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Python Apps & Docker @pygotham 2014

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Matt Wright @mattupstate Software/Ops Engineer @ChatID ● Python, Lua, CoffeeScript ● Flask, Prosody, Backbone, Angular Open Source ● Author: Flask-Security, Flask-JWT, ... ● Contributor: Ansible, Flask ● Member: metaflask

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What’s all the fuss about?

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“... an open platform for developers and sysadmins to build, ship, and run distributed applications.” Docker:

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Images A stateless, read-only collection of “layers” joined together via a union filesystem. Containers A stateful instance of an image in which one or more processes are running or have exited Docker: Concepts

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Docker: Components Docker Engine A portable, lightweight system level daemon that manages images and containers Docker Hub A web service for distributing images and enabling automated workflows

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Docker Hub Server Docker Engine Docker CLI Containers Images Docker: Birds Eye View Repository Images Repository Images Repository Images Repository Images

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● Development Environments ● Application Deployment ● Continuous Integration ● Continuous Delivery ● Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) Docker: Use Cases

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Tooling Kubernetes Marathon maestro-ng Shipyard fig Platforms Elastic Beanstalk CoreOS Docker: Landscape SaaS and many more (to come) ...

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Development Environments

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● OS ● System libraries ● Python dependencies ● Database, cache, etc Dev Env: Components

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● Constantly change ● Never truly consistent ● Miscommunication (Ops vs. Devs) ● “Drift” Dev Env: Problems

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● README ● Stacks (LAMP, XAMP) ● Virtual Machines ● Vagrant + (Chef | Puppet | Ansible) Dev Envs: Before

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● Easy to change and share ● Always consistent ● 100% Isolated ● Single authority ● Production ready! Dev Envs: Docker!

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Fig $ pip install fig

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Production Ready

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● Be skeptical of Docker dogma ● Keep secrets out of env vars ● Don’t use Docker for everything ● Design images carefully Docker Tips

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Thank You!