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No Excuses Ten Things You Can Do Right Now To Improve Accessibility

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“We don't have time to add that.”

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“We don’t have anyone like that in our company.”

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“We're going to have to charge extra for that development.”

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“Accessibility is solved at the design stage.”

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“If disabled people were truly heard, an explosion of knowledge of the human body and psyche would take place.”

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“How many opportunities do we have to dramatically improve people’s lives just by doing our job a little better?”

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Caring Kindness Empathy Compassion

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1) Build this into your design practice.

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2) Define your standards.

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3) Be inclusive.

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4) Get help.

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5) Prototype and test early.

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6) Improve your content.

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7) Look outside our industry.

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8) Push the vendors.

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9) Be an advocate.

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10) Open communication channels.

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Accessibility is an outcome of good design. Be better designers.

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