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@zachleat Filament Group

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People with Impostor Syndrome are unable to internalize their accomplishments […] convinced that they are frauds and do not deserve the success they have achieved.

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First off, before I get too far, I should say—

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I’m not the most qualified person to give this talk.

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I’m not the most qualified person speaking at this conference.

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No one invited me to speak.

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I’m not a professionally trained speaker.

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I hope no one finds out that I’m faking it.

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Actually—now that I think about it— I’ve given talks at conferences before.

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People that I respect seemed to like them.

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Surely I’m more of a con-artist than a public speaker.

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I’m probably not qualified enough to speak at any conference.

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Oh, God—I’m sure I shouldn’t have talked at those meetups.

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Meetups have Q&A—

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—it’s harder to fool people during Q&A.

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There will not be Q&A after this talk.

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Okay, to be safe I just won’t do any more speaking.

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Maybe I should have written a blog post on this topic instead.

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It’s safer on my blog. I can edit and proofread and rewrite.

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No one will know that I make mistakes.

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But—my blog post ideas feel unoriginal and derivative.

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and the Web is huge.

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My post has to compete with the rest of the world?

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No one is going to read it.

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There are far better writers.

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Sure, I’ve written a few posts that people seemed to like.

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My personal web site has had over 1.3M page views.

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I’ve convinced almost 6,000 people to subscribe to my blog.

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Surely I’ve pulled the wool over their eyes.

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Okay, to be safe I just won’t do any more speaking or blogging.

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Maybe I’ll stick to tweeting instead.

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Twitter is ephemeral.

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The half life for mistakes is about 20 minutes.

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Sure, I’ve posted a few good tweets.

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I’ve convinced a few people to follow me.

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I basically got my job through Twitter.

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But maybe it’s easier to fool people on Twitter.

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If Justin Bieber can get 45M followers, the bar must be pretty low.

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My followers probably have me on Twitter probation.

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I’m sure my next tweet will get me unfollowed.

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“It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt.”

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“It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt.” —Mark Twain

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Okay, to be safe I won’t speak or blog or tweet.

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To beat Impostor Syndrome, I can stop participating.

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But that certainly won’t make me happy.

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I need to create to feel alive.

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The best way to beat Impostor Syndrome is to participate.

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Encourage other people.

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Accept encouragement from others.

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Share what you know.

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Share what you don’t know.

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“I have written eleven books, but each time I think ‘Uh oh, they’re going to find out now. I’ve run a game on everybody, and they’re going to find out.” —Maya Angelou

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Impostor syndrome doesn’t go away.

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But if we recognize it, we can begin to deal with it.

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Thank you.

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