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CRAFTSMANSHIP Start the journey of in your startup LEMi ORHAN ERGiN founder, scturkey co-founder, craftbase

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He applied to over 30 jobs and got rejected by all of them. He didn't start achieving career success until his 30s. Jack Ma didn’t see his first computer until he was 31. He started out his career as an English teacher making $15 per month. He is worth $24.2 billion today. Jack Ma, Founder of Ali Baba

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When you are below 20 years old,
 be a good student. When you are 20 to 30 years old, 
 you should follow a good boss & join a small company to learn how to do things properly. When you are 30 to 40 years old, 
 if you want to do something yourself, just do it. You still can afford to lose, to fail. when you're 40 to 50 years old, 
 my suggestion is you should do things you are good at. When you are 50 to 60 years old, 
 spend time training and developing young people, the next generation. When you are over 60 years old, 
 spend time for yourself. Jack Ma, Founder of Ali Baba

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Sabri Onur Tüzün Hakan Erdoğan Lemi Orhan Ergin

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having a good idea is a thing but execution is everything

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Dynamics of a Tech Startup Product and Data Driven 40%+ Engineering Employee Collaboration based Engineering Culture Extreme Agility

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HIRING the right people CULTURE in right environment TECH with right practices

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HIRING the right people CULTURE in right environment TECH with right practices GOVERNANCE have managers with skills and experience at product management, agile & lean mindset,
 both commander and servant leadership models, technical background, coding & design, empathy, hard & soft skills

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GOVERNANCE have managers with skills and experience at product management, agile & lean mindset,
 both commander and servant leadership models, technical background, coding & design, empathy, hard & soft skills

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GOVERNANCE have managers with skills and experience at product management, agile & lean mindset,
 both commander and servant leadership models, technical background, coding & design, empathy, hard & soft skills

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We accept to join a company when 
 we believe in the managers of that company. The opposite is also true.

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One of the worst things in the world you can do is build your first 10 employees with B-level people. You will end up with 100 C-level people. That's why we hire very slowly. Steve Newcomb
 founder and CEO,

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If you hire A-level developers they will recommend other A-level developers to you, because they only want to work with the best. If you hire B-level programmers, they will recommend C-level programmers so that they'll look better by comparison. Steve Newcomb
 founder and CEO,

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disciplined motivated passioned principled

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No content

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Develop code and write tests Build and 
 run tests Pull changes and merge Build and 
 run tests again Checkin 
 changes regularly New pull request Notify Build and run tests Deploy to 
 CI env Run 
 simple tests Build complete Update build
 status: Green! Push to upstream Review Approve Merge Build and run tests Deploy to prod-like env Run 
 acceptance tests Build complete Notify Notify Deploy artifact to repository Notify Mark build as release candid. Resolved (Ready for client approval) developer vcs host ci server deploy server test server build ci-cd pipeline at the very beginning

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functional acceptance testing regression testing prototypes, wireframes simulations exploratory testing a/b testing usage analytics user acceptance testing alpha / beta unit testing & tdd integration testing api compatibility via contract testing testing non-functional properties performance testing load testing security/penetration testing static code analysis checking quality attributes business facing technology/implementation facing concept defined by Brian Marick and revised by 
 Lisa Crispin & 
 Janet Gregory support the team pass/fail confirmation checking for expected outputs preventing defects critique the product driven by data analysis and investigation analyzing undefined, unknown and unexpected finding defects AGILE TESTING QUADRANTS manual manual& AUTOMATED AUTomated did we build the right thing? did we build it right? how can i break the system? can the system scale? diagram prepared by Lemi Orhan Ergin AUTOMATED via special tools before/while coding post coding

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Push the defect rates down as soon as possible Trunk based development with Feature Toggling Easy refactoring with mono repo Deploy to prod even in 1st sprint Commit early, commit often, perfect later, publish once Stop calculating code coverage Delete your brittle tests, rewrite tightly coupled code Use 20% of time for eliminating technical debt Multi-level testing for minimizing the need to manual testing Build modular monoliths think different

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never get used to live 
 with dysfunctions listen and take time to understand the big picture show respect to the previous developer

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push people to get feedback take one thing and improve it focus on quality do you produce good code? 
 do you feel you do the best you can do?

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refactor, pair program and write tests to learn the system master your skills about the fundamentals share what you know, for free

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do not bear with jerks, unethical and corrupted cultures stop brogramming culture, reject stereotypes work where you feel proud and where you feel you are responsible
 for the software you write

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agree on the principles with all team members in advance be on time, leave on time, keep your focus. be aware that productivity wins, not overtime

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you do not have to be 
 close friends with your teammates, but you have 
 to trust them do not be the guy 
 in the corder people should feel comfortable
 while doing conversations with you

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you do not need to 
 ask permission to do 
 your job better do not expect others to motivate you, find yours by yourself

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do not believe in titles Never!

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never be a… technology masturbator social media hero over-over-confident having bad references bad computer science background fanatic lonely cowboy egoist negative-thinker be a doer, simply 
 get the things done

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be domain expert we need more domain experts 
 than framework experts in sector

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Tech Marketing INCEPTED Job Interviews INTERVIEW ED Position Offering OFFERED Initial Onboarding STARTED Pre-Arrival Preparations ARRIVAL Long Time Onboarding ONBOARDED Apprenticeship CRAFTER Mastering 
 Practices FOREMAN

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I’ve never seen 
 any success
 without hard work, 
 dedication for quality 
 and failure.

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I’ve never seen 
 any success
 without hard work, 
 dedication for quality 
 and failure. @lemiorhan LEMi ORHAN ERGiN