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Google Dapper A Large-Scale Distributed Systems Tracing Infrastructure

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About Us • Ryan Kennedy @rckenned - runs infrastructure for @yammer. • Anjali Shenoy @anjshenoy - infrastructure engineer @yammer.

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Who has read this paper?

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This is an experience paper. Not a research paper.

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What is Dapper?

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“Distributed Systems”

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“Tracing Infrastructure”

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“A Large-Scale Distributed Systems Tracing Infrastructure"

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“We built Dapper to provide Google’s developers with more information about the behavior of complex distributed systems.”

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Distributed systems explained

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Benefits of a distributed system… • A collection of software services • Developed by different teams • Across different platforms • Using different programming languages

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Downsides of a distributed system… • A collection of software services • Developed by different teams • Across different platforms • Using different programming languages

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Engineering Context • Multiple services • Each service manned by a separate team • Continuous deployment of services

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On-call troubles • Investigate overall health of system • Guess which service is at fault • Why which service is at fault*

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Dapper A large scale distributed systems tracing infrastructure

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Dapper’s Problem Space • End user - on-call engineer • Bird’s-eye view into overall system health • Ability to drill down into a service and see why its holding up the train • Long term pattern recognition

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Design goals ! • Ubiquity • Low overhead • Application level transparency • Scalability

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Low overhead. But… how? • Sampling - 0.01% of requests for high throughput systems. • Adaptive sampling was being deployed at publish time. • Out of band trace data collection

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What is a trace? • A dapper trace is a tree of spans - 1 for every RPC • Each span has its own set of annotations, including the parent span • Annotation - application specific data you want to send along with the trace

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What about annotations? • Annotation is some application specific information you pass along with your span. • A span can have 0-many annotations. • Each annotation has a timestamp and either a textual value or key-value pairs.

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Let’s talk about instrumentation

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{! "trace_id": "7021185255097625687",! "spans": [ {! "span_id": "2186499883",! "parent_span_id": "",! "name": "groups.create",! "start_time": 1395364621946662144,! "duration": 1359471104,! "annotations": [ {! "path_to_sql": {! "sql": "INSERT into messages (…)",! "start_node": “app/controllers/ a_controller.rb:create",! "path": "app/models/b.rb:create_message, app/ models/c.rb:create_group_message!"! },! "logged_at": 1395364623306275840! }! ]}]}

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Ok. Now what? • How to effectively coalesce data in downstream systems? • Data for immediate perusal • Data for long term pattern recognition

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Moar sampling… • Google’s prod clusters generate >1TB of data/ day. • Dapper end users want to query trace data ~ 2 weeks old

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Dapper API • By Trace Id: load on demand • Bulk Access: leverage MapReduce jobs to provide access to billions of traces in parallel. • Indexed access: composite index => lookup by service name, host name, timestamp.

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Dapper API Usage • Online web applications • Command line - on demand • One-off analytical tools

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Dapper in Development • Performance • Correctness • Understanding • Testing

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Exception monitoring • Exception monitoring service uses trace/span ids as meta data • Link to same in UI reports

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Other uses… • Long tail latency • Inferring service dependencies • Layered and shared storage systems

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Blind spots • Coalescing effects • Finding a root cause within a service • Tying kernel events to a trace

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In conclusion • Best use case for dev/ops teams. • Practical - negligible performance impact • Keep the trace repo API open

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Thank you, authors • Benjamin H. Sigelman • Luiz André Barroso • Mike Burrows • Pat Stephenson • Manoj Plakal • Donald Beaver • Saul Jaspan • Chandan Shanbhag

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Thanks! Questions?