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Super Marek’s Testing Strategy Photo from

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Marek Matulka @super_marek Photo by @cakper

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no tests

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my first unit tests

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Price Quality Speed

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Manual regression “testing” Some integration tests A handful of unit tests

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Ealing Broadway Station

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Problem Station building is small and overcrowded and at peak times people get stuck trying to change platforms. Station building connecting all platforms Platform 1 Platform 2/3 Platform 4 Platform 5/6

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Solution Build a footbridge connecting rail platforms. Station building connecting all platforms Platform 1 Platform 2/3 Platform 4 Platform 5/6

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Delivery Footpath connecting rail platforms. Station building connecting all platforms Platform 1 Platform 2/3 Platform 4 Platform 5/6 Footbridge

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Result Still blocked platforms. Station building connecting all platforms Platform 1 Platform 2/3 Platform 4 Platform 5/6 Footbridge

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Tester Detects bugs Prevents bugs QA

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Who’s responsibility is testing?

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QA BE dev FE dev

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QA BE dev FE dev PO UX BA

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my team’s testing strategy

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Definition of done ● Have one ● Change it as team’s delivery process changes ● Have production environment from day one

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Make tools work for you ● Story board ○ Virtual e.g. Trello, JIRA ○ Physical e.g. stickies on the wall ● Adjust as your process changes ○ Visualise bottlenecks

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Story grooming ● Acceptance criteria ● Testing strategy ○ Unit tests enough? ● Slice into smaller stories ● Involve as many people as possible - QA, PO, FE, BE, stakeholders...

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In development ● Test early! ○ Unit tests ○ Acceptance tests ○ Integration tests ● Peer reviews ● Pair programming ● CI build on every commit

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Quality Assurance ● Run a build on each commit ○ Make CI do the work for you ● Static analysis ○ Finds flaws missed in PR review ● Env for every branch/PR ○ Allows QA to verify work early, before it’s merged ● QA to merge your PR

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Monitoring ● Logs collection ○ logstash, papertrail ● Bugs detection ○ bugsnag, sentry ● Alerts ○ new relic, sysdig

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Acceptance Criteria

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Given-When-Then Feature: Shopper can see a postage cost In order to see the total cost of the order As a shopper I want to see a postage cost @APP-123 @smoke @database Scenario: Shopper can see a postage cost Given I have added a "Clean Code" book priced £34.50 to the basket And the postage cost for one book is £3.50 When I check the basket Then I should see the postage cost of £3.50 And the total of the basket should be £38.00

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Write a failing scenario (feature) Write a failing test Make your test pass Refactor your code Make your scenario pass BDD TDD

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Write a failing scenario (feature) Write a failing test Make your test pass Refactor your code Make your scenario pass BDD TDD External Quality Internal Quality

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Unit tests Acceptance tests Integration tests E2E tests

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Unit tests Acceptance tests Integration tests E2E tests $$$$$$ ¢ cost speed

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Unit tests Acceptance tests Integration tests E2E tests Manual Automated

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Price Quality Speed

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Price Sustainability Speed

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features delivered time

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(on my current project) Example stack

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Unit tests Acceptance tests Integration tests E2E tests

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Thank you! @super_marek