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Reminiscing a crazy journey: building an event sourced ERP system @michielovereem [email protected]

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Industry Science @michielovereem [email protected]

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The starting point

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Cloud Technology

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The journey

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Data QueryModel Object Logic Aggregate EventHandler Projector Command Event (#1) Event (#2) Event (#3) Query

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Person Entity Customer Role Order Agreement party Spending limit Address Organisation Entity Delivery BusinessAc tivity party Invoice BusinessAc tivity party Address Address Spending limit Spending limit Own Organisation Workarea workarea Spending limit • Functional model, suitable for ERP • Variability in the model • Contains 25 years of knowledge

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No content

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Person Entity Customer Role Order Agreement party Spending limit Address Organisation Entity Delivery BusinessAc tivity party Invoice BusinessAc tivity party Address Address Spending limit Spending limit Own Organisation Workarea workarea Spending limit

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? Full history!

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Separation of data

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Duplication 🤐

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No separation anymore

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Sync events

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Partial replay?

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Reuse data for replay?

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Upgrades without downtime

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v1.0 v2.0

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v1.0 v2.0

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v1.0 v2.0

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No content

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v1.0 v2.0

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So what?

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The future is event- driven @michielovereem [email protected]