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Communicating Design in a MULTISCREEN World Dennis Kardys, Design Director, WSOL | @dkardys #wvpdx

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“We want a responsive design!”

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“We want a responsive design!” ...So that our site will work on my [boss’s] iPhone...

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It’s a good time to be a designer...

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But WILL the People know to click it?

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...a good time to be in the deliverables business?

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Makers wanna make... not document

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How much of the design process is expendable?

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“The purpose of a design artifact, whether a wireframe, prototype or sketch, is to illustrate our thinking.” —Robert Hoekman

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designing for lots of screens... IT’S COMPLICATED, YO!

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A single user task, represented by a series of actions across time

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A single user task, represented by a series of actions across time

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65% 60% 4% source: Think With Google, “The New Multi Screen World” - multiscreen behavior ~ search ~

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A single user task, represented by a series of actions across screens and time

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A single user task, represented by a series of actions across screens and time

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new challenges demand a Flexible Workflow & Adaptive Process

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Facilitation Setting expectations

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CC licence: flickr Mitchell Joyce Alleviate concerns...

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CC licence: flickr Mitchell Joyce Foster healthy mindsets.

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Designing in the open...

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Provides a line of sight

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Provides a line of sight

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Setting Guidelines • Design Studio Methods • Design Mini Brief • Structured Rules for Critique

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Totally arbitrary re-prioritization of objectives incoming!

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The purpose of a design artifact can also be to transform our thinking

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Participatory Sketching Getting stubborn ideas out of people’s heads and onto paper.

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Don’t Pause for Perfection (iterate for improvement)

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Experiential Prototyping

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Comics & Storyboards Great for getting to people focus on goals and scenarios instead of features and screens.

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Experience Maps Outlining the various points where users interact with a product or service, across channels. Can weave together personas, scenarios, and tasks.

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Role Playing / Bodystorming Performing the experience

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Slide 40 text A Shorthand for UI Flows Build a sense of place across screens by building consistency in what the user can see and do.

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Stories help you find gaps in the experience.

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1. Consistent 2. Convenient 3. Connected 4. Contextual

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Tactical Prototyping

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Systems can be deconstructed. Systems have rules.

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Design Systems Breed • Structured Content • Modular Markup & CSS • More consistent UI

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Friction in the process between design and dev teams are often the result of poorly defined design systems.

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Style Exploration (UI lead) Content / Layout/IxD Exploration (interaction/IA lead/front end) High Fidelity (all hands on deck) Explore in tandem Discuss In Isolation Discuss In Isolation Evaluate in Context

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Visual Inventory Component Audit Element Collage Style Guide Explore in tandem Content Inventory Page Tables Content Reference Low-fi Prototypes Component Library High Fidelity Prototype Refine in context

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KJ Method An efficient way to exhaust content ideas or goals and arrive at consensus when dealing with large or divided groups.

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Paper Prototypes Quickly validate and adjust ideas while considering considering context and ergonomics

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Page Tables / Content Outlines Worksheets for evaluating, prioritizing and structuring content. Can map to how content will be structured within a content management system.

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Component Audit What components are existing? What components are needed? What components are redundant?

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Content Reference Wireframes Plotting template structure and content zones.

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Content Reference Wireframes Plotting template structure and content zones. BETTER IN THE BROW SER!

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Low Fidelity HTML Prototypes

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Annotations for HTML Wireframes Elliance Metaframe:

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evaluating decisions in their actual medium

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Visual Inventory - concept Inspirational screenshots to help gauge art direction

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Visual Inventory - concept Inspirational screenshots to help gauge art direction

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Visual Inventory - color

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Visual Inventory - color

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Visual Inventory - type

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Visual Inventory - type

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Element Collage Vignettes that explore style in context of key components

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Element Collage Vignettes that explore style in context of key components

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Style Prototype / Guide Basic elements with applied visual style

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Component Guide Components + design system rules

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Component Guide Components + design system rules

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High Fidelity Prototype

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High Fidelity Prototype

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Learn only what you need to learn to move on...

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Facilitation Pacing & Preparation

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Crossing the Chasm

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Pace The Conversation Focus on one thing at a time

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Build Momentum distinguish between learning & reviewing.

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Project paralysis...

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Prime Time continually priming and reinforcing expectations _____________ the right conversation the right time

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PREPARING for what’s to come

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How much documentation?

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Lifespan (disposable or living) Proximity (immediate, long term) Purpose (learning or specify)

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Create Props NOT Paperwork

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UX is a result... not a document.

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THANKS! Dennis Kardys design director | book: @dkardys