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Introduction to Rust own your garbage, so others don't have to collect it for you Colóquios Ciência da Computação 14/07/2021

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Alan R. Fachini alfakini alanfachini

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Pq eu fui aprender Rust?

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Por que você deveria aprender Rust? ● Não existe um grande mercado 😭 ● Comunidade legal ● Muito material disponível ● Oportunidade de trabalhar com memory management, borrow checker, lifetimes, tipos expressivos ● Aprender boas práticas de desenvolvimento com mensagens de erro ● Not Haskell, but functional Programming and types ● Not List, but Macros

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Rust A system programming language focused on three goal: safety, speed, and concurrency.

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Why Rust? ● Desempenho like C/C++ ● System Programming Language ● Guaranteed memory safe, no memory leak ● Threads without data races ● No runtime, no Garbage Collection ● No undefined behaviour ● Zero-cost abstractions ● Ergonômica, developer happyness ● Expressive data structures ● Pattern matching ● Type inference

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Are we * yet?

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Are we * yet? ● Firefox (Servo) ● Linux ● Railcae (container engine Oracle) ● Embedded devices: ARM, Intel, Microsoft Azure IoT Edge ● Web: OpenDNS, Discord, Facebook ... ● Tor ● WebAssembly wasm web standard ● Command-line apps ● Network services

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Comparada ao C, Rust é ● Menos verbosa ● Não é baseada em gambiarra ● Fácil de escrever testes automatizados ● Fácil de gerir dependências ● Fácil de gerir projetos ● De modo geral, Integração Contínua é muito mais fácil

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Tools ● rustup: the rust toolchain installer ● rustc: the rust compiler ● cargo: the package and project manager ● rustdoc: the documentation builder

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curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

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$ cargo new hello_cargo $ cd hello_cargo

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fn main() { println!("Hello, world!"); }

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$ cargo build Compiling hello_cargo v0.1.0 (file:///projects/hello_cargo) Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 2.85 secs

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$ cargo run Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.0 secs Running `target/debug/hello_cargo` Hello, world!

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Release flow ● RFCs: ● Nightly: include unstable features ● Beta: upcoming stable releases ● Stable: new features with docs every 6 weeks

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Ecossistema ● registry for libs and applications ● documentation for published libs ● ● ●

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Ferries, the crab crustacean

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Everything is about control and safety

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Mais controle, mais segurança CONTROLE SEGURANÇA operate at low level with high-level constructs

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The language

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The Character Type (UTF)

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The Tuple Type

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The Array Type

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Statements and Expressions ● Rust is an expression-based language, this is an important distinction to understand ● Statements are instructions that perform some action and do not return a value ○ Creating a variable and assigning a value to it with the let keyword ○ Function definitions ○ C and Ruby assignment returns the value of the assignment ● Expressions evaluate to a resulting value ○ the 6 in the statement let y = 6 ○ Calling a function ○ Calling a macro ○ The block that we use to create new scopes, {} ● Function bodies are made up of a series of statements optionally ending in an expression

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Control Flow

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Control Flow

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Ownership is Rust’s most unique feature, and it enables Rust to make memory safety guarantees without needing a garbage collector

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Ownership ● Heap: Memory set aside for dynamic allocation ● Stack: Memory set aside for a thread ● Ownership rules: ○ Each value in Rust has a variable that's called its owner ○ There can only be one owner at a time ○ When the owner goes out of scope, the value will be dropped

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References and Borrowing Como não tem ownership, mas é uma referência, não dropa ela aqui

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References and Borrowing Como tá fazendo borrowing, não pode modificar

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Mutable References Pode mudar se indicarmos que a referência é mutável. Mas só podemos ter uma referência mutável!

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Dangling References

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Method Syntax

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Pattern Matching

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Pattern Matching

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Matching with Option

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Hash Map

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Error Handling

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Unrecoverable Errors with panic!

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Recoverable Errors with Result

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Shortcuts for Panic on Error: unwrap and expect

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Generic Data Types

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Traits: Defining Shared Behavior

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Functional Stuff

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Closures and Iterators

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Ficou de fora ● Slices ● Associated Functions ● Enums ● Modules ● Errors with unwrap and expect and ? ● Lifetime (não entendi ainda) ● Smart Pointers ● Object Oriented Programming Features ● Concorrência

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Onde aprender?

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Onde aprender? ● ● ●