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Function-oriented programming with Elixir Adolfo Neto Elixir Kenya Meetup

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Overview - Who am I? - Why Elixir? - What is a mathematical function? - Functions in Programming Please ask questions during the talk

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Who am I? - Associate Professor at the Federal University of Technology - ParanĂ¡ - Curitiba, Brazil

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At UTFPR I teach Introduction to Functional Programming

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I am part of three podcasts. Elixir em Foco is one of them

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I have been a guest of Elixir Mix twice

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I am a member of the Education, Training, & Adoption Working Group of the Erlang Ecosystem Foundation

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I have a YouTube channel called Elixir, Erlang and the BEAM with Adolfo Neto

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Why Elixir?

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What is a Mathematical Function?

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Computability: Computable Functions Logic and the Foundations of Math Richard .L. Epstein & Walter Alexandre Carnielli

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Questions? Suggestions?

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Functional programming from a theorist’s perspective by Rhea Moutafis

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Additional links: - Livebook of the presentation: - Witchcraft - ICFP'21 Tutorials - Teaching Functional Programming - Racket - CAES005 - Introduction to Functional Programming

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