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Organizations v5.0 Ivan @vanzaj #barcampsg10

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Semco “rules” No job titles (associates/counselors) No written policies No HR No HQ People set their own salaries and working hours Everybody has access to company's financial statements Everybody shares the profit Subordinates choose their managers and evaluate them every 6 month. Meetings are voluntary. Two open seats for board meetings.

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● Short history of org development ● Structures and Practices ● Practical advice

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Company Sector Nb of employees Established For/Non profit AES Energy 40’000 1982 for profit BSO/Origin IT 10’000 1973 for profit Buurtzorg Health care 7’000 2006 non-profit ESBZ Public education 1’500 2007 non-profit FAVI Manufacturing 500 1953 for profit Heiligenfeld Health care 600 1990 for profit Morning Star Food 400 - 2’400 1970 for profit Patagonia Apparel 1’350 1957 for profit RHD Social service 4’000 1970 non-profit Sounds True Media 90 1985 for profit Sun Hydraulics Manufacturing 900 1970 for profit

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org v5.0 practices self-managing teams no boss, no middle managers, no org chart, minimal staff functions trust in abilities, task volunteering, individual responsibility internal processes for decisions making, conflict resolution, ... transparency information: finances, team performance, outside world whole/integral perspective strong values and clear purpose humans (psychology matters) work environment

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Slide 8 text Profit <-> Purpose Hierarchies <-> Networks Controlling <-> Empowering Planning <-> Experimentation Privacy <-> Transparency

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Slide 10 text formula-and-all-individual-salaries/ zappos-says-ceo-tony-hsieh/ worlds-biggest-appliance-maker-nimble Valve Handbook for New Employees