Slide 4
Slide 4 text
Jenny Mitcham, “Corrupt compact disc,” CC-BY-SA
Another part of the problem is that our focus on taking proper care of things often puts LIS
educators/researchers/practitioners, anybody who wants to educate people outside LIS, in a
really socially awkward position, the position of saying UR DOIN IT RONG.
And look, of course I don’t mean the NCARs and Long-Term Ecological Research types, of
course they know what they’re doing, I mean everybody else, and I’m pretty sure the NCAR
and LTER types will be the first to tell you that they are a tiny minority among researchers.
And everybody else is doin it rong! This is not even a question! There’s plenty of research
about this across any number of disciplines, we’ve heard some of it right here at ASIST, never
mind the satirical blog posts of which there are MANY and they’re amazing. But researchers
and researcher-educators, 99 times out of 100, their own data-management processes are
outdated, rooted in analog, and just generally awful.
And to get them to let us teach their students, since they’re absolutely not able to do well at
that themselves, seems like we have to get them to ADMIT that, and, um, good luck. If you
know how to do this, please tell me.
So that was the situation that data-literacy advocates were facing round about oh-seven, oh-
eight. And being the good educators we are in LIS, we said damn the torpedoes, LET’S TRAIN