Slide 1

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Project Proposal

Slide 2

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Homework 3 Brain View Controller Client Blackboard PostOffice Model Server Publisher Subscriber

Slide 3

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Let’s Work 4 •Create a Desktop Application •Using Java SDK 20 (verbose programming language) •Java Swing for Graphics •User Experience (from installation configuration to using it)

Slide 4

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1. Java Desktop Application Eye Tr a cking Simul a tor (size, speed) 5

Slide 5

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2. Java Desktop Application A ff ect Recognition (speed) 6

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3. Java Desktop Application He a d Movement 7

Slide 7

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4. Java Desktop Application Cobot Simul a tor 8

Slide 8

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5. Java Desktop Application Hub 9

Slide 9

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Questions 10

Slide 10

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Remember the Process

Slide 11

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From an Idea 12 Main Factory Gift Ball Box Envelop

Slide 12

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To a draft of Standard Concepts (Patterns) 13 wrapper2 Main wrapper1 Factory decoration Envelope Box Gift wrapper3 ball Supervisor Is big > 10, box Is small < 5, envelop

Slide 13

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To Code 14

Slide 14

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Factory 15

Slide 15

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Chain of Responsibilities 16

Slide 16

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Decorator 17

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Decorator 18

Slide 18

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Observer 19

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No content

Slide 20

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Two more thing

Slide 21

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Idea 1 22 Main Factory Gift Ball Box Envelop Handler Supervisor Bin

Slide 22

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Idea 1 23 In main: In ConcreteHandlerWithBox: In ConcreteHandlerWithEnvelop:

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Idea 2 24 Main Factory Gift Ball Box Envelop Handler Supervisor Bin GUI

Slide 24

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Idea 2 25

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Idea 2 :: the GUI elements 26

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Idea 2 :: Listener 27

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Idea 2 28 Main Factory Gift Ball Box Envelop Handler Supervisor Bin GUI

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CSC 509 Software Engineering Javier Gonzalez-Sanchez, Ph.D. [email protected] Fall 2024 Copyright. These slides can only be used as study material for the class CSC509 at Cal Poly. They cannot be distributed or used for another purpose.