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BeginneR Session - Data Analysis - #78 Tokyo.R 2019.05.25 @kilometer00

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Who ⺲⯥ └兎 @kilometer 绷哅 َتغؠ (׆ֹֿׂעׂ׊) 㵠ꝛ 车Ⳃ烕磬熭㰢(ꧧꝎ걉) 聴ْؕ٭ة٤ء ⵳殴بتطّ䄄㰢 R塷 ~ 10䇗׃׼ַ 孱车: 㸓꫅

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BeginneR Session

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2018.04.21 Tokyo.R #69 BeginneR Session – Data import / Export 2018.06.09 Tokyo.R #70 BeginneR Session – Bayesian Modeling 2018.07.15 Tokyo.R #71 Landscape with R – the Japanese R community 2018.10.20 Tokyo.R #73 BeginneR Session – Visualization & Plot 2019.01.19 Tokyo.R #75 BeginneR Session – Data pipeline 2019.03.02 Tokyo.R #76 BeginneR Session – Data pipeline 2019.04.13 Tokyo.R #77 BeginneR Session – Data analysis

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If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants. -- Sir Isaac Newton, 1676

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Before After BeginneR Session

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Data pipeline

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Input Output Data Pipeline

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Input Output packages Data Pipeline

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Output Input Input Data Pipeline

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Output Input Input Data Pipeline

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Output Input Input Data Pipeline

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Data Pipeline

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Data Pipeline

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Data Pipeline readable coding

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Programing Write Run Read Think

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Programing Write Run Read Think

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Programing Write Run Read Think coding style

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The tidyverse style guide "Good coding style is like correct punctuation: you can manage without it, butitsuremakesthingseasiertoread." Google's R Style Guide "The goal of the R Programming Style Guide is to make our R code easier to read, share, and verify." R coding style guides

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The tidyverse style guide "Good coding style is like correct punctuation: you can manage without it, butitsuremakesthingseasiertoread." Google's R Style Guide "The goal of the R Programming Style Guide is to make our R code easier to read, share, and verify." R coding style guides

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Programing Write Run Read Think Write Run Read Think Share

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Text Figure Information Intention Data decode encode feedback Programing

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vector in Excel

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vector in R in Excel )* )( , )* )* )( ,

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1JQFBMHFCSB 0 0 0 0 {magrittr} րdplyr⫋⪌ꝛ㓹儖稴ցyutanihilation

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{magrittr} ր僃鲣قؕو׊־䣒זיםַך׌ց րقؕوյֵ׿עַַ׻םזי ☽ס銧鏤ס☔׵氵؆ם䓙זיױ׌׻ց ր1䇗׃׼ַ־ׄי׹זׂ׽׆זה قؕوמبنع׊ױ׊גנց ք╈夻 䚁榫縖גהס㚜օ րRؤِٖؼطؔ㍋亠㸓鎇ց 1JQF

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Ζ Η Θ Ι % , , )(-* )-, Bring milk from the kitchen!

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Ζ % , Bring milk from the kitchen! % , ( (, % , % ( (, , Η , ( (, * % ( (,

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Bring milk from the kitchen! ( (, % , ( (, % , % ( (, , ( (, fridge, milk ( (, )(-* ( (, % % * -%, )-, ( (, % , % * -%, ( (, % , % , % , fridge, milk )(-* % % )-, % , % by using pipe, # Ζ # Η # Θ # Ι # Ζ # Η # Θ # Ι

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{magrittr} # ׆ֹ傴׀ױ׌־ 536&*/ , , . * . * , , . * , , . * , . * , . * , , . * , , . * 536&065 5IJOLJOH 3FBEJOH 1JQFBMHFCSB

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{magrittr} # pipe聴ךע׆ֹ傴׀ױ׌ն , , . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * */ 065 1JQFBMHFCSB

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Programing Write Run Read Think Write Run Read Think Communicate Share

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It (dplyr) provides simple “verbs” to help you translate your thoughts into code. functions that correspond to the most common data manipulation tasks Introduction to dplyr WFSCT {dplyr}

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dplyrעյֵםגס縒ֻ؅ؤ٭غמ緾錌 ׌׾ג״סքⳂ鍡օ؅䬠❠׌׾ն ظ٭ذ䳩⛼מֽׄ׾㓹儖ס؞؅յ ب٤وٜמ㲔车ך׀׾꞊丗 (紮) Introduction to dplyr WFSCT {dplyr} ־ם׽䙫錌

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WFSCT {dplyr} -, , ؜ّٚס鴑ⱶ -, , , -'

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WFSCT {dplyr} -, , ؜ّٚס鴑ⱶ , -, , -'

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WFSCT {dplyr} % , ؜ّٚס鹟䥃 , % , ,

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WFSCT {dplyr} %, * 车ס礓׽鱮ײ , %, * , '

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-, , % , %, * ** ' - * # ؜ّٚס鴑ⱶ # ؜ّٚס鹟䥃 # 车ס礓׽鱮ײ # 车ס┾צ僀ֻ # ⡁ס꥗硜 {dplyr} WFSCT WFSCؔ਺܈

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%(' , , * , 0 . % , , )* %(' , 0 . % Wide layout Long layout , * )* Data layout

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-, , % , %, * ** ' - * # ؜ّٚס鴑ⱶ # ؜ّٚס鹟䥃 # 车ס礓׽鱮ײ # 车ס┾צ僀ֻ # ⡁ס꥗硜 {dplyr} WFSCT WFSCؔ਺܈

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(SBNNBSPGEBUBNBOJQVMBUJPO By constraining your options, it helps you think about your data manipulation challenges. Introduction to dplyr

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鹟䥃罈؅׌׾׆כךյ ظ٭ذ鉮冪סتطشو؅ ب٤وٜמ縒ֻ׼׿ױ׌ٙն ״זה׶䙫錌 Introduction to dplyr ױ׈מ䙫錌 (SBNNBSPGEBUBNBOJQVMBUJPO

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׻׽㛡ׂס⯆硜؅鐐׌◄ךյ 놹ס餉凢־׼յ׻׽舅榺מם׾ն И ́ горь Ф Страви́нский Ⱏכ䙫錌

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If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants. -- Sir Isaac Newton, 1676

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Text Figure Information Intention Data decode encode feedback Programing

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Programing Write Run Read Think Write Run Read Think Share

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No content

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1JQFBMHFCSB 0 0 0 0 {magrittr} րdplyr⫋⪌ꝛ㓹儖稴ցyutanihilation

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-, , % , %, * ** ' - * # ؜ّٚס鴑ⱶ # ؜ّٚס鹟䥃 # 车ס礓׽鱮ײ # 车ס┾צ僀ֻ # ⡁ס꥗硜 {dplyr} WFSCT WFSCؔ਺܈

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׻׽㛡ׂס⯆硜؅鐐׌◄ךյ 놹ס餉凢־׼յ׻׽舅榺מם׾ն И ́ горь Ф Страви́нский Ⱏכ䙫錌

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Before After BeginneR Session

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No content

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