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DifferenceKit in Action try! Swift Tokyo 2020 Meetup!! Jan 2020

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Ryo Aoyama CyberAgent, Inc. CATS productivity team Twitter: @ra1028fe5 GitHub: @ra1028 OSS: DifferenceKit, Carbon, swift-mod, etc…

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DifferenceKit Ver: 1.1.5 Star: 2.3k Fork: 133 A fast and flexible O(n) difference algorithm framework for Swift collection.

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Works on many production app LINE Mercari Uber CyberAgent Yahoo Japan PayPay dely NIKKEI and more… eureka

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Why we use diffing algorithm • For performance • For beautiful animation • For declarative programming • For business logic segregation

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Ordered N-items List UI

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When insert an item to the list, reloadDate() will calculates for all items. It’s not efficient Reload

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UI calculations are very slow and will force the main thread. Reload Slow Slow Slow Slow

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Improving list UI performance by updating only the differences. Reload Slow

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performBatchUpdates can partially update items with animations let deleteIndexPaths: [IndexPath] let insertIndexPaths: [IndexPath] let moveIndexPaths: (from: IndexPath, to: IndexPath) let reloadIndexPaths: [IndexPath] tableView.performBatchUpdates({ tableView.deleteRows(at: deleteIndexPaths, with: .automatic) tableView.insertRows(at: insertIndexPaths, with: .automatic) tableView.moveRow(at: moveIndexPaths.from, to: tableView.reloadRows(at: reloadIndexPaths, with: .automatic) })

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Now, do you know which item was inserted?

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How can I programmatically know how the item array requested to the network has changed?

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Diffing algorithm Calculates the diffs before and after updating the array. Wiki:

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DifferenceKit let source: [Item] let target: [Item] let changeset = StagedChangeset(source: source, target: target) tableView.reload(using: changeset, with: .automatic) { data in = data }

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Paul Heckel’s Algorithm DifferenceKit uses… Paper: A technique for isolating differences between files With O(N) complexity, linear function time can be expected regardless of data size and changes. Ideal for UI calculations, IMO.

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Paul Heckel’s Algorithm DifferenceKit uses… Optimizations in terms of + • Algorithm • Swift lang

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Major Diffing Algorithms Author Myers Wu Heckel complexity O(ND) O(NP) O(N) insert ✅ ✅ ✅ delete ✅ ✅ ✅ move ⚠ ⚠ ✅ update ❌ ❌ ✅ shortest? Yes Yes No

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Swift Library Comparisons Disclaimer: These DO NOT compete for the “Best” of the library.

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Library Algorithms

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Performance Comparison • 3x slower • 20x slower • 7x slower • 18x slower • 4500x slower • 5400x slower • 140x slower From 100,000 elements to 10,000 deleted, 10,000 inserted and 2,000 shuffled BLAZING FAST !

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Functionality Comparison Supported Collection

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Functionality Comparison Supported Element Diff

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Functionality Comparison Supported Section Diff

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DifferenceKit in Future

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DiffableDataSource is pretty solid solution for diffing in list UI items. But, DifferenceKit is more loosely-coupled, white-boxed and for any usage (mainly UI).

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SwiftUI New generation, personally, I hope SwiftUI will eliminate the DifferenceKit. Currently, SwiftUI.List has no customizability. We should use UITableView and UICollectionView as before. DifferenceKit will be useful for a while.

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Thanks Twitter: @ra1028fe5 GitHub: @ra1028 Ryo Aoyama