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Docker in Production Speaker: Dimitris Kapanidis

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Innovating Container Delivery

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Index - Requirements - Phase 1 - Continuous Delivery - Phase 2 - Operating System - Benchmarking Day - Disaster Recovery Day

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Requirements - Production - 23 Million daily hits - Off-load DB usage - Fast response time - Process - Quick deploy cycles - Easy rollbacks - Easy scaling - Automatic failover - Dev,QA,Prod parity - No SPOF - Canary Releases

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Phase 1 Containerize an existing Tomcat WAR

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Delivery Life Cycle - Classic

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Issues with This Delivery Lifecycle - Too many open questions - How is Production environment provisioned? - What JDK, Tomcat version? - How are JDK/Tomcat installed? (apt-get, tarball) - Values of variables? - JAVA_OPTS, JAVA_HOME - CATALINA_OPTS, CATALINA_HOME - Logging mechanism - Application Configuration

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WAR is not executable

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How? - Application is a WAR file - The migration is initially an Ops project - Gave the confidence to bootstrap the rest - Keep it incremental!

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Delivery Life Cycle - Containers

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Creating Container FROM tomcat:7.0.59 ADD app.war webapps/ Dockerfile > ls app.war Dockerfile Directory Structure

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Delivery Life Cycle - Containers

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Containers are executable

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Container Image Tuning - Tomcat APR Installation - JAVA_OPTS Memory tuning - Remove default Tomcat webapps - Expand WAR during docker build - Set Locale, Timezone

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- Use official parent Images - Add variable Configuration (with defaults) - Use ENV variables when possible - Use Template config files to inject values - Add variable Validation (with exit status) - Follow open-source examples Container Image Build Checklist

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Adding entrypoint FROM tomcat:7.0.59 ADD app.war webapps/ COPY / ENTRYPOINT [“/”] Dockerfile > ls app.war Dockerfile Directory Structure

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Bringing down walls but still a two steps build process…

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Introducing captain

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Captain Configuration app: build: Dockerfile image: registry.local/user/app pre: - mvn clean install captain.yml

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Atomic Builds but we still depend on installed mvn at build machine...

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app: build: Dockerfile image: registry.local/user/app pre: - docker run -it --rm -v ~/.m2:/root/.m2 \ -v "$PWD":/app -w /app maven:3.3.3 mvn clean install Captain Configuration captain.yml

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Continuous Delivery in other words: from Commit to Container

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Continuous Integration: Build master branch B branch A captain build latest branch A

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Continuous Integration: Test captain test latest

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Continuous Integration: Push captain push latest latest

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Continuous Integration: Release v0.1 v0.2 v1.0 captain push

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Phase 2 Distributed Container-Based Architecture (a.k.a Microservices)

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Phase 2 - Legacy Production

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Phase 2 - Add Cache

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Phase 2 - Add Messaging System

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Phase 2 - Add Tasks

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Phase 2 - Topology

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How to Achieve - Infrastructure as Code - Cluster-centric Operating System - Designed with fail-safes - Avoid Single Point-of-Failure (SPOF) - Designed with redundancy - Partition tolerant - Lightweight

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Operating System Designed for Cluster

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The Operating System - CoreOS

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The Operating System - CoreOS

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The Operating System - CoreOS

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The Operating System - CoreOS

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- Initialization of cluster instances - Infrastructure as Code - Treat servers as Cattle (not pets) - Scale-out with one command - CoreOS Update reboot-strategy: off - Discovery URL to auto-configure cluster - Configured Fleet Metadata Cloud Config YML

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Fleet Units - One per Service - Configuration Management with Etcd - Side-kick to activate Load Balancer

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Production Cluster cloud-config.yml (injecting private keys for read-only access of git repo & docker registry) docker pull git checkout Fleet Unit Files

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Benchmarking Day

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Production Server Topology 1

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Production Server Topology 2

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Production Server Topology 3

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Production Server Topology 4

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Production Server Topology 5

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On 4 cluster servers

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Disaster Recovery Day

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- Entire Cluster failure - Running Containers +350 - Rebuilt cluster etcd from scratch - Downtime: 2 hours Worse Case Scenario

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- Buggy App (100% cpu) deployed on cluster - Measures: Deployment on Test environment - Measures: Canary deploys (10% of cluster) - High CPU usage disrupted etcd cluster - Measures: Tune etcd time-outs - Measures: Setup isolated etcd-cluster servers - Reboot of machines provoked OS upgrade - Measures: Lock-down CoreOS version by disabling service-upgrade; Upgrades on-demand Worse Case Scenario - Timeline

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Thank you