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A year (+½) with Hanami in production: the Good, the Bad and some Recipes Yevhen [Eugene] Kuzminov Ruby Team Lead in MobiDev

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Photo by TOMOKO UJI on Unsplash

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whoami ● 10 years in professional web dev (put HTML together since 2001) ● 6 years with PHP + 4 years with Ruby ● among them 3 years with Trailblazer ● You may know me by ○ “Ruby Web Dev: The Other Way” book ○ ● I am in love with Elixir ● “In complicated relationships” with RoR and Blockchain ● but last 1+½ years I am a Solution Architect of one cool web app...

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Do you know what is Hanami?

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Hanami is... ● a full featured web framework ● routing ● controllers / actions ● dev code reload ● DB access ● migrations ● scaffolding ● console / debug ● assets handling

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What’s wrong with Rails, man? ● “sharp knives” © DHH ● fat controllers ● fat models ● fat views ● fat strong parameters ● the whole app is your business logic ● Rails-deformation: try to fit any Business Entity in ActiveRecord model if can’t fit - it’s a wrong… Business Entity ● going against the Rails-way hurts so much

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Hanami proposes: ● container architecture (monolith that is easy to split) ● structure for common and specific code ● separate class per action, flexible setting per each action ● Interactors aka Service Objects ● Entity - Repository instead of ActiveRecord ● middleware oriented, even actions are middlewares ● dry-gems ● being free from ActiveSupport “pollution”

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Is Hanami really good?

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Do I enjoy using Hanami?

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Would I recommend everyone to start using Hanami right now?

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The price of non-mainstream solution ● about 3 months to become productive, when we started “from scratch” ● need to educate each new team member (but they enjoy it :) ) ● no known ways to integrate most of existing Ruby code/gems ● Rails-ish ecosystems is a bit depressing without Rails ● lack of docs, examples, learning resources...

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Hanami Cookbook

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The Story

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The Story (of one big Hanami app) context of architectural and technical decisions SPA, REST, API, SEO, admin area, webhooks and realtime websockets listeners ~ 140 API actions ~ 350 Trailblazer operations ~ 50 entities/models + ~ 50 repositories ~ 30 sidekiq workers 6 different persistent data storages (databases)

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Trailblazer (business logic) ● Using only gem 'trailblazer-operation' ● Macroses are ActiveModel oriented, need to write own for Hanami ● Validation via pure dry-validation ● Hanami’s Interactor is too simplistic ● TRB is not as useful as with Rails ● Still, perhaps, most powerful Service Objects solution ● But docs sometimes not clear and functionality tend to be overcomplicated

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REST API ● Separate “container app” ● Own request handling settings, turned off templates + layouts ● Trailblazer Representable + Roar ● Action calls TRB Operation, then render JSON from Representer ● JWT authentication (custom) ● Not really straightforward JSON rendering def render_json(data, code) halt(code, Oj.dump(data)) end

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Authentication ● No out-of-the-box solution ● For the REST API started with naive JWT token auth ● Now switching to gem 'jwt_sessions' by @tuwukee ● JWTSessions gives secure and solid foundation ● For Cookie-based (non API) auth solution is still to come

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WebPack[er] (SPA frontend integration) All you need: ● Manifest file parser ● View helper for `javascript_pack_tag` ● Config switcher for WebPack Dev Server usage What you get: ● Happy frontend devs ● Completely custom WebPack setup ● No coupling with WebPack, because it is not needed!

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Sidekiq gem 'sidekiq' custom addons (like scheduler and statistics) are working too sidekiq -e development -r ./config/boot.rb -C ./config/sidekiq.yml use standard Sidekiq::Worker mixin classes

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Here be Dragons!

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Hanami::Repository < ROM.RB ● general impression - “I don’t understand how it works” ● constantly trying different options and methods “while it works” ● supports only one DB connection ● nested Entities not working, return Hashes ● custom mapping not working, always maps result to Entity “corresponding” to current Repo ● so we did an unexpected move...

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Use Sequel::Model, Luke! ● Yes, I know it’s ActiveRecord pattern, don’t panic! :) ● ActiveRecord is not bad when used solely for Data Manipulation ● Write simplistic own Repository class ● Use Sequel queries ONLY inside the Repository ● Flexible usage of Sequel::Model or Dataset ● Easy and clear huge complicated raw SQL queries ● Don’t forget to before_fork { DB.disconnect }

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Many DBs, but one Repo concept We use simultaneously: ● PostgreSQL ● Redis (persistent) ● InfuxDB ● Cassandra ● JanusGraph ● Algolia search To be added soon: ● Clickhouse ● Algolia >>> Elastic Make a Repository class (not inherited from Hanami::Repository) and use any DB client / SDK calls, return structured data

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Dry Container + AutoInject ● register all deps that require single instance ● register most Repositories ● Dry-Systems could work, but way too complicated # ./config/dry-auto-inject.rb class Container extend Dry::Container::Mixin register('influx', memoize: true) do db_params = {...}['INFLUXDB_DB'], db_params) end … Container['influx'] # include ::Inject['influx']

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Cache ● no standard cache implementation ● Readthis::Cache ideal ActiveSupport compatible match ● Basic cache methods + custom Redis commands support class PostCacheRepository < CacheRepository def find(uuid) cache_get(cache_id(uuid), expires_in: 3600) do end end ...

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Running in Production (with Puma) ● gem 'puma' # to Gemfile group :production ● HANAMI_ENV=production ● SERVE_STATIC_ASSETS=false ● hanami server --no-code-reloading # detects Puma ● ./config/puma.rb # almost like for Rails, but with... on_worker_boot do Hanami.boot end

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CLI (custom commands) Perhaps you can use plain rake tasks, but we used gem ‘hanami-cli’ As a minus - different invocation form: $ hanami db create $ ./hanami-cli db seed

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Testing ● we use Minitest (long story of my personal love and hate) ● but would migrate to RSpec sometime (as it is by default in 1.3+) ● all your favorite things would work: ○ Capybara ○ Database Cleaner ○ VCR ○ Webmock ○ etc. ● only Factory Bot requires “ActiveSupport” and replaced by Fabricator ● test mostly TRB Operations ● do not use “Hanami’s advertised” Action tests via “.call”

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ActionPolicy (Authorization) ● any Ruby Auth/Policy lib can be used ● the less ActionController code/helpers, the better ● gem 'action_policy' by Evil Martians common usage with Trailblazer Operation: step :check_policy, Output(:failure) => End(:forbidden) def check_policy(ctx, **) ctx[:user], post: ctx[:model]).apply(:create?) end

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WebSockets - A(ction)nyCable gem 'anycable' gem 'litecable' ● did I mention that Evil Martians ? ● requires additional configuration and separate process ● LiteCable gem integrates well with Hanami ● really fluent and fast operation, very low RAM consumption ● clearer Channels code and messages broadcasting logic (that ActionCable) ● uses ActionCable JS on frontend

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Services communication (RabbitMQ) gem 'sneakers' ● Consider this very similar to Sidekiq, but not limited to Ruby clients ● sneakers work --require config/sneakers_boot.rb class MakeAKeynote include Sneakers::Worker from_queue 'rubyc.keynotes' def work(msg) # do smth with `msg` ack! end end

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Container apps, Services and Monorepo

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Hanami as a modular puzzle # GEMFILE #jRuby v9.2.4 ... gem 'celluloid' # was this not a perfect idea? well… yes. gem 'reel-rack' gem 'hanami-router' gem 'hanami-controller' gem 'hanami-validations' gem 'dry-system' gem 'sequel'

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#router.rb Hanami::Controller.configure do handle_exceptions false end WEB_ROUTER = do namespace 'api' do namespace 'meetup' do post '/start', to: ApiActions::Meetup::Start end end end

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#action class module ApiActions::RubyC class Start include Hanami::Action params do required(:speechs_id).filled(:str?) end def call(params) render_errors(params) unless params.valid? self.body = “Ruby, Ruby, RubyC!” end end end

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Hanami 2 ● In progress, but no exactly clear timeline ● ● ● Less internal state ● More functional Containers ● More flexible Configuration ● Fresh Dry Gems

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My vision of ideal backend-web framework ● any Ruby conf can not take place without mentioning Elixir/Phoenix ● composed from loosely coupled libs (greeting from PHP!) ● full request path transparency from app server, through router to action ● middlewares on all layers, router middleware pipelines ● flexible data mapper (maybe even not an ORM) ● basic DDD-ish structure for files/folders/modules ● not being Resources/CRUD oriented ● framework should teach me to write a better apps, to do better architectures

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Ruby / Hanami Elixir / Phoenix

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“model” “model” “service” “context” “context” “service” “model” “model”

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Facing reality ● It’s impossible to “beat Rails” in CRUD apps ● No need even to try ● Clear “complex domain” app niche positioning needed for Hanami ● Not trying to pretend “you can do the same even better and faster” than Rails

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Summary ● with Hanami it’s possible to do both small and big apps ● “batteries not included” ● a few compatible out-of-the-box Ruby libs, but they are growing! ● you would need to write some code :) ● it is you are adjusting the framework, not framework adjusts you ● good choice for: ○ non-CRUD long running projects with complex domain (it is our case) ○ API ○ (micro) service oriented projects ○ non WebUI apps

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Hanami is not perfect, but it deserves your attention and love!

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Questions? Yevhen [Eugene] Kuzminov Ruby Team Lead in MobiDev