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MapCamp 2020 Principles Matter, you can't organize your way to a future. @FarrahC32

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Introduction Hi, My name is Farrah and I am EXTREMELY new to this. @FarrahC32

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It all began • Simon caught my attention in talking about Serverless. • Met Simon at Serverlessconf in 2018 • Questions led to more questions led to wanting to learn more @FarrahC32

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Fun Fact @FarrahC32 "THEN DO IT" Cat Swetel DevopsDays meets Serverless Days meets MapCamp. Atlanta 2019

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Another Fun Fact I am both a Cat Swetel and Ben Mosier Fan @FarrahC32

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Questions after Chapter 1 Topographical Intelligence - Made to Exploit the Landscape @FarrahC32

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More Questions The Strategy Cycle & The Game @FarrahC32

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User Needs People buy From People @FarrahC32

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Strategy Cycle & Climatic Patterns @FarrahC32 Competition Forces Change

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Movement within a system A business is not static - it's living and made up of People, Activities, and Capital. @FarrahC32

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Design For Constant Evolution Iterative Cycles @FarrahC32

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Is this the game I want to play? @FarrahC32

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So many questions • Rapid cycle of change wearing out Pioneers? • Settlers tired of Town Planners capitalizing off their work? • Do Town Planners always leverage others work? Any chance they want to partner and accelerate growth together? @FarrahC32

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Innovate, Leverage, Accelerate @FarrahC32 Again & Again & Again

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Topographical Intelligence Making sure I am doing the right thing @FarrahC32

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Compass better than a map Maps change, compass bearings are constant. @FarrahC32

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Principles are like a compass. A compass has a true north that is objective and external, that reflects natural laws or principles, as opposed to values which are subjective and internal. @FarrahC32

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Values Values are beliefs, attitudes and opinions that people hold regarding specific issues. They are standards of behaviour about what is important in life. Values are internal and subjective, and may change over time. Principles Principles are fundamental truths that are permanent, unchanging, and universal in nature. Include: integrity, dignity, honesty, quality, service, fairness, kindness and patience. No matter how the map is changing - natural laws, principles, operate regardless. @FarrahC32

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How we react to these principles impacts every aspect of our lives. For example, the principle of trust impacts us on four levels: Personal – Trustworthiness Interpersonal – Trust Managerial – Empowerment Organizational – Alignment @FarrahC32

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If you have a compass with you, and you know where you’re going — and the rough direction in which that is —  you’ll be able to withstand far more types of weather than if you just had a map. @FarrahC32

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a good name is better than great riches @FarrahC32

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THANK YOU! @FarrahC32 @FarrahC32