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Brewfactory: full-stack homebrew Peter Marton @slashdotpeter

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$ whoami - work: RisingStack, Inc. - twitter: slashdotpeter - email: - blog:

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What is Brewfactory? - semi-automated brewing machine - hobby project - open-source project

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How to brew beer? (BIAB way)

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add water and malt

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hold temperature levels

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boil it and hops

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cool it fermentation

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bottle it enjoy!

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brewing sucks? … automate it!

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Brew like a boss

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What’s on the technology side?

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JavaScript everywhere 2007 2015 HW Microcontroller IoT devices from $10 Control HW C, C++ Node.js: Johnny-Five, Tessel Web server .net, Java, PHP Node.js Database SQL MongoDB: JS API WebUI JavaScript: jQuery JavaScript: SPA (React, Angular etc.)

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Node.js in IoT - vibrant community - extreme modularity - high performance

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Johnny-Five - “jQuery of the IoT” - 90 ); button.on(‘down’, fn); - Arduino compatible boards - Node.js

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Our system

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Hardware parts - digital temp. sensor - DS18B20 (1-Wire) - heating elements - PWM (pulse-width modulation) - Relay (solid state) - controller - PID

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IoT device: RaspberryPi - credit-card sized - linux - usb ports - ethernet - NO built-in Wi-Fi - any languages

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IoT device: SparkCore - pint-sized - arduino compatible - built-in Wi-Fi - C++ - Spark’s cloud

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BrewCore - Node.js ~0.12 / io.js - Koa - WebSockets - Spark’s cloud -

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BrewMobile - Swift - Reactive Cocoa - WebSockets by @vasarhelyia

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BrewUI - Isomorphic - React app with Flux - CommonJS (Node style) - available as npm module -

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Isomorphic JavaScript “JavaScript code that can be shared between environments.” - Spike Brehm

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Why is it good for me? - power of server rendering - SEO - legacy support - speed of Single Page Apps (SPA)

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Isomorphic server side

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Isomorphic client side

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Isomorphic challenges - data fetching: talk about this later - init app on both sides - singleton app on client -> request scoped on server

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Data fetching problem - environment specific problems - should be shimmed - same functionality and interface - different implementation: AJAX / WS / DB call / micro-service / .. - “Full Stack Flux” - Pete Hunt: React.js Conf 2015 - Full Stack Flux

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Demo (

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Q&A Thank you!