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API DESIGN FOR EVER EVOLVING SYSTEMS @odrotbohm Oliver Drotbohm ƀ odrotbohm

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ARCHITECTURAL CONSTRAINTS TRAITS 5 Evolvability, Scalability, Fault Tolerance, … Client-Server, Statelessness, Cacheability, Uniform Interface, Layered System, (Code on Demand…)

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12 CRUD + Validation  Browser Ȑ Application  Database {…} JS CRUD Business logic Validation

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’ „ “ 13

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14  Browser Ȑ Application  Database {…} JS Mobile {…} CRUD CRUD + Validation Business logic Validation

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21 From: Stefan Tilkov – Microservices: Patterns and Antipatterns Data CRUD via HTTP / JDBC in disguise

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22 From: Geek And Poke – Future-proof Your Data Model

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24 From: Stefan Tilkov – Microservices: Patterns and Antipatterns Data Domain Logic CRUD via HTTP / JDBC in disguise Spring Data REST / Re-usable, but low-level

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24 From: Stefan Tilkov – Microservices: Patterns and Antipatterns Data Domain Logic Process Flow CRUD via HTTP / JDBC in disguise Spring Data REST / Re-usable, but low-level Useful and specific

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25 Data Domain Logic Process Flow Presentation From: Stefan Tilkov – Microservices: Patterns and Antipatterns CRUD via HTTP / JDBC in disguise Spring Data REST / Re-usable, but low-level Useful and specific

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26 Data Domain Logic Process Flow Presentation Clients Server &

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27 Data Domain Logic Process Flow Presentation Clients Server Clients Server ?

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31 class SomeService { UserAccount create(…) { … } } class UserAccount {
 Salutation salutation; } enum Salutation { MR, MRS; }

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32 { "type": „object“, "properties": { "salutation": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string", "enum": ["Mr", "Mrs"] } } } }

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class SomeService { UserAccount create(…) { … } } class UserAccount {
 Salutation salutation; } enum Salutation { MR, MRS, PROF; } 34

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{ "type": "object", "properties": { "salutation": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string", "enum": ["Mr", "Mrs", "Prof"] } } } } 36

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39 Jim Weirich, 2009 – Video @ YouTube The Grand Unified Theory Meilir Page-Jones, 2000 – Book @ Amazon Fundamentals of Object-oriented Design in UML

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40 From: Connascence – Wikipedia

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41 From: Connascence – Wikipedia

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… … … … … 42

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„ ’ !“ 1 0 2 0 2 1… 44 "

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The Cost of Versioning an API 45 From: Jacques Dubray - Understanding the cost of versioning an API

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’ 49

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50 payment expected preparing cancelled ready completed 1 2 3 4 5 6 From: REST In Practice – O'Reilly Sample code @ GitHub: Spring RESTBucks

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51 Method URI Action Step POST /orders Create new order 1 POST/PATCH /orders/{id} Update the order (only if "payment expected") 2 DELETE /orders/{id} Cancel order (only if "payment expected") 3 PUT /orders/{id}/payment Pay order (only if "payment expected") 4 Barista preparing the order GET /orders/{id} Poll order state 5 GET /orders/{id}/receipt Access receipt DELETE /orders/{id}/receipt Conclude the order process 6

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52 GET /order/4711 { "createdDate" : …, "status" : "Payment expected" … }

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1 54

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55 GET /order/4711 { "createdDate" : …, "status" : "Payment expected", … }

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Method URI Action Step POST /orders Create new order 1 POST/PATCH /orders/{id} Update the order (only if "payment expected") 2 DELETE /orders/{id} Cancel order (only if "payment expected") 3 PUT /orders/{id}/payment Pay order (only if "payment expected") 4 Barista preparing the order GET /orders/{id} Poll order state 5 GET /orders/{id}/receipt Access receipt DELETE /orders/{id}/receipt Conclude the order process 6 59

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60 Method Resource type Action Step POST orders Create new order 1 POST/PATCH update Update the order 2 DELETE cancel Cancel order 3 PUT payment Pay order 4 Barista preparing the order GET order Poll order state 5 GET receipt Access receipt DELETE receipt Conclude the order process 6

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61 GET /order/42 { "_links" : { "cancel" : { "href" : … }, }, … "createdDate" : …, "status" : "Payment expected", … }

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64 Amount of domain knowledge in the client Amount of protocol knowledge in the client Coupling to the server Non-hypermedia based systems Hypermedia based systems

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THANK YOU! 65 # @odrotbohm Oliver Drotbohm ƀ odrotbohm

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66 Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based Software Architectures Fielding – Dissertation PDF Evolving Distributed Systems Gierke – Blog Microservices: Patterns and Antipatterns Tilkov – Slide deck @ Speakerdeck Fundamentals of Object-oriented Design in UML Meilir Page-Jones, 2000 – Book @ Amazon The Grand Unified Theory Jim Weirich, 2009 – Video @ YouTube

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REST In Practice Parastatidis, Webber, Robinson – Book @ O'Reilly Spring RESTBucks Drotbohm – Code @ GitHub Spring HATEOAS Project website Spring REST Docs Project website Spring Cloud Contract Project website 67