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Payments to grow your world You’ll 💜 Kotlin and not only for Android! - 1

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- 2 Yassine Benabbas DevRel @worldline @yostane Ibrahim Gharbi DevRel @worldline @__brah

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What can we do with Kotlin today ? - 3

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Already 13th years 🎂 and a promising future ! Ecosystem milestones Language & Web/Desktop support - Kotlin: JVM + JS targets - Kotlin in Android Studio - KMP beta1 Mobile & Backend in the ecosystem - Coroutines - Ktor client / server 1.0 - Kotlin 1st class on Android - Jetpack compose for Android - Apple platforms interop iOS & Kotlin multiplatform - Jetpack Compose 1.0 - Compose multiplatform 1.0 (Android/Desktop) - Compose multiplatform iOS - Kotlin DSL by Default for New Gradle Builds - K2 - KMP Wizard 2011 2017 2018 2020 2021 2024

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Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP) - 5

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- 6 Swift UI Shared UI with Compose Multiplatform UIKit widgets Android views Swing/AWT views WebUI Library with Kotlin Multiplatform iOS specific Logic Android specific Logic Desktop specific Logic Web specific Logic iOS APIs Android APIs Desktop JVM/APIs WEB APIs ? Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP) ?

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KMP : Architecture (1/3) - 7

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Keywords: Expect / Actual KMP : Architecture : specific platform code (2/3) specific code (UIKit) specific code (Android SDK) actual fun getPlatform(): String { "Android ${android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT}" } actual fun getPlatform(): String { "iOS ${UIDevice.currentDevice.systemVersion}" } expect fun getPlatform(): String

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Composants Status Librairies tierces Composables Navigation Ressources/i18n ✅ ✅ ✅ Documentation via Jetpack compose Navigation library multiplatform (2024) Painter-ressource, font, string ressources (2024) ViewModel ✅ View model multiplatform available (2024) KMP : Architecture (3/3) Database ✅ SQLDelight, Realm (NoSQL) Room Database (2024) User preferences ✅ Jetpack datastore-preferences, Multiplatform-Settings, Kstore Network ✅ Jetbrain Ktor Client And also o Injection : Koin o Concurrent prg : kotlinx.coroutines o Business logic components (BLoC) : Decompose

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Kotlin for Frontend (compose) - 10

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- 11 Title 8:30 @composable MyComposableView(){ Box( contentAlignment = Alignment.Center, modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth().fillMaxHeight() ) { Card( shape = RoundedCornerShape(8.dp), modifier = Modifier.padding(10.dp), ) { Column(horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally) { Text( text = "Quiz", fontSize = 30.sp, modifier = Modifier.padding(all = 10.dp) ) Text(modifier = Modifier.padding(all = 10.dp), text = "A simple Quiz to discovers KMP, KMM and compose.") Button( modifier = Modifier.padding(all = 10.dp), onClick = { } ) { Text("Start the Quiz")} }} } Start the Quiz Quizz A simple Quizz to discovers KMP, KMM and compose Declarative UI with Compose multiplatform Skia Behind compose multiplatform (

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DEMO TIME KMP + compose - 12

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Kotlin for the backend - 13

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Many choices JVM Pure Kotlin Kotlin/JS - WASM - 14

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Case study - 15

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Ktor server example - 16 Routes

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Ktor server Demo - 17

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Kotlin for the Data science - 18

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Jupyter Notebook • File (ipynb) that contains markdown and executable code • Can be run from webapps (Jupyter lab, Datalore, ...) and IDEs (VSCode, IntelliJ, ...) • Code exécution requires a (kernel) for the target language • Python kernel is available by default and many others are available - 19

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Kotlin notebook Demo - 20

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Notable and new language features - 21

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Native null safety in Kotlin • Compile errors • Syntactic features (elvis operator) - 22 • Not supported by javac (use IDE or tooling) • Non standardized (JDK + library annotations) • No syntactic features • Do not work with generics • Etc.

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Explicit Backing fields (Since Kotlin 2) - 23

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Slide 24 text - 24 Explicit Backing fields (Since Kotlin 2)

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Et plein d’autres propositions Explicit backing field Array Literals guards Infinite loop Multi-field value classes Context parameters Kotlin statics and static extensions HexFormat

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Conclusion - 27

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- 28 KMP: improvements / expectations Architecture o WASM complete support on compose for web o BDD ❑ EXPOSED or Room ? ❑ SQLDelight: driver instatiate, sq file generation, driver for Webworker o kotlinx.coroutines : more dispatchers Tooling o A simpler build .gradle config ( with fleet & Ampere ?) o iOS ❑ xcodebuild on gradle native support ❑ Swift Package Manager (SPM) ❑ iOS support in IntelliJ ❑ logging logging improvment on iOS

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Kotlin ecosystem : is it time to onboard it ? ✓ Achieved milestones: KMP + Kotlin 2.0 ✓ Comprehensive ecosystem ✓ For Backend devs: serious alternative to Java ✓ For Android devs: time to open to other platforms and stack - 29

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Case studies | Kotlin Multiplatform Development Documentation 🚀 Joanvi Orenga Sergio Casero Hernández

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Ressources - 31

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Contacts: Thanks for your attention! Any questions? @__brah @yostane - 32