Slide 13
Slide 13 text
source file map
”Ruby Source Files Overview” in README.EXT
groups source files by their contents.
Ruby Language Core
class.c :: classes and modules
error.c :: exception classes and exception mechanism
gc.c :: memory management
load.c :: library loading
object.c :: objects
variable.c :: variables and constants
Class Library
array.c :: Array
bignum.c :: Bignum
compar.c :: Comparable
complex.c :: Complex
cont.c :: Fiber, Continuation
dir.c :: Dir
enum.c :: Enumerable
enumerator.c :: Enumerator
file.c :: File
hash.c :: Hash
io.c :: IO
marshal.c :: Marshal
math.c :: Math
numeric.c :: Numeric, Integer, Fixnum, Float
pack.c :: Array#pack, String#unpack
proc.c :: Binding, Proc
process.c :: Process
random.c :: random number
range.c :: Range
rational.c :: Rational
re.c :: Regexp, MatchData
signal.c :: Signal
sprintf.c :: String#sprintf
string.c :: String
struct.c :: Struct
time.c :: Time
Ruby Syntax Parser
parse.y :: grammar definition
parse.c :: automatically generated from parse.y
keywords :: reserved keywords
lex.c :: automatically generated from keywords
Ruby Evaluator (a.k.a. YARV),
Regular Expression Engine (Oniguruma),
Utility Functions,
Ruby Interpreter Implementation,
goruby Interpreter Implementation
and other groups