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Hardware/Software Co-design: The Coming Golden Age Bryan Cantrill Oxide Computer Company

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The hardware/software divide ● The shift to public cloud computing over the last fifteen years has allowed software and hardware to become disconnected ● On the one hand, this can be empowering: a SaaS offering can be built with no real understanding of the hardware beneath it ● But there’s a risk of taking software-centric thinking too far -- and drawing the mistaken conclusion that hardware is irrelevant (or worse) ● This overshot in thinking is epitomized by Marc Andreessen’s 2011 essay, “Why Software is Eating the World”

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Revisiting Andreessen ● Certainly, the essay makes an important observation on the importance of software in essentially every domain:

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Revisiting Andreessen ● And the effect of Moore’s Law + open source + public cloud computing has indisputably lowered the cost of delivering software:

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Revisiting Andreessen ● But the essay errs in fetishizing software, mistakenly viewing extant industries as likely to be disrupted by SaaS alone:

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Revisiting Andreessen ● Software is important -- but the essay conflates software companies with companies that in fact integrate software and hardware ● Companies that Andreessen cited that have thrived -- Amazon, Google, etc. -- have very significant hardware components! ● Many software-only companies that are cited have disappointed: Zynga, Rovio, Groupon, LivingSocial, Foursquare ● Andreessen is dismissive of Apple (up 15X) -- and entirely ignores companies like NVIDIA (57X), AMD (14X), or even Intel (3X)!

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Revisiting Andreessen

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Revisiting another famous essay

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Gordon Moore, ca. 1965

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Gordon Moore, ca. 1965

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Gordon Moore, ca. 1965

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Gordon Moore, ca. 1965

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Moore’s Law?

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Gordon Moore, ca. 1965

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Moore’s Law!

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Gordon Moore, ca. 1965

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Moore’s Law?!

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So… Moore’s Law? ● In his 1965 paper, there is no Moore’s Law per se — just a bunch of incredibly astute and prescient observations ● The term “Moore’s Law” would be coined by Carver Mead in 1971 as part of his work on determining ultimate physical limits ● Moore updated the law in 1975 to be a doubling of transistor density every two years (Denard scaling would be outlined in detail in 1974) ● For many years, Moore’s Law could be inferred to be doublings of transistor density, speed, and economics

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Moore’s Law: Good old days? ● The 1980s and early 1990s were great for Moore’s Law — so much so that computers needed a “turbo button” to counteract its effects (!!) ● But even in those halcyon years, Moore’s Law was leaving DRAM behind: memory was becoming denser but no faster ● An increasing number of workloads began hitting the memory wall ● Caching was necessary but insufficient...

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Moore’s Law: The memory wall ● By the mid-1990s, it had become clear that symmetric multiprocessing was the path to deliver throughput on multi-threaded workloads ● ...but SMP did nothing for single-threaded performance ● Deep pipelining and VLIW were — largely — failed experiments ● For single-threaded workloads, microprocessors turned to out-of-order and speculative execution to hide memory latency ● Even in simpler times, scaling with Moore’s Law was a challenge!

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Moore’s Law: Architectural shifts ● Denard scaling ended in ~2006 due to current leakage… ● ...but by then chip multiprocessing was clearly the trajectory ● CMP was enhanced by simultaneous multithreading (SMT), which offered up to another factor of two on throughput ● Thanks to the earlier software work on SMP, CMP/SMT was less of a software performance apocalypse than some feared — but more of a security apocalypse than anyone anticipated! ● And “dark silicon” greatly limits CMP!

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Moore’s Law: Deceleration ● In August 2018, GlobalFoundries suddenly stopped 7nm development, citing economics -- it was simply too expensive to stay competitive ● GlobalFoundries’ departure left TSMC and Samsung on 7nm -- and Intel on 14nm, struggling to get to 10nm ● Intel’s Cannon Lake was three years late and an unmitigated disaster -- and for Ice Lake/Cascade Lake, Intel is intermixing 14nm and 10nm ● Moving to 3nm/5nm requires moving beyond FinFETs to GAAFETs -- and to EUV photolithography; new nodes are very expensive!

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Aside: Process nodes ● You may well wonder: when a process node is “7nm” or “5nm”, what exactly is seven nanometers or five nanometers long? (And, um, how big is a silicon atom anyway?) ● Answer to the second question: ~210 picometers! ● Answer to the first question: nothing! Unbelievably, the name of the process node no longer measures anything at all (!!) -- it is merely a rough expression of transistor density (and implication of process) ● E.g. 7nm ≈ 100MTr/mm2 (but there are lots of caveats)

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Moore’s Law ● Increased transistor density is continuing to be possible, but at a greatly slowed pace -- and at outsized cost ● Economically, Moore’s Law is indisputably ending ● But is there another way of looking at it?

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Another essay, further back in time...

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Theodore Wright, ca. 1936

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Wright’s Law ● In 1936, Theodore Wright studied the costs of aircraft manufacturing, finding that the cost dropped with experience ● Over time, when volume doubled, unit costs dropped by 10-15% ● This phenomenon has been observed in other technological domains ● In 2013, Jessika Trancik et al. found Wright’s Law to hold better predictive power for transistor cost than Moore’s Law! ● Wright’s Law seems to hold, especially for older process nodes

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Wright on market creation

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Wright foreshadowing Moore

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One final essay...

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W. Stanley Jevons, ca. 1865

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W. Stanley Jevons, ca. 1865

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Jevons foreshadowing Wright

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Aside: Never say “never”

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Aside: A contemporary weighs in on Jevons?

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Back to computing! ● Andreessen’s 2011 piece, while containing some truisms, is overly software-centric and misses hardware’s role entirely ● Moore’s Law -- while prescient! -- is indisputably slowing ● Wright’s Law, however, may still be holding for transistors -- especially at older processing nodes (22nm, 40nm, 90nm, etc.) ● The Jevons Paradox has proven again and again to apply to computing: when general purpose computation is cheaper, we find more to do ● We can expect more computation in more places

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Compute everywhere? ● More computation doesn’t just mean computers in new places (à la IoT), it means CPUs present where we once thought of components ● E.g., open 32-bit CPUs replacing hidden, closed 8-bit microcontrollers ● We are already seeing CPUs on the NIC (SmartNIC), CPUs next to flash (e.g., open-channel SSD) and on the spindle (e.g. WD’s SweRV) ● New opportunities for hardware/software co-design: keep hardware simple and put more sophistication into software and/or soft logic ● There are several trends acting as accelerants for this shift...

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Open instruction sets ● X86 and ARM -- the two market victors -- are both encumbered by history and licensing ● RISC-V is an attempt to learn from the ISA mistakes of the past, in a vessel that is entirely open and -- with open implementations ● RISC-V is very promising, but there remain many gaps to close ● To succeed, RISC-V must focus as much on the SoC as the ISA -- while remaining entirely open!

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Open FPGAs ● FPGA bitstreams have historically been entirely proprietary -- and one is therefore dependent upon proprietary tools to generate them ● The Lattice iCE40 bitstream format was reverse engineered in 2015 by Claire Wolf, and can be entirely synthesized with an open toolchain! ● While Xilinx (AMD) and Alterra (Intel) retain proprietary components (e.g., for timing models), newcomers like QuickLogic are entirely open ● See, e.g., SymbiFlow, Verilog to Routing (VTR), Yosys, OpenFPGA, and the (new!) Open Source FPGA Foundation

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Open HDLs ● Hardware description languages have traditionally been dominated by Verilog and (later) SystemVerilog ● Compilers have been historically proprietary -- and the languages themselves are error prone ● In recent years we have seen a wave of new, open HDLs, e.g.: Chisel, nMigen, Bluespec, SpinalHDL, Mamba (PyMTL 3), HardCaml ● Of these, one is particularly noteworthy...

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Open HDL: Bluespec ● Bluespec is a high-level HDL that takes its inspiration from formal specification languages -- and strongly typed languages like Haskell ● Bluespec uses the expressiveness of the language to move away from individual signals -- and to atomic rules and interfaces ● This allows for the compiler to do the hard work of connecting modules and proving correctness, greatly reducing verification time! ● In the words of Oxide engineer Arjen Roodselaar, “Bluespec is to SystemVerilog what Rust is to assembly”

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Open HDL: Bluespec ● Bluespec was proprietary for 20 years; open sourced in early 2020! ● We at Oxide feel that Bluespec is a profoundly transformative technology -- but not one that is broadly understood or appreciated! ● More details: ○ ○ ○

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Open source EDA ● Proprietary software has historically dominated EDA… ● Open source alternatives have existed for years -- but one in particular, KiCad, has enjoyed sufficiently broad sponsorship to close the gaps with professional-grade software ● The maturity of KiCad coupled with the rise of quick turn PCB manufacturing/assembly has allowed for astonishing speed: ○ From conception to manufacturer in hours ○ From manufacturer to shipping board in days

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Board economics ● Single board computers are very accessible! ○ An STM32 Nucleo-144 board with 400 MHz Cortex M7 CPU + 2 MB of flash + 1 MB of RAM + all I/O peripherals for less than $30 ○ A BeagleBone Black -- with 1 GHz Cortex A8 CPU + 4 GB of flash + 512 MB DDR3 + HDMI for less than $60! ● All documentation available online and without NDA -- and the BeagleBone Black is (nearly) entirely open ● The BeagleBone Black can also be used as a logic analyzer via sigrok

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Open source firmware ● The software that runs closest to the hardware is increasingly open, with drivers nearly (nearly!) always open ● Increasingly, we are seeing the firmware of unseen parts of the system become open as well, viz. the Open Source Firmware Conference ● This trend is slower in the 7nm SoCs -- but it’s happening! ● However, even in putatively open architectures, there generally still remains proprietary software in the form of boot ROMs -- and this proprietary software remains a problem!

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Embedded Rust ● Rust has proven to be a revolution for systems software: rich type system, algebraic types, ownership model allow for fast, correct code ● Slightly more surprising has been Rust’s ability to get small -- which coupled with its lack of a runtime lets it fit everywhere! ● With its safety and expressive power, Rust represents a quantum leap over C -- and without losing performance or sacrificing size ● We at Oxide are working on a de novo Rust operating system for the embedded use case that we will (naturally?) open source; stay tuned!

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To sum...

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“That changed everything”

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A new Golden Age! ● Thanks to Moore’s Law, Wright’s Law and the rise of open source, it is easier to build hardware than ever before! ● We are going to see computers in many more places, posing challenges to us all to develop reliable, secure, high performing systems ● Software remains essential, but we must not think of it in isolation; we must co-design the hardware and the software in our systems! ● The systems are open, the communities are welcoming! Let’s build!