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We have a plethora of tools that are bound to make our lives easier and tasks completed faster.

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“Creatives aren’t good at their art because of their tools; their talent stems from the skills and knowledge they’ve acquired while using their tools.” “The Good Creative”—Paul Jarvis

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We live in superabundance of information and the most crucial skill isn’t multi-tasking but single-threading our attention.

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The strive for simplicity is superficial.

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“Complexity is a fact of the world, simplicity is in the mind.” “Living with Complexity”—Don Norman

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TESLER’S LAW OF CONSERVATION OF SIMPLICITY Every application has an inherent amount of irreducible complexity. The only question is who will have to deal with it.

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We need to automate tasks to stay productive and focus on problem-solving that simply cannot be delegated.

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AUTOPREFIXER postcss/autoprefixer Worry-free vendor prefixing.

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LINTING csslint/csslint Checking for bad patterns

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MEDIA OPTIMISATION jamiemason/imageoptim-cli svg/svgo addyosmani/tmi Strip unnecessary bytes

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MINIFICATION jakubpawlowicz/clean-css jbleuzen/node-cssmin Strip unnecessary characters

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CODE BLOAT giakki/uncss geuis/helium-css Search and remove unused declarations

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TESTING PERFORMANCE zeman/perfmap adyedinborough/stress-css Find specific elements hindering performance

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TESTING PERFORMANCE YSlow, Chrome Developer Tools Audit, Google Page Speed

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DEBUGGING LAYOUT ISSUES Find problems with the box model

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GUIs FOR AUTOMATION Hammer for Mac CodeKit Livereload

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npm provides a native ecosystem for task automation.

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“The current support in npm for front- end packaging isn’t good enough. npm loves you, front-enders, and we care about your use cases.” Npm and front-end packaging—

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` ` "scripts": { "start": "npm run watch-styles & npm run watch- jade & npm run server", "watch-styles": "stylus -w ./assets/styl/ -o ./ assets/ static/css/", "watch-jade": "jade --watch ./assets/jade/ index.jade --out ./assets/static/" }

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` ` var gulp = require(‘gulp’); var jshint = require(‘gulp-jshint’); gulp.taks(‘test’, function() { return gulp .src(‘./sample.js’) .pipe(jshint()) .pipe(jshint.reporter(‘jshint-stylish’)); });

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` ` build: all all: index.html public/css/main.min.css public/css/main.min.css: public/css/main.css cssmin public/css/main.css > public/css/main.min.css public/css/main.css: public/styl/main.styl $(STYLUS_FILES) stylus -u ./ public/styl/main.styl -u autoprefixer-stylus -o public/css

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Technology is a mean to an end but it will fail miserably if people can’t work together, feel empowered to contribute and grow.

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Every single person joins a team with their own set of biases, predispositions and preferences.

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“Knowledge makes everything simpler.” “Living with Complexity”—Don Norman

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Breaking down data in modules makes it more digestible and controllable.

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Good tools, especially command line based, don’t fail nor succeed silently.

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The aim to build bullet-proof software is profound but almost impossible to achieve.

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It’s relatively easy to build overcomplicated solutions but it’s hard to maintain them.

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It’s easy to introduce unnecessary complexity by adding tools that manage other tools.

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“brew install python easyinstall pip install bower install npm install -g fuck-you” @lewiscowper

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The right set of tools or lack thereof sets apart a craftsman from an operator.

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