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Vaadin web apps made easy Build web apps, without the web hassles 1 Can a person develop professional-looking, business-oriented, desktop-style, interactive ‘single-page’ web apps without mastering the alphabet soup of HTTP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, DOM, AJAX, Comet, XML, JSON, WebSocket, and Push? Yes! 2018-04-27 Basil Bourque LinkedIn: basilbourque

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me • Basil Bourque • LinkedIn: basilbourque • Decades as Software Developer • Building custom-crafted database-backed client-server apps (4D) • Shipped iOS apps (Objective-C) • Micro-startups (Java, Vaadin, Postgres) • Got an idea? Talk to me. 2 SeaPUG

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prerequisites • Basics of Java & object-oriented programming (OOP) • Idea of dynamic web sites (web apps) 3

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agenda • What is Vaadin technology? • Architecture • How it works (not magic) • Starter app • Modify, add a feature 4 technical orientation sales pitch

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caveat • Vaadin 8 (a.k.a. Vaadin Framework) (thru 2022 at least) • Vaadin 10 (a.k.a. Vaadin Flow) (new, beta) 5

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widgets galore 7 Valo demo

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8 The productive UI framework for Java web apps • Community • Open-source
 (Apache) • Free-of-cost Web-only, or… Web + Java backend • Vaadin, Ltd. • Commercial support, training, & add-ons • Very actively developed, and supported

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9 app lives on server ( state + logic ) ( db, services ) ( resources, security ) UI auto rendered in browser

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10 HTTP HTML CSS JavaScript DOM AJAX Comet Push WebSocket XML JSON

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11 HTTP HTML CSS JavaScript DOM AJAX Comet Push WebSocket XML JSON Java-free-zone no applets

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12 HTTP HTML CSS JavaScript DOM AJAX Comet Push WebSocket XML JSON new Label() new TextField() new Button()

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13 HTTP HTML CSS JavaScript DOM AJAX Comet Push WebSocket XML JSON new Label() new TextField() new Button() Vaadin protocol widgets events

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14 HTTP HTML CSS JavaScript DOM AJAX Comet Push WebSocket XML JSON new Label() new TextField() new Button() Vaadin protocol widgets events

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starter app 15

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starter app 16 caption TextField Button

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creating the starter app • IDE • Maven-driven ( IntelliJ, NetBeans, Eclipse ) • formerly plugin-driven • new project • Maven archetype, by Vaadin Ltd. 17 • Tips for beginners in 2018 • Stick with Vaadin 8 • Vaadin 10 is beta • Stick with Java 8 • Java 9/10/11 modularization is problematic, in many ways

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choose Maven archetype 18

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Group = package, Artifact = WAR file 19 Java package WAR file

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Maven summary 20

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IDE project folder 21

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Maven clean & install 22 Before first run, do a clean & install Wait patiently. May take a few minutes to download libraries

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run 23 • Need a Java Servlet container • Ex: Tomcat, Jetty, Glassfish/Payara, WildFly/JBoss, WebSphere, etc. • Jetty bundled • Good for beginner • Eventually configure external container

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point your browser • URL
 http://localhost:8080 • ‘localhost’ = loopback to same machine = • ‘8080’ = port number • Ports below 1024 are protected on Unix-like OSes • macOS, BSD, Linux, etc. • Use ‘80’ in production (port-forwarding, etc.) 24

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voilà 25

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in action 26

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in action 27 caption TextField Button Label

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starter-app code 28

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zoom in — our code 29 connect our content back to `UI` object (viewport)

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zoom out — Vaadin/Servlet code 30

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classes 31 javax.servlet.Servlet javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet com.vaadin.server.VaadinServlet MyUIServlet com.vaadin.ui.UI MyUI com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout widgets (button, label) plumbing user-interface

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zoom out — Vaadin/Servlet code 32

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refactor 33 javax.servlet.Servlet javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet com.vaadin.server.VaadinServlet MyUIServlet com.vaadin.ui.UI MyUI com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout widgets (button, label) plumbing user-interface TimepieceLayout

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refactored code – 34

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refactored code – 35

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Vaadin display 36 Browser window/tab Layout Layout Layout UI

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classes 37 com.vaadin.ui.UI MyUI com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout widgets (button, label) TimepieceLayout

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add feature • Use one `Label` object, rather than adding • Record time when clicked • Calculate elapsed time 38

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elapsed time 39

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elapsed-time code 40 state widgets, instance vars configure widgets behavior arrange widgets in layouts

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Session Vaadin user session 41 window/tab U Layout Layout Layout window/tab U Layout Layout Layout window/tab U Layout Layout Layout VaadinSession attributes KEY STRING VALUE OBJECT "user_login" credentials Servlet session

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“servlet context” Vaadin web app 42 Session window/tab U Layou t Layout Layout window/tab U Layou t Layout Layout window/tab U Layou t Layout Layout Session window/tab U Layou t Layout Layout window/tab U Layou t Layout Layout window/tab U Layou t Layout Layout Session window/tab U Layou t Layout Layout window/tab U Layou t Layout Layout window/tab U Layou t Layout Layout javax.servlet.ServletContext attributes KEY `String` VALUE `object` "EventBus" eventBus

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competitors • Xojo, Web Edition 43 server-side app execution & state auto-render Web-based UI client-side transparent to app-developer

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for sale by Vaadin Ltd. • TestBench • Harness Selenium for regression testing of user-interface • Designer • Visual drag-and-drop editor for designing layouts 44 • Charts • Wraps HighCharts library • SpreadSheet • Full spreadsheet functionality (distinct from Vaadin Grid) • Board • “Responsive” layouting, re- arranged by screen size

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back to the future • Vaadin 8 versus Vaadin 10
 Framework versus Flow • • Flex-Box CSS (The Complete Guide) • DOM manipulation via server-side Java • Lumo theme (vs Valo vs Reindeer) 45 • Transition • GWT – Google Web Toolkit • Web Components (Polymer)

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resources • • manual / tutorial • demo: Vaadin 10 (Flow) • demos: Vaadin 8 (Framework) • JavaDoc • forums • Widget encyclopedias • Vaadin 10 (not yet) • Valo theme (Vaadin 8) • Reindeer theme (Vaadin 7) 46 • • “VaadinOfficial” • • Wikipedia • Java Servlet • CSS • Hire me! • demo • training • programming

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Vaadin stack 47 widgets layouts & themes data model & binding comm protocol browser 㲗 server Java Servlet technology Servlet container ( Tomcat, Jetty, etc. ) data-entry validation business logic services & persistence database Basil Bourque LinkedIn: basilbourque Java secure client web apps w/o web hassles