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Life of a Cell John Lin

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John Lin • @johnlinvc on Twitter • 100 % Taiwanese • Working @ Exosite

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• • A (usually) weekly tech newsletter in Chinese • All aspect of software development

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Swift Taipei • • 㑌݄ୈҰݸᜌ፨ೋᎯ㭎ɼݱ৔༗᫊৯࿨ҿྉ • ੣㐸ߨऀத • ༝ iCHEF ᩶ॿᎯ㭎

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ೈᱪߟݹላ • ೈᱪߟݹላత㚎༰แׅሣೈᱪ໛૊తٯ޲޻ఔɺጯ༻ڐଟ ෆಉత޻۩ٴఔংိᚙ۷ఔࣜՍߏɼฒ׌ؐݪઃܭత૬᮫ ࢿ㘤ɻ -- Wiki

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ೈᱪߟݹላ • ݚڀೈᱪԋਐ࢙ • ؑԟ஌ိ

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Cell (໊ࢺ) • ᄸਓ࿚๪ɼখन๪ʀʢमಓӃతʣᄸਓখࣨ

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Cell (໊ࢺ) • ᄸਓ࿚๪ɼখन๪ʀʢमಓӃతʣᄸਓখࣨ • A small compartment in a larger structure such as a honeycomb. • େ૊৫தతҰݸᘐཱ૊੒ᄸݩ

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First Computer

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1984 The First Macintosh

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System 1

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̢acPaint • ༻ Pascal ౥഑ Assembly ሜత • Ұڞ 10250 ߦఔࣜᛰ

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MacPaint.p PROCEDURE DrawPat; VAR i,h: INTEGER; tempRect: Rect; savePort: GrafPtr; BEGIN GetPort(savePort); SetPort(@deskWind); OffsetRect(patRect,1,1); PaintRect(patRect); OffsetRect(patRect,-1,-1); EraseRect(patRect); FrameRect(patRect);

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MyTools.a .DEF SetPort SetPort .WORD $AC73 .DEF GetPort GetPort .WORD $AC74

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MacPaint.p h := patStart; FOR i := 0 TO patRow-1 DO BEGIN tempRect.left := h; h := h + patSpace; tempRect.right := h - 1; := patTop+1; tempRect.bottom := patMid; FillRect(tempRect,patterns[i]); := patMid + 1; tempRect.bottom := patBottom-1; FillRect(tempRect,patterns[i+patRow]); END; SetPort(savePort);

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PROCEDURE ProcessTheEvent; VAR where: Point; menuResult: LongInt; i: INTEGER; code: INTEGER; whichWindow: WindowPtr; ... BEGIN IF PtInRect(theEvent.where,toolRect) THEN ChooseTool(theEvent.where); IF PtInRect(theEvent.where,lineRect) THEN ChooseLine(theEvent.where); IF PtInRect(theEvent.where,patRect) THEN ChoosePat(theEvent.where); MacPaint.p

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̢acPaint • ༻ Pascal ౥഑ Assembly ሜత • Ұڞ 10250 ߦఔࣜᛰ • ௒ڃఈ૚ • ಹݸ೥୅ᔒ༗ॴҦత APIɼ୞༗ System Callɻ

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1985-1993 System 2 - System 7

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System 2-7

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MacApp • Apple ։ᚙతҰ੔౟ GUI API • ୞༗ܥ౷ APIɼෆաࢸগෆ༻ሜ Assembly ྃɻ • ౥഑ Macintosh Programmer's Workshop ࢖༻

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1993-1998 Mac OS 7-9

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Powerplant • Ұ౟ୈࡾํత GUI Framework ɼ㚎ݐࡏ Code Warrior ཫɻ • Ṝݸ࣌ظతඪ४։ᚙ഑උɻ • 㚎ݐॴݟଈॴಘతUI ઃܭ޻۩ɻ

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1998 Mac OSX announced

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Carbon API • ೺ Ұࠣ OS 8 ೭ޙब༗త API ڈ෥ଘᣰɼแ᧋੒Ұ౟ APIɻ • ࡏ OS X ্໵ՄҎ䋯Ṝࠣ APIɻ • ᩋᢜతఔࣜՄҎߋ༰қҠ২౸ OS X ্ɻ

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ListView in Carbon OSStatus CreateCustomList ( const Rect * rView, const ListBounds * dataBounds, Point cellSize, const ListDefSpec * theSpec, WindowRef theWindow, Boolean drawIt, Boolean hasGrow, Boolean scrollHoriz, Boolean scrollVert, ListHandle * outList );

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2001-2007 Mac OSX 10.0 - 10.5

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Interface Builder

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Cocoa API • ኺ NextStep Ҡ২աိతҰ੔౟ GUI Framework • UI త෦෼᜝ҝ AppKit • CocoaHeads త༝ိ

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NSView • ૊੒UI తجૅᄸҐɻ • ෛ੹႔ཧ៸ᅷ࿨༌ೖࣄ݅ʢ׈૏ɼ伴൫ʣ

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NSCell • ᫊ྔత NSView • ᙛ೥iMac G4 ୞༗ 256MB RAM, ፤ိ։ Slack ౎ෆⴺɻ • େ෦෼༻ࡏ NSControl

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2007 iPhone Released

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2008 iPhone OS 2.0 released

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App Store • ऴԙՄҎሜڅ iPhone 䋯తఔࣜྃ • ࣕ׌ՄҎᩯ᭝

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Cocoa Touch • iPhone OS ্త SDK • ႔ཧ UI త෦෼᜝ҝ UIKit

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UITableViewDataSource • ኺ 2.0 ޙबᔒ༗վᏓա - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath; - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath;

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2009 iPhone OS 3 released

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㚎ݐߋଟ Cell తᒬࣜ

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Core Data • ᩋਓຢѪຢ࠘తORMɼሜୈҰ൛኷շɻୠ೭ޙଟਓ։ᚙब ။ Conflict ౸༗ᴍ൥ɻ

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UILocalizedIndexedCollation • ෆੋ㣥ࡨࣈɼਅతੋ Collationɼ੔ཧతҙࢥɻ • ෆҝਓ஌త APIɼ༻ိ㢨๩႔ཧ Cell ጯ֘ሱԙ 䬟Ұݸ Section త໰୊ɻ • ࣕ׌။ࣗಈሣෆಉޠܥ၏ෆಉత႔ཧɻ

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2010 iOS 4 Released

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Xcode 4

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2011 iOS 5 Released

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allowsMultipleSelection • UITableView.allowsMultipleSelection • 㚎ݐ႔ཧଟબ • indexPathsForSelectedRows ՄҎ፤౸ඃબత row

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2012 iOS 6 Released

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AutoLayout • ᩋ View ೭ؒޓ૬ڠௐᎹ์తҐஔ࿨େখ • ҝྃᩋఔࣜՄҎૣҰᴍࢧԉ iPhone 5

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؆қCell init • ՄҎሣ TableView Ḽ࡭ Cell Class/XIB • dequeue త࣌ީՄҎࣗಈ Init Cellɼෆ༻ࣗݾ InitɼᩋେՈ ෆ༻࠶൑Ꮧधෆधཁ Init Cell

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2013 iOS 7 Released

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estimatedRowHeight • ೺ Cell େখతܭࢉኺ Init త࣌ީԆ؇౸ Cell ग़ݱత࣌ީ • ᩋ TableView Ұ։࢝త Loading ଎౓Ꮣշɻ

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2014 iOS 8 Released

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Self Sizing Cell • ಁա Auto Layout, Cell ՄҎࣗݾܾఆጯ֘௕ଟߴɻ

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2015 iOS 9 Released

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Collection 㚎ݐࢧԉ䇪፮

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WatchOS Complication

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2016 iOS 10 Released

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༬ઌᩇऔCell ࢿྉ • UITableViewDataSourcePrefetching • ܥ౷။㢨༗Մೳ။ඃᰖࣔత Cell ݺڣ
 func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, prefetchRowsAt indexPaths: [IndexPath]) • ՄҎᩋCellత㚎༰ൺֱૣᰖࣔɻ

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UICollectionViewTableCell • ༗ਓᚙݱྃṜݸਆൿత private APIɻ • ՄҎᩋCollectionView ࣗ༝తࡏ Collection ໛ࣜ࿨ Table ໛ ࣜ೭ؒ੾׵ɻ • ೭ޙ㘸ෆఆबᔒ༗ TableView ྃ

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2017 iOS 11 Released

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Drag & Drop

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Drag & Drop • ࿨Ҏલత moveRowAt ෆಉత஍ํࡏԙՄҎލ App 䇪፮ɼ ࣕ׌ՄҎҰ࣍䇪፮ଟݸ෺݅ • ࠶໵ෆधཁመ࡞ moveRowAt ɼ୞ཁመ࡞ Drag & Drop ब ޷

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Swipe action

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2018 iOS 12 Released

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More Watch Complication

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2018-2022 Running iOS on Mac

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Marzipan • ࡏMac ্䋯 iOS ఔࣜɻ • ༗ᔒ༗᧷ಘࣅિ૬ࣝʁ • ब૾ᙛ೥ OS 9 ᫚ OS X ҰᒬɼᩋେՈ༻࠷շత଎౓Ҡ২ App

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2022-2025 AppleKit ?

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AppleKit? • ࡏ༻ Marzipan ᩋେՈᱪᱛա Code once, Debug everywhereޙɼ။ਪग़Ұݸਅʂᔟ༻ SDKɼ • େ֓။ڣ၏ AppleKitɻ୞ཁੋ Apple 㗞඼౎ೳ䋯ɻ

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Cell is dead, 
 Long live Cell • Cell ኺҰ։࢝తᙘᅷ֨ࢠᎷల౸֤छෆಉత஍ํɼ૾ੋ Apple watch ্త Complication • ՄҎ؃౸Cell ຫຫత෼䈚੒ၷछෆಉ༻్ɼՄҎᘐཱӡ࡞ తখݩ݅ɼ҃ੋඃ᧋ࡏ༰ث㚎తݩ݅ɻ

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̦&A • John Lin • @johnlinvc on Twitter • Join Us at Swift Taipei