
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Dialog With my feet on the ground
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Dialog And my faith in the air
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Dialog Waiting for life to begin...
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Dialog Mama's contented and Ton Ton accepts what he gets...
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Dialog ...happy for tea in their cups and the holes in their nets...
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Dialog ...happy to have what they have and to stay where they are...
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Dialog ...happy to have what they have and to stay where they are...
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Dialog ...happy to have what they have and to stay where they are...
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Dialog ...happy to have what they have and to stay where they are...
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Dialog They never even look up at the sound of a car!
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Dialog They never even look up at the sound of a car!
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Dialog They never even look up at the sound of a car!
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Dialog They never even look up at the sound of a car!
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Dialog They never even look up at the sound of a car!
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Dialog A stranger!
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Dialog Racing down the beach!
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Dialog Racing to places...
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Dialog ...I was meant to reach!
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Dialog ...I was meant to reach!
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Dialog ...I was meant to reach!
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Dialog My stranger!
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Dialog One day you will arrive...
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Dialog One day you will arrive...
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Dialog Your car will stop
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Dialog Your car will stop
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Dialog And in I'll hop
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Dialog And in I'll hop
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Dialog And off we'll drive!
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Dialog And off we'll drive!
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Dialog And off we'll drive!
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Dialog And off we'll drive!
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Dialog And off we'll drive!
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Dialog And off we'll drive!
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Dialog We'll drive!
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Dialog We'll drive!
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Dialog We'll drive!
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Dialog We'll drive!
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Dialog Oh gods, oh gods,
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Dialog Oh gods, oh gods,
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Dialog ...please be there...
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Dialog Don't you remember your little Timoune from the tree?
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Dialog Wake up! Look down!
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Dialog Hear my prayer!
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Dialog Don't single me out...
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Dialog ...And then forget me!
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Dialog Oh gods, oh gods,
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Dialog Oh gods, oh gods,
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Dialog Oh gods, oh gods,
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Dialog Let me fly!
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Dialog Let me fly!
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Dialog Send me to places where no one before me has been!
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Dialog Send me to places where no one before me has been!
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Dialog Send me to places where no one before me has been!
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Dialog Send me to places where no one before me has been!
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Dialog You spared my life...
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Dialog ...show me why!
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Dialog You get me to rise like a fish to the bait
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Dialog You get me to rise like a fish to the bait
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Dialog Then tell me to wait!
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Dialog Then tell me to wait!
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Dialog Well I'm waiting!
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Dialog Waiting for life to begin!
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Dialog Waiting for life to begin!
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Dialog Waiting for life to begin!
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