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Personal Qualification | Staying on top of the game How to be a (Startup)-CTO

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That’s me/ my journey so far ● Computer science studies ● Business administration & entrepreneurship studies ● data experts - Software Engineer ● ImmobilienScout24 - Software Engineer, Team Lead, Head ● Deutsche Post, E-POST - Director Engineering, VP Product, CTO ● Mister Spex - CTO ● Smava - CTO ● Startup I, II ● German Startups Association - Spokesman "CTO Network" ● Technology Advisor and Business Angel Education Career Side topics

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My responsibilities as being a CTO ● Technology strategy & decisions ● Engineering process ● Roadmap planning ● Organisation setup, values & principles ● Hiring ● People development ● Tech projects (e.g. Cloud migration) ● Post merger integration ● Due diligence ● … Short: Tech, People, Culture, Process

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CTO !== CTO It’s all about the context and the situation

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But there are patterns … ● It’s usually not about the easy things. ● It’s always a bit different. ● It’s not repetitive work. ● There is more work (to be done) than time (to work on it). ● …

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How to stay on top of the game in such an environment?

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First things first ● Staying on top of the game requires time and dedication. ● It's all about discipline and motivation. (Procastination is your enemy.)

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Improve your working style ● Prepare ○ SCR (Situation, Complication, Resolution) ○ Amazon meeting style ● Prioritize ○ Eisenhower matrix ● Work ○ Focus time ○ Pomodoro ● Decide ○ Delegation Poker

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Situation, Complication, Resolution Used for analytical storytelling but can be also used to break down complex facts Situation: The important, fact-based state of current affairs that everyone in the room agrees with Complication: The reason(s) the situation requires action Resolution: The specific action you're recommending to solve the problem

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Focus time, Eisenhower matrix

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Delegation Poker

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Know trends but don’t follow (all of) them Hint: Also give room so your team knows them (hackathon, research days, …)

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Build your network ● … for exchange and advise ○ Communities, role models, mentors, coaches ● … for relevant content sources

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Reflect continuously ● Ask yourself … ○ Do I focus on the right things? ○ What's next? ○ What's will be important in the future? ○ What are my weak spots? ● Most important: ○ Be honest to yourself ○ Prioritize Hints: ● Coaches can help ● Track your satisfaction

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Advanced: How to navigate through situations and take the right decisions

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Understand the physics ... Mental models help “A mental model is an explanation of someone's thought process about how something works in the real world. It is a representation of the surrounding world, the relationships between its various parts and a person's intuitive perception about their own acts and their consequences. Mental models can help shape behaviour and set an approach to solving problems (similar to a personal algorithm) and doing tasks.” - Wikipedia In short: Mental models help to assess how things work and therefore help to make better decisions.

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Process of learning Situation Information / Feedback Decision Situation Information / Feedback Decision Mental model Feedback based learning Single-/ double-based learning

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Mental models - State of business 015/03/on-pioneers-settlers-t own-planners-and.html

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Mental models - Culture building do-things-around-here-in-ord er-to-succeed/ The Reengineering Alternative (Amazon)

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Mental models - … ● Strategic, tactical, operational ● First Principles Thinking ● Second-Order Thinking ● Inversion ● Map vs Territory ● Feynman’s Technique ● … Additional sources:

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Finally … How to?

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How to … ● Find your own way to grow .. get inspired by others but don't copy them ● Let go of perfection ● Keep in mind: It’s a marathon (continuous learning) not a sprint. ● Apply PDCA ● Hint: Combine learning which something you enjoy

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Thanks for listening!

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Some book recommendations

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And …