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Modern Security for Android Developers Dinorah Tovar Platform Mobile Engineer @ konfí @ddinorahtovar @ddinorahtovar

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Security is a two sides coin!

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Encryption, but simpler 
 Algorithm Data Key Cipher Text @ddinorahtovar

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Encryption algorithms Cipher Mac Signature Message Digest @ddinorahtovar

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Encryption algorithms @ddinorahtovar

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Encryption algorithms val cipher = Cipher.getInstance(“AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding") Schema Model Padding @ddinorahtovar

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Encryption algorithms •Too many standars: Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
 Rivest–Shamir–Adleman (RSA) •Modes of operation for symmetric and not symmetric keys •Paddings to encrypt long and small data. @ddinorahtovar

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Encryption So, encryption is software or hardware? DEPENDS @ddinorahtovar

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Encryption in Android •Hardware acceleration •Android Version @ddinorahtovar

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Encryption in Android @ddinorahtovar •Secure Element and Trusted environments Peripherals Untrusted Area Trusted Area Applications OS Memory Trusted Component Memory

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Encryption in Android @ddinorahtovar •Secure Element and Trusted environments Peripherals Untrusted Area Trusted Area Applications OS Memory Trusted Component Memory Secure element
 Memory CPU

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Encryption in Android Encryption is hard! @ddinorahtovar But why?

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Encryption in Android @ddinorahtovar

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Encryption in Android @ddinorahtovar Is this okay?

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Encryption in Android @ddinorahtovar KeyChain KeyStore API for credentials that can be used across your apps Store cryptographic keys securely

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Encryption in Android Solution has arrived @ddinorahtovar

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Encryption in Android • Using Tink, a cross-platform for encryption, so we need 23 SDK min (for the RC) @ddinorahtovar

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Encriptación en Android @ddinorahtovar

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Encryption in Android @ddinorahtovar

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Encryption in Android @ddinorahtovar

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Encryption in Android @ddinorahtovar

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Friends, not enemies @ddinorahtovar

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Encryption in Android MASTER KEY KEYSET File or SharedPreference Key to encrypt @ddinorahtovar

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Encryption in Android KeyStore Key Key Alias @ddinorahtovar

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Encryption in Android @ddinorahtovar

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Encryption in Android @ddinorahtovar

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Encryption in Android @ddinorahtovar

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Encryption in Android @ddinorahtovar

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Biometric prompt @ddinorahtovar

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Biometric prompt @ddinorahtovar

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Biometric as Local auth 
 Secure Channel Biometric Promp Unlock Promp @ddinorahtovar

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How does it works? •Unexportable, cause depends of TEE •All the data travels in a Secure Channel @ddinorahtovar

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Biometric as Local auth @ddinorahtovar False Accept Rate (FAR) Imposter Accept Rate (IAR) Spoof Accept Rate (SAR)

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Native Modules

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C/C++ vs. Java/Kotlin @ddinorahtovar •C/C++ can not be decompiled •But can be dissembled

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Native Modules @ddinorahtovar

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Secure Data layer

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Secure data layer @ddinorahtovar •Authenticated, encrypted socket-level communication can be easily implemented using the SSLSocket Class •In a typical SSL usage scenario, a server is configured with a certificate containing a public key as well as a matching private key. As part of the handshake between an SSL client and server, the server proves it has the private key by signing its certificate with public-key cryptography.

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Secure data layer @ddinorahtovar So if I have this, everything is cool No!

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Certificate Authority @ddinorahtovar CER (.CRT) PFX

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Certificate Authority @ddinorahtovar

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Certificate Authority @ddinorahtovar

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Modern Security for Android Developers Dinorah Tovar Platform Mobile Engineer @ konfí @ddinorahtovar @ddinorahtovar